News and Announcements
This forum is for announcements about the forum and the network, managed by the Senior Staff. You may read and reply to topics in this form, but you cannot start new topics. |
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Last post by SeniorStaff New Rules regarding Temp... January 14, 2017, 07:25:41 PM |
Questions for the Senior Staff
If you would like to ask the Senior Staff a question, you may post here. The only people who are able to reply to you are the network administrators, so you can be guaranteed an honest and objective response. This is useful if you would like to raise a controversial issue and would like a straight-forward response without a heated discussion arising! If you would prefer to post anonymously, please see the Posting Guidelines thread for further information. All anonymous posts in this forum are moderated, which means that they will not appear until we have validated them. |
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Last post by Jackie Re: E-mail change July 01, 2017, 02:33:50 PM |
General Questions and Discussion
If you have a fairly general, non-category-specific question relating to The Fanlistings Network, please post here. You can also use this forum to discuss existing rules or policies, make suggestions about the network/board and discuss things amongst yourselves. Please note that if your comments/suggestion is related to a specific existing category, you should post in that category's individual forum. Only post in this forum if you're willing to DISCUSS things with other board members! If you want a direct and straight-forward answer from a Senior Staffer, post in the Questions for the Senior Staff forum! Topics that have previously been discussed thoroughly or that require no additional discussion CAN AND WILL be closed by the Senior Staff. |
537 43 |
Last post by Ainna Re: How to get members/a... August 07, 2024, 05:56:59 AM |
Category Questions and Discussion
All discussion relating to a specific category (for example the Series category) or questions for individual members of staff should be posted here. Click on the link above to get to the category-specific forums. There is one forum for each category, moderated by the category's current staffers. |
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Last post by Buruma Re: Characters 0-M - Cat... November 24, 2024, 12:56:09 PM |
Technical Support
If you need help accessing the network, the board, the mailing list or any of our other features, please post here. This forum is for problems directly related to The Anime Fanlistings Network only, not for personal technical queries! |
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Last post by Rain Re: Not getting emails f... October 15, 2016, 10:19:47 AM |
Shameless Self-Promotion
This forum contains several sub-forums in which you can promote your own fanlistings/collectives and request affiliates. Please note that this forum is just for the promotion of TAFL-approved fanlistings and your fanlisting collectives, not hatelistings, non-anime/manga fanlistings or any other kind of site. Please refer to the board guidelines for specific information about posting adult related fanlistings. |
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Last post by Ainna Re: August 07, 2024, 06:00:58 AM |
Downtime and Host Trouble
If your fanlistings are moving servers or are going to be down for a significant period of time, please take the time to post here explaining the situation - it might save you a troubles email! We do, however, advise you to contact us directly as well. |
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Last post by rika24 Re: Enth issues, need he... April 22, 2023, 08:19:33 AM |
Hosting for Fanlistings
Looking for someone to host your new/existing fanlistings? Or perhaps you have some space to spare and would like to host a fanlisting or two? Maybe you need advice on free/paid hosting services or want to tell people about an awesome deal? Post here! |
18 7 |
Last post by Shi,, e... July 24, 2016, 11:40:19 AM |
Fanlisting Layouts and Graphics
Do you have a layout in mind but you're not sure if it'll work? Maybe you want to ask other people's opinions on a particular graphic or stylesheet? Post here to get feedback and constructive ideas! |
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Cross-Browser Compatibility
It is important that everyone is able to view our fanlistings, so please use this forum to discuss your layout's compatibility with other operating systems, browsers, and screen resolutions. You may also use this forum to discuss web standards, coding tips, validation, etc. |
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Direct Linkers and Copycats
The majority of us hate it when we discover one of our fanlisting's codes have been direct-linked or someone has copied one of our layouts, so in order to put a stop to it, you are free to post links to the bandwidth/layout-stealing culprits in this forum! |
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Adoption Center
If you own a fanlisting you can no longer take care of and are looking for a new owner, make a post here (preferably with the subject of your fanlisting as the title of the post) and you may find someone who's interested! |
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Last post by Nathalie Inu Yasha - Angelus (ope... July 17, 2021, 04:25:20 AM |
Fanlistings Chit-Chat
If you want to chat about something fanlistings-related that doesn't really fit into any of the other forums, please do so here! This could include asking questions about other people's fanlistings or chatting about some aspect of the network which doesn't require serious discussion. If you're looking for pictures, fonts, etc. and you need to ask for help, please use the WANTED! forum. |
583 28 |
Last post by Buruma Re: Milestone Thread April 01, 2024, 11:12:26 AM |
Upcoming Events and Conventions
This is a forum where members may post notices of upcoming anime/manga-related events and cons in your area. Please be sure to put contact information so interested parties can learn more about the event! Once an event date has passed, the topic will be deleted, to make room for new events. |
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Last post by SeniorStaff Please read before posti... December 02, 2004, 04:57:13 PM |
Goods for Auction/Trade/Sale
Please use this forum to promote anime/manga goods you are selling, either via auction or private sale. Please note: The Anime Fanlistings Network is not responsible for loss of money or items, or any complications resulting from any transaction advertised in this forum. This forum is for advertising purposes only, and all transactions are taken at your own risk. Caveat emptor! |
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Last post by Danielle Please read before posti... May 16, 2006, 12:42:58 PM |
You should post in this forum if you're looking for something specific and need help! This includes asking for help with naming your sites or searching for graphics, screencaps, fonts, lyrics, music, scripts, websites and quotes. If you are looking for affiliates, please use the Affiliate Requests forum instead. |
57 10 |
Last post by rika24 Help naming the Charmand... October 05, 2013, 05:16:41 AM |
Off-Topic Chit-Chat
This forum is for purely off-topic chit-chat, e.g. ramblings about your pets, your favourite music and what you ate for breakfast. Anything fanlistings-related should be posted in the Fanlistings Chit-Chat forum, and the WANTED! forum should be used if you're trying to find a certain something. |
1,650 34 |
Last post by Ainna Re: flavours: the 2024 l... November 21, 2024, 09:27:43 AM |
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- Latest Post: "Re: Characters 0-M - Cat..." ( November 24, 2024, 12:56:09 PM )