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Messages - Danielle

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News and Announcements / Posting Download Links
« on: January 01, 2006, 03:05:15 PM »
The Senior Staff have discussed the matter and decided that along with these links, the MP3 Request topic in Off-Topic Chit-Chat will also be closed, and the same restrictions imposed.

News and Announcements / Posting Download Links
« on: December 31, 2005, 03:31:56 PM »
This has been posted in the WANTED! forum, but as people are still doing it, I'm making a more general announcement and have added this to our Board Guidelines:

Posts or topics giving download links to licensed OR unlicensed anime/manga "raws", torrents, etc (as described in this post, as well as download links to MP3s or music files, will be deleted and the posters immediately warned or suspended. Offering downloads, directly or indirectly, puts this network in a bad position legally, and therefore anyone violating this rule will be immediately punished. If you must pass around links, don't do it on this board.

If a link is posted, this website will be listed as the referrer for anyone following that link, which instantly implicates our network as passing around potentially illegal download links. Please understand, while our staff may not care if you download or not, and in fact I personally am not going to judge anyone that does download raws, MP3s, whathaveyou, we still cannot have these links present on this message board. I just warned a regular member of this board, and I will not hesitate to warn or suspend any member, no matter how long-standing, for posting download links, as this really is the sort of thing that can get us sued.

If any member feels they cannot control themselves in this fashion, or finds this otherwise blatantly unfair, feel free to email me personally, danielle {at} animefanlistings [dot] org, and we'll discuss it. Otherwise, just to restate:

Do not post download links to anime or manga raws, fansubs, scanlations, MP3, etc on this board. Period.

Questions for the Senior Staff / about TC volunteers form
« on: December 26, 2005, 10:45:34 PM »
No, they're not required, but most staffers use AIM or MSN, hence our asking for that information. If nothing else, as long as you visit the boards regularly (should you be hired on), they'll be able to get in touch with you. >.<

« on: December 14, 2005, 07:42:55 PM »
Email problem has been fixed. I will purge all validating members so that people can sign up again, actually receive their email and still get the name they wanted in the first place. Sorry for the headaches!

« on: December 14, 2005, 11:49:48 AM »

News and Announcements / Search/View New Posts BACK
« on: December 11, 2005, 07:28:57 PM »
Search/view new posts turned back on, the downtime from this weekend negated any useful data we might have obtained. :hug:

News and Announcements / Search/View New Posts BACK
« on: December 09, 2005, 02:01:04 PM »
In an effort to try to find causes for our enormous CPU overage coming from the board, I have turned off the search feature temporarily, which also disables the "View New Posts" feature. This should only last a day, long enough for us to see how it affects our statistics, and then I'll put it back. :hyper:

Sorry for the inconvenience.

WANTED! / Asking for non-licensed downloads
« on: December 08, 2005, 06:39:20 PM »
As has been stated in the past:

Please do not ask for or link to "raws", torrents or other anime (or NON-anime) downloads. This puts TAFL in a bad position legally. Please don't do it!

I've just hidden two topics asking for things falling into this category - if you must seek these out, please do so NOT on this board. Period. If anyone feels this is unfair, or that previous topics have gone without being moderated, please email me or contact me through the board. I don't pretend to be omnipresent, but when I do see them, I do close them/hide them/whatever.

If TAFL were to get sued and have to go away, wouldn't you feel bad if it were all over a download request on our message board? :hyper:

News and Announcements / Board Upgrade, Skin and Posts Lost
« on: December 05, 2005, 11:23:24 PM »
We are finally upgrading this board to a current version of IPB, and the board will be down for a while as the skin is adjusted accordingly.

Unfortunately, due to a glitch in our early updating attempts, several hours of posts were lost from earlier today, 10 am - 5 pm (when the board was shut down.) We have restored data from a backup made this morning, but if you notice a few posts missing, that's why. -_- Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Edit, December 6: Also unfortunately, IPB has changed enough in the umpteen versions between the old board and the new board, that I will pretty much have to reskin the entire thing from scratch. Sadly, I will not have time for this until the weekend, so please bear with the blue, I will fix it as soon as I possibly can.  :hyper:

I'm sure you'd all rather have your board back, blue or not, so here you go.

« on: December 02, 2005, 07:30:47 PM »
Great news! We have heard back from the blackhole list and our IP should be removed by tomorrow. Barring no further complications, we are still dealing with an overage issue, but I feel fairly comfortable saying that we should have functional forms tomorrow, at which point the site can go back to doing what it does. Happy news!

« on: December 02, 2005, 04:36:52 PM »
This is a Public Service Announcement, tied into our larger network issues as detailed here:

If you have signed up at the TAFL Message Board between November 28, 2005 and December 12, 2005 (around noonish), you probably DID NOT receive your validation email. Reasons for this are explained in the topic above.

The email problem is now fixed so please sign up again for new membership at this board, as validating members are auto-pruned after a few days.

We apologize for this inconvenience.

« on: December 02, 2005, 04:31:58 PM »
Update: We have narrowed down the blacklist issue to one, which we are currently trying to be removed from. AOL has just whitelisted us, so if any AOL users were not getting through, they should be at this time.

« on: November 30, 2005, 01:08:27 PM »
In an effort to suppress the hundreds of bounced emails I'm getting -- I did mention it last post, didn't I?? -- I have nuked all notifications, and will continue to flush any new ones until this email problem is resolved.

I realize it may be a pain in the neck to get them set up again the way you like them, but you're not getting them at the moment anyway (or at least, most of you aren't), so I can't be overly sympathetic to complaints at this time.

We have isolated the form that was used by the spammers, but are still working to remove the threat in future, and somehow prove that we are not a Bad Website Full of Spammers to whatever blacklists currently think that of us, so until then, all forms will remain offline.

For those who have asked via Gmail, again let me reiterate, no updates will occur until this problem is fixed. This includes applications, finished, updated/moved, closed AND troubles. I realize the necessity to get finished forms in on time, but please be aware that you will NOT be going on troubles due to this problem, since it is very clearly our problem and not yours. :pirate:

Feel free to keep emailing, but again, nobody's getting on troubles for anything at the moment, as the staffers can't update those either.  :pirate:

« on: November 29, 2005, 08:30:03 PM »
Update: I have created a Gmail address to email any concerns to, since all forms are offline. If you need to urgently contact myself or any member of the staff, or any category, please email animefanlistings {@} gmail [.] com.

« on: November 29, 2005, 06:21:07 PM »
Due to some spammer abuses while I was on vacation these past two weeks, TAFL is now being blacklisted by several email places, including Yahoo and Gmail. If you use these addresses, please keep a close eye on the Updates blog to make sure your fanlistings are okay. We are working to fix the glitch that allowed spammers to abuse one of our forms, but until we do, we have no chance of getting unblacklisted.

This is really horrible and I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I will post updates as I get news on how this can be fixed. In the mean time, most forum topic notifications are bouncing to me, so if people could please unsubscribe, that's like 50-100 less bounces in my box per day. ><;;;

Edit: All forms at TAFL have been disabled temporarily, until we can resolve the blacklisting issue. (Our own email addresses are bouncing forms sent through the site, and that's a bad thing.) I will be posting updates here and on the updates blog, and staffers have been instructed to hold all updates, to ensure that no forms are lost.

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