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Sailor Moon 2013

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According to Anime News Network and probably the entire internet going insane, there is going to be a reboot (this is a recent word that's popped up with remakes of shows/movies/etc) anime of Sailor Moon, which will follow closely with the manga. @MissDream replied on Twitter to @moonkitty:

--- Quote ---@chibikim @moonkittynet Yes. The new anime will more closely follow the manga and is intended for ORIGINAL fans of the series. Not kids.
--- End quote ---

I'm not sure how to take this. For one thing, I guess it's exciting to see something follow closely to the manga as a lot of fans of the manga have wanted. Others have criticized the anime as being goofy and stupid. I thought the anime (both dub and Japanese) had a special charm to it in both ways so I'm a fan of both (I'm not critical when it comes to dubs vs subs etc). Personally, I treasure the anime/cartoon I grew up with and this gives me mixed feelings. I've not read the entire manga myself yet (I've only just finished what was out in America of the re-print and sparingly reading a fan-translation from MissDream) so I'm not sure if I "qualify" as an original fan. Does this statement separate fans? Fans of the anime, fans of just the manga, etc?

- Aramatheydidnt -  Oh Happy  Day: Sailor Moon 2013
- Anime News Network - Sailor Moon manga gets anime in 2013

What are your opinions about it? Are you excited? Are you indifferent? :) It's probably being made as we speak since it's slated for a 2013 release. Do you think summer of 2013 is a bit of a rush to get it out? I'm probably going to watch it anyway because Sailor Moon is a major part of my growing up, but I'll make sure to read the entire manga before it comes out.

Hmmm... hmmm...
I don't know, I do love the anime and the manga as two different takes for the same stories, they're so different that you can't really count them as the same title. I've grown up with the anime so I'm not sure how to take this news... let's see. :shrugs:

The new anime series has not been confirmed to be based on the manga and there have not been any seiyuu confirmed: http://sailormoonlife.tumblr.com/post/26709034676/no

Personally, I would love for the new anime series to be based on the manga. I don't understand why you would feel threatened by a new version of the series, particularly one that follows the manga more closely. The new series doesn't really affect the old series. If you loved the old anime series - many Sailor Moon fans, myself included, do - then what would a new anime series do to that? Do you think that a new series would make you aware of flaws in the old series, of which there are plenty? (I love the anime but it has many, many problems.) You don't have to watch the new series if it really bothers you. But plenty of people like the original Fullmetal Alchemist anime despite the reboot anime series, or they like both the original anime and the Brotherhood series (which follows the manga more closely). A lot of people loved the Berserk anime and manga and are disappointed with the new anime movies; but I don't think their opinion of the manga or original anime series is diminished in any way.

And to be honest, I don't think you're an "original" fan if you only saw the dub, and only within the last year watched the original anime or read the manga. I consider the anime and manga series very different entities, but IMO, the English dub is a censored bastardization of the anime. You can enjoy the English dub, but don't expect everyone to consider you an "original" Sailor Moon fan; you're a Sailor Moon English dub fan, that's all. I do think it's strange that you'd find merit in both the English dub and the original anime and treat them equally, yet you have issues with a new anime series based on the manga. IMO, it sounds like you're self-imposing restrictions on your ability to watch the new series, when no such restrictions actually exist. If the new series is intended to appeal to a certain audience, then what prevents you from watching it? You can enjoy the series without the need for labels, regardless of where you come from or what experience with the Sailor Moon franchise you have.

Just want to watch the new Black Moon arc >.> hope it gets real this time xDDD!!!!

(supposed to be attenting class but hey, a little break in attention span shouldn't hurt, right?)


--- Quote from: Jackie on July 07, 2012, 05:01:11 PM ---Personally, I would love for the new anime series to be based on the manga.
--- End quote ---

Hear, hear — for the record, I too am a fan of the original anime (as derpy as it is, at times. Popped in a disc last night, my tolerance for the monster-of-the-day has atrophied over time, I fear. o_O; ) Beneath the episodic aspects, beneath Usagi's typical flailing, is a good story with good characters. The anime is what got me into the series in the first place!

That said, there's some great aspects to the manga that never really impacted the anime, so if a reboot touches on any of that, I'm all for it! I really hope it does well, and I hope we get the ENTIRE series, through Stars.

Besides, I have yet to have my dreams come true — big fat anime WEDDING SCENE, to mirror the manga ending — so I'm fully on board for seeing what they can do. And with all the advances in technology over the past twenty years, it oughta be BEAUTIFUL to watch. (Can you imagine the henshin sequences??!? My head is spinning.)


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