Other Stuff > WANTED!

Codes Making Service!

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why yes i'm shamelessly stealing this idea from Jessica. don't hate me bb >_>; also i hope this is the correct section to post this thread D:

I always make tons of codes, but I've noticed that for some reason, the ones I  make for others look far better than the ones I make for my own sites OTL So, if anyone wants some codes, reply here!! :3 Here are some notes before you ask for anything:[*]Provide pics of the subject if you wish, but don't worry about it. Can find them on my own, no prob :3
[*]Specify if you want them sent to your email address (and in that case, leave it here), or just uploaded in a zip/rar file to Mediafire. Either way is fine with me xD
[*]The only restriction I have is NO FANART. Unless you have permission from the artist, please keep in mind that I'll use official scans/screencaps/manga scans only. Other than that, I'm perfectly fine with any kind of subjects. :kitty:
[*]Oh, and little small detail lmao Specify which sizes you need! In case you don't, I'll make 50x50s, 75x50s, and 100x50s. :3
[*]I usually save codes as either gif or png, quite at random most of the time >_>; If you want a specific format, please tell me so.
[*]Finally, if you want to specify anything you want for the codes (shape, text, colors, etc), please go ahead! :D
Don't be shy!!! :heart: Here I'll be waiting for your requests!!! :winkiss:

Hi Yamila,

I simply *love* your graphics and codes, so I just have to post here :P. Thanks for offering this sercive :wub:.

I was wondering if you would like to make some codes for the Blue Eyes White Dragon (Yuugiou) fanlisting? It is still in bad need of a revamp including codes, so if you could make some codes for it, I'll love you forever :P.

As for the pics, maybe you can try here? :)
As for the sizes, it would be great if you could make just three or four of each size (50x50, 75x50, 88x31, 100x35 and 100x50) and png is perfect :D. As for the text, you can put either "Blue Eyes White Dragon" or "BEWD" on the codes, and as for shape, color etc. I'd love to be surprised :D.
And maybe you could send me a zip file to rain[@]iceflowers.org? :)

Hope I didn't forget anything! :P

OMG thank you so much >////////////< i just love making codes :D just sent them to you, hope you got them~ :heart: can't wait to see the revamp btw :kitty:

OMG, they are *awesome* \\O/ Thank you so, so much, Mila!!! :wub: :hug:

I'll upload them as soon as I'm done with the new layout, shouldn't be too long as I've already started with it :kitty: .
Thanks again so much <333.

Yamiiiiilllllaa~! I love the codes you have made for me in the past, and I would be thrilled if you could make some more? Honestly for any of my fanlistings would be fine, the list is here. Any size is fine, too!

Thank you so much, you are my hero! :heart: :heart: :heart:

ETA: You can e-mail me at rocker.mystic AT gmail.com


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