Fanlisting Management > Moved and Adopted Fanlistings



Thanks to the lovely Raine I got to adopt one more of her babies (seriously!), I still house under my domain the very first fanlisting she adopted me out so it's always sort of deeply meaningful to adopt a subject one's love from the same person ;P
Anyway, as per usual I lose myself in senseless babbling when I should actually say what it is all about lol;, without further ado...
Toy Soldiers {07-Ghost series fanlisting}
Affiliates and members are very much appreciated ;) Affiliation requests should be for similar genre series and/or 07-Ghost related, thanks!!! :flower:

Yay, congratulations Mitzrael!! You did a very good job with the layout! *__*

I think I'm already a member there, so would you like to affiliate with Mikage and Castor? :kitty:


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