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Messages - Crystal

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News and Announcements / New Layout = Short Downtime
« on: April 25, 2011, 04:42:30 AM »
Love the new layout! <3 I just wanna eat it up. XD

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / Last movie you watched?
« on: March 09, 2011, 10:35:30 PM »
Finally got around to watching Pixar's Up. It was very touching, and I liked it a lot. xD
That is such an awesome movie. I cannot watch it without crying at least 10 times. :sweatdrop:

As for me... X2 I think. And it isn't just because I'm obsessed with Logan... XD

Characters N-Z / Characters N-Z: Did you get my Application?
« on: February 13, 2011, 01:34:44 AM »
Hi Crystal, I have both applications on hand. I believe the first one wasn't processed in Marie's last update as you sent it after the 15th January (cut off date) ^_^
Ahh okay. That explains why I hadn't heard anything. Thanks Kibou! And sorry about sending two apps. ;-;

Characters N-Z / Characters N-Z: Did you get my Application?
« on: February 11, 2011, 01:44:42 AM »
If I sent this twice I apologize but I hadn't seen an update on the last approvals and I was pretty sure I sent my app before then so I'm checking to see if it was received...

    * Name: Crystal
    * Email:
    * Subject of Fanlisting: Pokemon: Pocket Mosters: Pigeot (Pidgeot)
    * Date sent: January 18 (first) February 10 (second)
    * Action: Check

I realized to I filled it in wrong (which may have been why I didn't hear anything in the first place) but I am hoping it was at least received. If I need to redo my app please let me know. >_<

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / Webdesign Survey!
« on: May 17, 2010, 11:06:29 PM »
00. How long have you been designing sites?
Since late 2002. :blink:

01. What was your first website?
Hardly worth mentioning. It was like some random thing with stuff about some games and anime I liked at the time. I scrapped it not even a month later and opened up a Card Captor Sakura fansite about a month later.

02. Wanna show us one of your earliest layouts?
Unfortunately I lost the majority of them to time but this was about as early as I could get. It was crap as I made it using MS Paint. >>;

03. ..and one of your latest layouts!

04. Do you think you have some sort of "style"? If yes, details pls!
Yes, definitely. It is about the only thing that I can come up with that I am remotely pleased with (as much as it drives me nuts). I'll commonly use a white background with (dark) gray text as I find it most visually appealing and easy to read.

05. Any webtrends you really like?
Anything visually appealing really. Easy to read text, easy navigation, etc.

06. Others you dislike?
Light colored text on a light colored background. It is so damn hard to read. X_X Also drives me nuts when I can't find the navigation.

07. Some of the elements you generally like using/seeing in layouts!
Nothing in particular really. :blink: I just kinda like anything and everything as long as it is easy on the eyes.

08. Your favorite color to work with?
Grayscale and blue that I can think of off-hand. They're just so easy to work with.

09. Something you need to improve on?
Everything. Like srsly.

10. When it comes down to it... do you prefer making the layout or coding it?
Making the layout definitely.

11. Name us some of your inspirations when designing!
Visiting other websites often helps. Otherwise it just comes when I'm working on the layout.

12. How long does it usually take you to design a layout?
It varies depending on the style and how pleased I am with it.

13. What browser and screen resolution do you use?
Firefox with 1024x768 but I mainly make it for 800x600 because I don't like my browser on fullscreen. XD

14. Have you ever thought of going into the Webdesign branch job-wise?
I did once but the job was hell and the boss worse. X_X I have still been considering it though but there isn't much in the line for it around here. :/

15. Other graphics you enjoy making? (i.E. icons, wallpapers etc)
When mood permits, icons and wallpapers.

Hot Topics / Latest Rejections
« on: April 27, 2010, 03:34:40 PM »
Vaporeon but Marie's email was so sweet so I'm not at all upset about it. I know she found a good home for it. :birthday:

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / What are you playing?
« on: April 21, 2010, 11:15:41 PM »
SoulSilver. :) Claire is kicking my butt though...

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / What Are You Reading - Manga Version
« on: March 22, 2010, 05:44:43 PM »
Re-reading Furuba. Just finished vol 13.

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / TAFL Survey!
« on: November 07, 2009, 08:00:18 PM »
It would happen eventually...

01. Your name
Crystal (which is my real name btw)

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
13 much to my surprise. Majority of them are crosslisted from TFL though.

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yeppers! :hug:

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I think it was when I randomly stumbled upon the Sakura (from CCS) fanlisting when it was still under the ownership of Stacey Ann at :help: I took an interest in fanlistings and it just took off after that.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Oh goodness. I dunno... There are a lot of people.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Who doesn't blow me away more like it. Everyone is just so amazing at what they do. :help:

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters or Relationships. XD

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters N-Z I think.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Building the layout.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Rejections. But I'm totally over it in a day so yeah. XD

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
I honestly have no idea...

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Do I have to pick one? There is really a lot I like...

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Just browse around the various threads mostly...

14. What is your favorite forum?
I don't really have a favorite. XD

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Must I choose!? D:

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Can't think of anything right now...

17. Did you know...?
I'm not big on rivalries. I tend to think of rivalries as rather an interesting relationship. :heart:; (ie: Kyou & Yuki

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / What are you playing?
« on: November 07, 2009, 07:36:20 PM »
Playing some older ones right now. Jumping around Final Fantasy III, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, The World Ends With You, and trying to get myself to play Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones again so I can refresh my memory on a tribute I plan to make on a character from it.

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / Last movie you watched?
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:41:50 PM »
I honestly can't remember. :wub: I "think" it was Disney's Hercules but I'm not entirely sure. Likely something Disney though.

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / TV TV TV!
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:39:43 PM »
Thanks to my Dad I am very much into Castle now. A show about a witty writer who follows a cop around and writes a book based on her life. Really good series. I'm also very much into watching House but I don't get to watch it much because Dad doesn't let anyone touch the TV. :hug: So I only really get to watch anything when he's there. :wub:

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / What Are You Doing Right Now?
« on: April 21, 2009, 04:55:43 AM »
Being bored as I wait for a rare spawn to respawn on my game. :x

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / Fanlisting Survey!
« on: December 25, 2008, 02:29:16 AM »
Figured I may as well try this out O.o

1. Your favourite fanlisting that you own.
Honestly, I love all of them but I'm kinda hyping over Ike (Fire Emblem) right now. XD

2. The #1 fanlisting you would like to own.
Guh, there are honestly quite a few but some major ones at the moment are Link (Legend of Zelda), Rukia (BLEACH), and Yuki (Fruits Basket)

3. The first fanlisting you joined.
Oh geez, it was so long ago I have no clue. All I remember is it was a Legend of Zelda one.

4. The last fanlisting you joined.
Vampire Knight - Music of :sweatdrop:

5. Your oldest fanlisting.
Lyndis (Fire Emblem)

6. The last fanlisting you completed.
And unapproved fanlisting for World of Wacraft: Wrath of the Lich King. XD Approved though would be Hippogryphs from World of Warcraft. >.>

7. Your biggest fanlisting.
Flareon (Pokemon) hands down.

8. Your smallest fanlisting.
Hippogryphs (World of Warcraft) but that's just because it's new. >.>

9. Layout you are most proud of.
Ummmm, probably a lot of my Fire Emblem ones...

10. Your favourite part of the building process (ie: codes, layout etc).
Designing the layout! :yes: Because for me it's the part that affects how the rest of the layout is going to turn out.

11. Favourite fanlisting title.
Uhhhh, probably Your Smile from my Fai & Sakura (TRC) fanlisting.

12. Fanlisting you really need to re-vamp.
A lot of them need one... maybe Ephraim (Fire Emblem) the most because it has gone the longest without a revamp and still uses 10px sized font.

13. Fanlisting with the most countries represented.
Surprisingly it is Mirror Card (CCS) with 35 countries with Flareon (Pokemon) close with 34. Kinda funny considering Flareon is my biggest fanlisting.

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / First Fanlisting?
« on: November 22, 2008, 07:59:28 PM »
My first TAFL fanlisting was Mirror Card (Card Captor Sakura) which is still online today. :(

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