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Messages - Rika

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Fanlistings Chit-Chat / Fanlisting Survey!
« on: December 23, 2008, 01:33:56 AM »
1. Your favourite fanlisting that you own.
Hmm, thats tricky! I'd have to go with either The Galaxy Angel Series fanlisting orrr Lloyd! :] Both subjects were definitely top wishlisters!

2. The #1 fanlisting you would like to own.
Hmmm... ahh thats between Axel from Kingdom Hearts and Night from Zettai Kareshi! :]

3. The first fanlisting you joined
It had to be a pokemon fanlisting! xD I'm pretty sure it was Squirtle or Sandshrew/Dewgong.

4. The last fanlisting you joined.
Pokemon: Ninetails

5. Your oldest fanlisting.
Milefuelle x Takuto from Galaxy Angel

6. The last fanlisting you completed.
Kingdom Hearts: Marluxia, and I am currently finishing up Night x Riiko! :]

7. Your biggest fanlisting.
Galaxy Angel Series with 239 members

8. Your smallest fanlisting.
Galaxy Angel: Milefuelle Sakuruba with 8 members

9. Layout you are most proud of.
I'd have to sayy I was pretty happy with my Yuusuke Urameshi layout from Yu Yu Hakusho. :] somethings screwed up with it randomly now, so i have to change it soon :sweatdrop:

10. Your favourite part of the building process (ie: codes, layout etc).
50x50 Codes all the way! I love making them for some reason. I'd make them for anyone if they needed some! :]

11. Favourite fanlisting title.
Untouched - it's the title of my upcoming fanlisting to Night x Riiko. :]

12. Fanlisting you really need to re-vamp.
Hmm! A lot! Arietta, Cless, Hiromi(webmaster), Izumi x Mimi, Kagura, Kirara, Lloyd, Marluxia, Rid, Sync, Milefuelle x Takuto, Yamila(webmaster), Yuusuke. xD;

13. Fanlisting with the most countries represented.
Galaxy Angel Series im pretty sure! :]

Hot Topics / Wishlist Fanlistings
« on: April 13, 2008, 06:08:00 PM »
I just redid my Wishlist~ :3

First off, I think the 6 pending rule might be even too much. Yes, a lot of people might be fans of something, but truely is it fair if you have a lot of pending when someone could have only applied for that one thing? And if you got all 6 you applied for then you got way too much to do at one time.

With the whole "no fan on the code" thing. I think people should just get over that fact. The rule was made awhile back and nobody complained until now? I see how that might have been stressful for people to change all of their codes for the rule, but a lot of people on the net might think that you have a fanlisting for a character instead of a series or song or what not.

For the offtopic chit chat, a lot of peoples feelings were getting hurt, and I know mine did too in the end of what are you doing? I know it was fun to have and stuff, and it was a way of getting close to others. But a lot of people were upset about it and didn't like it. If the staff thinks that the majority of people are getting their feelings hurt then they should remove the topic because no one wants hard feelings her.

And yeah, I think people are making too big of a deal out of something so small. If you don't like how the staffers work or the boards then you don't have to come here and you don't have to talk to them? And yeah thats my feelings =]

Hot Topics / Wishlist Fanlistings
« on: July 05, 2007, 04:19:27 PM »
Revamped my Wishlist

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