Fanlisting Management > Adoption Center

all's well that ends well


Hey, that time has come. I’m giving up all my fanlistings to owners who are still passionate in this hobby! Please proceed to this page to see what’s up for grabs. Some of them are in the process of adopting out (I properly marked them).
To those are interested please email me: royalsorts (@) With the following information:

* Name

* Fanlisting Subject/s:

* URL (preferably your collective, if not any site will do):

* Reason: (1 - 2 sentences on why you like them)
It was nice experience to be part of this community! I learned a lot from this hobby so it was bit bittersweet to do this. But I’m now ready to move on! :D Thank y’all~ :flower: :kitty:

It was really a pleasure, Mitchii!! Good luck with everything!  :hug:


It was really a pleasure, Mitchii!! Good luck with everything!  :hug:

--- End quote ---

Aw~ thank you Miriallia. It was nice working with you before! :kiss: 


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