The AnimeFanlistings Network Message Board

Fanlisting Management => Fanlistings Chit-Chat => Topic started by: Marie on November 04, 2009, 12:29:56 PM

Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 04, 2009, 12:29:56 PM
So, we have a lot of fresh, new faces around these parts and we have a lot of older faces returning to us! With that in mind, it felt like TAFL could use a good "get to know you" activity - we've always been a pretty close community, but I figured, what the heck? Why not try and encourage that even more! :wub:

And so, you have a survey! Please, please, please keep your answers TAFL specific and follow the guidelines - 3 limit means 3 limit! >>; This is meant to encourage members of this community to get to know each other. If you find someone you have a lot in common with, go and get to know them better - this is just a jumping-off point! :wub: A friending meme without the actual "friending" being done here, LOL. Does that make sense?

This is meant to be a fun and active post, so have at it! :wub:


01. Your name
Does not have to be your real name guys! :wub:

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?
If so, give me a link! I'm lazy and don't want to search. :/

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Try and pick people still involved in the community, if you can!

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Try and pick people still involved in the community, if you can!

07. What's your favorite category?

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Applications or approvals? Building vs. pimping?

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Rejections? Pending applications? Wishlisters you never knew you had?

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Doesn't have to be on your Wishlist, but should be relative to TAFL!

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Definitely doesn't have to be one you made!

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?

14. What is your favorite forum?

15. What's your favorite avatar?

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Please note: questions may will not be answered, but it's fun to see what everyone's thinking, right?

17. Did you know...?
Insert random fact about your fanlistings!

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
Something crazy? Something nerdy? Something that would never be allowed? Something that has potential?

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Example! You associate TAFL with fanlistings! OR You associate Trouble Checkers with Ghostbusters it's the green!

21. Have you been through the adoption process?
Was it successful? Was it hard? What did you adopt out?

... and feel free to think of more questions! :heart:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Saya on November 04, 2009, 12:51:28 PM
01. Your name
My realname? Ana... but I'm mostly known as Saya

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
I think 71 right now

03. Do you have an FL collective?

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Errr.... I already owned a tafl fl when tafl moved away from tfl... and besides... tafl has nice people around

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
.....WHY ONLY 3??? well.... mitzrael, myka, marie

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)

Again only 3? well... Wendy, Yamila, Sarah

07. What’s your favorite category?
Adult and Relationships (I own most my fl there)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Adult and Relationships

09. What’s your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Actually I love all the stuff, even being rejected when the rejection mail is written well

10. What’s your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I think I'm mostly paranoid when there is pending, but I don't dislike it so...I think there is nothing I hate

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
xxxholic: 12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
No that's an evil question, there are so many I love... so I can't decide... but defenetly is by someone I really love how they design

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check for news and the new pimps

14. What is your favorite forum?
meh... the fanlisting chitichat

15. What’s your favorite avatar?
.............they are all so original...

16. What’s something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
....actualy.... °_° I have never wondered about it.... I do... wonder how many deferent people are here and well it's not really a question... but I really like the fact that there are so many deferent people here and all together!

17. Did you know…?
That my nickname is not from any manga - even if there are lattely lot of sayas and that we sayas will take over the world
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Nekoi Echizen on November 04, 2009, 01:52:41 PM

01. Your name
Gabriella (to long and very easy to be misspronunced)
02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
45 FL (counting 1 upcoming)! ^^

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Of course! ^^v

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Saya! 8D *squeez*

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
My muse is usually Yamila who check my graphics and give me good advices!X3 The list is too long!XD

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
D: Urgh, hard to pick a choice! Actually Yamila, Shaza and Mitz!

07. What’s your favorite category?
*check her FL* I suppose 0-M and N-Z?XD

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
*check again* I suppose, again, 0-M and N-Z?XD

09. What’s your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Approvals and have nice rejections.

10. What’s your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
the period between the application and the approval/rejection (because I get very anxious)

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Hiruma of course and TTGL releated: serie, Yoko, Kittan, KaminaYoko, etc..

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
To hard to choice but Shaza's one leave me speechless! :heart:

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
check the hot topics!X3

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot Topics!XD

15. What’s your favorite avatar?
Usually Yoko and Yoko/Kamina releated! :3

16. What’s something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Actually I have nothing in mind, but I'll pimp just in case I will! :wub:

17. Did you know…?
That I love to do always my best for any graphic that I do?:3
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 04, 2009, 01:59:31 PM
01. Your name
Marie - though there are many that call me Taichou which is awesome.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
31! :wub: Who knew? Not I.

03. Do you have an FL collective?
I most certaintly do! It's at one .44 Caliber [LOVELETTER] (http://\"\"), and yes, it is fully loaded.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
The lovely Jenna, of, got me into fanlistings. :wub: She offered Luffy's fanlisting to me when TAFL was still part of TFL, and I accepted without even knowing what a fanlisting was, LOL. TAFL split about a year after I really got into them, and here we are. If you want to blame anyone for Marie being where she is today, I point you in Jenna's direction. :heart:

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Rose, because she runs this madhouse and puts up with all my shenanigans, Jackie because she's just so darn professional, and Saya, because she just has such a positive, can-do attitude! :wub:

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
This is a tough one, because everyone really inspires me here - but I have to say Janice (http://\"\"), Mitz (http://\"\"), and Estee (http://\"\") are my big three! But seriously, everyone is just so impressive!

07. What's your favorite category?
I am totally biased and want to say Characters, but it's Characters N-Z. Like, half of my fandoms are in that section, LOL.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Again, Characters N-Z because of the pirates :wub: But Rels. is a very close second!

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Writing applications, definitely! Though I'm sure the rest of the staff wishes I would learn how to cut that shit down, lol But yeah, writing about why you love a subject has always been my favorite part of the whole process.

10. What’s your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Writing rejections. :) Definitely the hardest part of it all - for me, it's even harder than receiving them yourself. Pending apps. can be really stressful too, but orz. I just need to learn patience, I think. xD;

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Ichigo's bankai. Take that any way you want.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Argh, such a hard choice! But Jani's Claire fanlisting (http://\"\") continues to inspire me and is one of my favorite designs by her. Similarly, Dale's recent pirate conversion (http://\"\") really blew me away too, I will admit.

13. What's the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check my category forums, LOL. /loser

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot Topics! in Fanlisting Chit-Chat~

15. What's your favorite avatar?
The teachings of Kubology will always crack my shit up, so Wife's recent Halloween icon had me rolling. It was short-lived, so I'll have to laugh at Renji in the meantime. But he's used to that anyway.

16. What's something you've always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I always wondered why people were so scared to talk to staffers, actually. Do we really give off this "RAWR! I'M GONNA EAT YOU!" feeling? Cause I swear, only one two a few actually would. :/

17. Did you know...?
That Monkey D. Luffy is going to be handed down in my family from generation to generation? Cause he is. No, really.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Tess on November 04, 2009, 02:16:26 PM
01. Your name
Tess! It's not my real name, but I'm not comfortable giving it out just yet. I know, I know, the opposite of what this survey is for. :heart:

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
Four! I was constantly applying over at TFL, that by the time I did get my first fanlisting here, I was a bit more cautious with my trigger finger.

03. Do you have an FL collective?

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I was always aware of TAFL and it's existence, but I didn't actually starting applying until late 2007, early 2008, but didn't get approved until mid-2008.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Chrizta (http://\"\"), Kibou (http://\"\") and Ren (http://\"\") hands down.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Airi (http://\"\"), Chrizta (http://\"\") (NO, I don't have a hard-on for her!) and Kayleigh (http://\"\")!

07. What’s your favorite category?
Adult! (OK, Relationships...which could be a bit Adult.)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-M (completely coincidental)

09. What’s your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Building! You just put so much love into a fanlisting, and you show it off, not because you think it's particularly amazing, but because your heart and soul lies in that fanlisting...most definitely.

10. What’s your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Link buttons, though I admit working with animation is more exciting than working with, say, real-life photography.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Sesshoumaru methinks!

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
O-M-G (http://\"\"), I could look at this all day.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Look at the active threads.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Off-Topic Chit-Chat...I know, something completely un-fanlisting related.

15. What’s your favorite avatar?
Everybody's but mine? :wub:

16. What’s something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Why a good number of people use "sweat drops" (I was told that, excuse my ignorance!) ( ; ) on their smilies? I know it's a sign of nervousness, or something, so is everybody nervous when they speak to people all the time? (This isn't meant to be mean, just a general question. I tried asking a friend, but she was too busy laughing, that bimbo. :wub:)

17. Did you know…?
My first "anime" was Sailor Moon, but I don't remember anything about it? Trufax, dolls!
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Espo on November 04, 2009, 03:04:41 PM
01. Your name
I'm known online as Espo. Real name? What real name? /shifty Haha, okay, a fair few actually know it these days.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
15 current with 2 upcoming. One of which I just noticed I submitted a finished form for but it hasn't seemed to have gone through, lol. /goes to redo

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yup! Holding On (http://\"\") is my dear collective.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Meli (http://\"\"); I think I found fanlistings through her and their existance as well when she talked about them in her blog way back when.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
I-I have to chose? Umm. Mila-san, Crystal and Aya inspire me a lot. But I get inspired by lodes of people.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
P-Probably the same as the above? I'm so bad at this. ;;

07. What’s your favorite category?
According to my owned, it's probably the characters catagory, but I equally like songs and relationships as well. Music, OTPs and amazing characters make the world go round. True story.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters N-Z with five, apparantly. Next is Characters A-M and Relationships.

09. What’s your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I fairly much enjoy everything, but I must admit that the best part is always when I finish a listing and I really like it - the layouts, the codes, the about section. It's a great feeling. :wub:

10. What’s your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Probably image hunting for layouts or waiting for inspiration to strike. I had a block for a long time but recently broke out of it, so I just have to hope it doesn't come back again! :wub: Also, on the factor that 'this is the way life goes', that I have lodes of free time before an approval but as soon as an approval comes, I have no time to do any designing. Ahahaha. It's always frustrating when I want to do something but real life stops me.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
My Favourite Series: 12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I've seen so many fanlistings lately that they all seem to blend into one. But I like simple layouts but also sometimes complicated ones. Anything that's pretty and nice.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Board index and look at those teeny tiny boxes on the right hand side for the last time there was a post in that forum since I usually jump around them. I also check the time for it since I remember, somehow, the last time I was around. Yeah I have no life. OTL.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hmm, possibly Hot Topics or Brand New Fanlistings (all the shinyness~) or Off-Topic Chit Chat.

15. What’s your favorite avatar?
I like various ones. Lol

16. What’s something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
How fanlistings appeal to lots of different people from lots of different places and backgrounds and ages, and so on. :/ It's nice that it's so universal.

17. Did you know…?
I have run my fanlistings manually since starting: that being round about the end of 2004. I have er... several times... tried to coax enthusiast to work, but it eludes me. Manual actually doesn't bother me that much though. :wub:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 04, 2009, 03:09:33 PM
[quote name='Espo' post='270046' date='Nov 4 2009, 03:04 PM']17. Did you know…?
I have run my fanlistings manually since starting: that being round about the end of 2004. I have er... several times... tried to coax enthusiast to work, but it eludes me. Manual actually doesn't bother me that much though. :heart:[/quote]
You are ridiculously brave, my dear. 15 updated manually - I could barely handle 5 before I needed to switch, LOL. *applauds*
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Estefania on November 04, 2009, 03:37:56 PM
Yay, survey~

01. Your name
Estefania is actually my real name (well, Estefanía, actually) =P

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
26! Not bad.

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yep, and it's called ilovelamp (http://\"\") because I'm a sad dork and Anchorman is awesomesauce

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I got into TFL first and built an anime-related FL at some point (Meitantei Conan (http://\"\")) and then the network split and all.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most?
Oh man, idk. Probably Marie BECAUSE SHE OWNS LUFFY AND THAT IS AMAZING, Janice and Kibou =)

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs?
LOTS! But if I can only choose three... Sarah, Annie and Mitchii~

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters! Because I freakin' love characters, heh.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Incidentally, characters =3 0-M in particular (with 10) because that's where Fullmetal Alchemist is lol.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Haha the approval is pretty awesome. Also, designing the thing.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Coding! jkdfg;jds And to regret not applying for a FL when it was open for apps =/

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Manga-only Fullmetal Alchemist! Also, the Roy-tachi ❤

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Oh mannnn, so many awesome layouts not done by me out there! PASS! =(

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
View new posts~

14. What is your favorite forum?
Fanlistings chit-chat, probably.

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Mine! LMAO.

16. What's something you've always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Why are some FLs that aren't new or have a new URL sometimes linked from the updates blog and others aren't? Like, when they resolve their troubles and stuff? /LOL RANDOM QUESTION

17. Did you know...?
I don't own any female character FL and I'm terribly ashamed of that! =/
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: dragoneyes on November 04, 2009, 03:40:14 PM
01. Your name
dragoneyes in nickname as Lorella in real life

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
Half of my fanlistings more or less so...uhmmm 20-something?

03. Do you have an FL collective?

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
*points at a random Saya roaming around*

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
...Saya because she's my main personality X°°°D, and at the beginning Yamila too, but not recently *trying to find her own style*

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Hakka (she gained my unquestioned love after seeing Deadpool's fl layout...coff coff...), Mitzrael-san and Wendy :wub:

07. What's your favorite category?
Both the characters categories.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-m

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Making the layouts and writing the applications.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Checking the coding over and over again because something is bound not to work properly every time =="

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Kickassing anime/manga girls

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Too many to be listed XD

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Cheking updates in the Fanlisting Management section

14. What is your favorite forum?
Fanlisting Chit-Chat

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Awww...again too many @_@
ETA: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Right now Marie-san's avatar!!! *dies laughing*

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
uhmmm...usually my questions get answered pretty quickly by my personal evil inspirer (aka: Saya) so...uhmmm...XD none for now?

17. Did you know...?
...that I don't really know which one was my first anime? I was too young to remember it properly.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Sarah on November 04, 2009, 03:57:54 PM
01. Your name

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Er, currently in the making, I guess.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Ah, I actually wish I remembered that, LOL. I do remember though that the first few fanlistings I joined were Arina Tanemura related. <33

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Rose, cause yeah, she runs this whole mess here :) And Marie, cause she's so dedicated and takes her job so seriously and serves as my handbook :P and will be cheating and say my RabuRabu TC Team cause each and every one of them is amazing and inspiring. :wub:

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Kippy, Rainie and Mitchii, for me too! But man, there are so many talented people here, 3 is wayyyy too little T___T

07. What's your favorite category?
:heart: :heart: :heart: x 478347 or well, Relationships, for various reasons ;)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Raburabu with 6! /clings to her OTPs

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Making the layout. It can be quite a pain too lalala, but I generally enjoy it the most (compared to making codes or coding, ew) To a certain degree I enjoy writing Apps too, only because it lets me spazz and go on and on about how much I love certain things and whatnot. :wub: /shot  

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Coding, cause it almost never works properly and is just annoying. Even though I've never had downright freaky coding experiences like another certain someone did. (cough)HowlTaichou(cough) I also don't like writing my occasional Rejection letters either. :(

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Sasuke's hair? Clothes? Eyes? Anything, really? Yeaaaaaaah, not sure. ETA; LOL, Marie just told me someone actually applied for Sasuke's boxers before - why haven't I thought of that yet? Oh, if only.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
LOL, way too many. Wayyy way too many. <3

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check if a certain someone changed my avatar again. No, really.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Off-Topic probably, or the Fanlisting Hot Topics.

15. What's your favorite avatar?
I actually really miss the times we had this Pretty-boy!theme going on and Chip and me were doing Massu and Tegoshi from NEWS, LOL. But then again, there's always the chance someone might overread the "pretty" part and do Takuya of UVER. Who was that again...? /runs

But currently, I really like Tess' icon! Hitsu! <3

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
LOL, I'm not really sure about that one, but I laugh at Marie's  answer here cause I'm fairly sure she's the only one of us staffers that gives off those, "ZOMG! I'M GONNA EAT YOU." vibes. Seriously.  

17. Did you know...?
That I have the most amazing idea ever for the next TAFL-ish event? Ahaha, no really. ;) /goes plotting
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hakka on November 04, 2009, 04:30:14 PM
01. Your name
Alessandra, but lately I'm called mostly Foy. XD

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
Ehrm... 4...  :wub:

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yep (http://\"\")!

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I was a newbie at TFL when TAFL came to life: I just went on and registered here as well. And applied for a subject open for apps.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Here at TAFL... I really know few owners, can't really choose. :P

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Estefania, Mitzrael and Shaza (alphabetical order!). But half the community is proudly the owner of stunning fanlistings.

07. What's your favorite category?

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Hmmm, actually in two, 2 in Fanworks and 2 in Series.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Making codes!  ;)

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Making layouts, actually. Because I'm such a pain... *Saya knows...*

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Nothing comes to my mind. Perhaps I'd be for Sasuke hairs or wardrobe!  :heart:

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Can't choose! Naruto series (http://\"\") is the first that comes to my mind.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check the Hot topics forum

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot topics, because I'm too lazy to check the updates...  :(

15. What's your favorite avatar?
I always love Mitzrael's Uchiha ones.

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Why owners decide to close or let the fanlistings die instead of adopting them out. *spotted an old fanlisting of hers closed down during the latest check*

17. Did you know...?
... the fanlistings I own are mostly kill-fors and wishlister, so I'll never let one go easily?  :heart:

[quote name='dragoneyes' post='270049' date='Nov 4 2009, 09:40 PM']06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Hakka (she gained my unquestioned love after seeing Deadpool's fl layout...coff coff...), Mitzrael-san and Wendy ;)[/quote]
Marry me, then?  :heart: I offer a Deadpool plushie!
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: dragoneyes on November 04, 2009, 04:42:34 PM
[quote name='Hakka' post='270051' date='Nov 4 2009, 10:30 PM'][quote name='dragoneyes' post='270049' date='Nov 4 2009, 09:40 PM']06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Hakka (she gained my unquestioned love after seeing Deadpool's fl layout...coff coff...), Mitzrael-san and Wendy :heart:[/quote]
Marry me, then?  :wub: I offer a Deadpool plushie!
:heart: *glomps and kidnaps*
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Espo on November 04, 2009, 04:54:56 PM
[quote name='Marie' post='270047' date='Nov 4 2009, 08:09 PM'][quote name='Espo' post='270046' date='Nov 4 2009, 03:04 PM']17. Did you know…?
I have run my fanlistings manually since starting: that being round about the end of 2004. I have er... several times... tried to coax enthusiast to work, but it eludes me. Manual actually doesn't bother me that much though. :heart:[/quote]
You are ridiculously brave, my dear. 15 updated manually - I could barely handle 5 before I needed to switch, LOL. *applauds*

Thank you! :wub: It's not actually that bad to me since I'm so used to doing it.

Ahahaha and that's not even counting the other 20 or so from tfl.  :heart: I am, decidedly, crazy. Or lazy. Take your pick. That and at one time I did own almost 90 fanlistings...
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Rain on November 04, 2009, 05:55:10 PM
01. Your name
Stefanie but all of my friends and family call me Steffi

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yupp (http://\"\")

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
As for me, I can't remember how I discovered these cute buttons to show that you are fan of. It must have been a website I stumbled upon back in 2005. I loved the idea behind these buttons and so I started joining them. I had a (very crappy xD) blog at this time, but since all of my friends had, it was cool and I started to add these tiny 50x50 buttons to an extra section to show what I love. I joined not obsessive as I do now, I only joined the subjects I loved the most.
Back in October 2007, I moved my blog and with that, I went through my joined fanlistings to see if the fanlistings are still active. Most of them has moved or were dead links, and so I went through and updated the links. When I was looking for the new fanlisting dedicated to the character of Kunzite (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon) I was shocked because there was no current fanlisting. It took me 5 minutes until I wrote my first application. I haven't any experience with an own domain or running a fanlisting but I just couldn't resist. Kunzite is my most favourite anime / manga character and I was thrilled to maybe run his approved fanlisting. After sending my application, I continued to update the dead links of my joined fanlistings... And when I saw that the relationship between Sailor Venus / Aino Minako & Kunzite didn't have a fanlisting anymore too I sent in a second application  :heart:. And this was also the first fanlisting I was approved for. It took over a month to get a reply for my application I sent in for Kunzite (I didn't knew anything about the updates xD) but when I was approved, it was an amazing feeling =D. And the rest is history xD.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
All fanlisting owners doing a great job, so I can't pick only three xD

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Jo  :wub: , Nekoi Echizen and uhm... dunno xD

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters 0-M & Characters N-Z

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters N-Z (too many pokemon out there xD)

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
It's always great to receive an approval xD. I also love making the layout

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Pending applications X___X

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Erhm... maybe the transformation of the Sailor Senhsi? Or Chiaki / Maron from KKJ^^. I am very happy with my wishlisters I got, so I'm not sure^^.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
There are a lot layouts I adore, so I can't pick my favourite^^

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Checking for new postes

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot Topics

15. What's your favorite avatar?
All avatars are cool <3

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Who invented fanlistings?

17. Did you know...?
... that I mainly own male characters (apart from pokemon) and I don't know why?
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Jackie on November 04, 2009, 06:53:13 PM
01. Your name

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
33 unique fanlistings (6 of which are only listed at TAFL because there are manga versions of video games...)

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yup, over here (http://\"\"), though I need to rename it and give it a new layout someday.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I was browsing websites and saw some fanlistings.  I checked out TFL (back when it was .net), but I admittedly wasn't too interested in them at first.  Eventually, for reasons that I don't remember, I decided to apply for some FLs.  My first fanlistings were for Witch Hunter Robin and Berserk, back when TAFL was still a part of TFL - actually, I think Danielle hadn't even joined TFL's staff yet.  :wub:

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Lots of people, particularly TAFL staffers and ex-staffers! :heart:  And my fellow TAFL senior staffers, of course :heart:

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Janicechu, Sarahchu, Annikins~

07. What's your favorite category?
Probably the Characters categories, with no particular preference for either

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-M with 13 unique fanlistings~!

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I like writing applications when I have a lot to say.  But getting approved is honestly my favorite part <3 (lol, I'm so shallow).  I also like making layouts if I'm feeling inspired - I enjoy it a lot less if I have layout block.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Rejections - both getting them and sending them out. :(  Also, making codes if I don't have any good images to use. :wub:  (When I have a lot of great images, I love making them. <3)

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
This is a toughie.  I'm not a fan of character group fanlistings, so I don't think I'd apply for those, and there honestly aren't too many relationships with more than 3 characters that I'd want to apply for.  The only "version" of a character I think I'd want to apply for is hollow Ichigo from Bleach because he's fun, crazy, and a badass. ;)

lol, Marie, you perv... Ichigo's bankai really IS super hot though~

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I admire lots of people's layouts, so I couldn't choose just one.  Maybe one per person, lol, but that would take too long to list.  My favorite layout from my fanlistings is Haruka x Michiru (http://\"\").

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check the staffer forums, then Adoptions, then Fanlistings Chit-Chat. ;)

14. What is your favorite forum?
Fanlistings Chit-Chat~

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Marie's '09 Halloween icon.  YOU WILL BE MISSED, WONDERFUL ICON ;;

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I don't understand people who seem to despise fanlistings and TAFL, yet they still apply for fanlistings here anyway.  :heart:

17. Did you know...?
Not including Pokemon or Mokona (who are all kind of genderless, though you could argue Pikachu and Pochama are boys) or any of the crosslisted video game characters, only one of my character fanlistings is for a male.  The rest (all 11 of them) are for females.  (Though, to be fair, I applied for and was rejected for three of my top 5 male characters, so it's not all my fault.  I do love female characters a lot more though...)

Also, I used to have an actual written fanlisting will, but that got punted once my "beneficiaries" started cutting back on or dropping out of fanlistings.  Now I have a semi-sorta-mental will for some of them :P

[quote name='Estefania']16. What's something you've always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Why are some FLs that aren't new or have a new URL sometimes linked from the updates blog and others aren't? Like, when they resolve their troubles and stuff? /LOL RANDOM QUESTION[/quote]
The F/U/C staffer and Troubles staffer for larger categories are usually different, so they don't have access to each other's forms.  If a fanlisting is on troubles for a dead link and the problem is resolved, the Troubles staffer may update the link in the database, then list the new URL under "Removed from Troubles/Problems Resolved" instead of having the F/U/C staffer do it. <3
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Shalott on November 04, 2009, 07:56:00 PM
01. Your name
Please continue believing that my real name is Shalott.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
45! :wub:

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Of course, here @ Mysterique Sign (http://\"\")

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Hmm, back when I was starting to re-discover webdesign, I remembered about TFL. I had always wanted to apply for a fanlisting, but never felt my design skills were good enough. I was lurking around that network when I discovered TAFL linked there and immediately felt more comfortable here- in fact, my first fanlisting was at this network!

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Mitzrael and Jordy always inspired me from the beginning - they were the first people to talk to me on these message boards! :heart: I am also really inspired by the staffers here, who always give their best to the network!

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Mitzrael again, Sarah and Annie. :heart:

07. What's your favorite category?
My favorite category is probable Relationships. :heart:

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
I seem to own the most fanlistings in Characters - 12 each in 0-M and N-Z.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Probably writing the applications, as well, ha ha. Mine are sometimes pretty dorky though, so I feel bad for those who have to read them.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I don't think I could pick a favorite from all of the beautiful layouts made by other owners. <3 If I had to pick a favorite of mine, I would say Fujiwara Gin (http://\"\") or Fuwa Sho (http://\"\") - both pretty much capture what I feel is the "essence" of my design aesthetics.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
View the new posts.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hmm... I wouldn't say I have a favorite. ;)

15. What's your favorite avatar?
This one (http://\"\"), that Wendy made for me for last years Secret Santa event. He's so hot~!

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Why do people act as if a rejection is personal? I see posts where people say things like "Rejected again, I guess I am just not good enough" and that actually hurts my feelings as a staffer - I'd be happy to discuss with you why your application was not approved, so please don't take the rejection personally!

17. Did you know...?
That I am secretly planning on taking over the network and re-naming it The Anime Fanlistings Network of Kubology.


... MAYBE.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Yamila on November 04, 2009, 07:56:20 PM
Let's see... o-o

01. Your name
Yamila is my real name :3

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
*does a quick count in her collective* 62 O:

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yeah. (http://\"\") <3

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Around 2004/2005, I was looking around for related sites of a series and came upon its fanlisting. I started joining many of them, I got curious and wanted to try o-o with time, it became one of the most important parts of my life :wub:

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Everyone, honestly T___T seeing everyone's enthusiasm and dedication in the business really, really motivates me to do my best!!! ;__;

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Marie you're cruel... :heart: :heart: ONLY 3?!?
Ok... Airi, Annie & Wen (alphabetical order >_>)
EDIT: sorry for breaking the rule, but I must add Masao in here ;_; <3333
But honestly, I have a loooooong list of doom with the domains I love and stalk every now or then (or as I call it, go on an inspiration hunt =3)

07. What's your favorite category?
I don't have a fave one D: Maybe Rels because I do love my shipping lmao, or Adult coz I'm a perv, but really, I don't have a preference c:

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
... Rels XD (12 fls), followed very closely by Characters 0-M with 11. :3

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Both applying (stalking the troubles lists, getting all nervous while waiting -hello there masochism-) & getting approved :heart:
but most of all, WORKING ON THE LAYOUTS <33333333

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I suppose rejections, but I seldom get too sad over them o-o

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
.......... Graham/Billy/Howard/Joshua/Daryl rels >_> also Characters of GetBackers or Bleach (which I already run unapproved, lol)

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Totally impossible to pick only one x___x

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?

14. What is your favorite forum?
The Shameless Self Promotion I guess, because there's where you can get all the inspiration from~ <33333333

15. What's your favorite avatar?
*scratches her head* can't really think of any atm... I guess that Graham ones, SINCE THEY ARE RARE AND NO ONE CARES ABOUT MY POOR HAMU ;_; except for Asa and me I believe.

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Is there a God of Fanlistings? D:

17. Did you know...?
1. I'm a turtle OTL, 2. I honestly suck VERY HARD at scripts, 3. I have a strange creative process, 4. I have a permanent crazy pile of work/upcomings to do >_> (ok, I believe most of you have realized about that already...)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 04, 2009, 08:36:22 PM
Who is pleased by massive Character love? This guy. :heart:

[quote name='Estefania' post='270048' date='Nov 4 2009, 03:37 PM']05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most?
Oh man, idk. Probably Marie BECAUSE SHE OWNS LUFFY AND THAT IS AMAZING, Janice and Kibou =)[/quote]
I DON'T KNOW WHY THAT COUNTS BUT LUFFY. :wub: You are more amazing though.

[quote name='Sarah' post='270050' date='Nov 4 2009, 03:57 PM']13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check if a certain someone changed my avatar again. No, really.

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
LOL, I'm not really sure about that one, but I laugh at Marie's  answer here cause I'm fairly sure she's the only one of us staffers that gives off those, "ZOMG! I'M GONNA EAT YOU." vibes. Seriously.[/quote]
RE: 13 - Oh noes. Kubo got you too, eh? That guy, he's just such a board!ninja! :\
RE: 16 - ... shut up.

[quote name='Jackie' post='270062' date='Nov 4 2009, 06:53 PM']11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
This is a toughie.  I'm not a fan of character group fanlistings, so I don't think I'd apply for those, and there honestly aren't too many relationships with more than 3 characters that I'd want to apply for.  The only "version" of a character I think I'd want to apply for is hollow Ichigo from Bleach because he's fun, crazy, and a badass. :heart:

lol, Marie, you perv... Ichigo's bankai really IS super hot though~

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Marie's '09 Halloween icon.  YOU WILL BE MISSED, WONDERFUL ICON ;;[/quote]
RE: 11 - Hollow!Ichigo is like the only "version of" I think deserves one. *agrees* YOU CALL ME A PERV, BUT YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE. 16, KUBO?! REALLY?!

[quote name='Shalott' post='270065' date='Nov 4 2009, 07:56 PM']17. Did you know...?
That I am secretly planning on taking over the network and re-naming it The Anime Fanlistings Network of Kubology.


... MAYBE.[/quote]
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Clover on November 04, 2009, 08:54:32 PM
01. Your name
Hotaru of Michelle.  Either works.  :wub:

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Maybe it will be back some day.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
My first anime fanlisting was back when anime fl's were still listed at  Than I get the e-mail one day about the new network, and decided to start some more.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Everyone for various reasons.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
ATM, Kibou, Yamila and Sarah for their originality.  :heart:  (I see their layouts and know right away who made them.)

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters.  I suppose it's the whole only child-syndrome.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters N-Z (6 total).

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Experimenting with PHP.  I'm such a code geek.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Layouts.  Sometimes I can get such layout blocks, and have to do temporary layouts.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Naruto and Yondy relationship.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
So many.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
View any new posts.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Anything under new promotions.  I like to see what is being built.

15. What's your favorite avatar?
The one (http://\"\") I am using for my Twitter right now.

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I think it was put up before, but the site that the staffers go to to make avatars of themselves?  Thanks in advance.

17. Did you know...?
In my fanlisting history, I have never run a fanlisting in Adult, General, Rivalries or Toys/Collectibles categories.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mitzrael on November 04, 2009, 11:00:39 PM
01. Your name
Saya P.  Mitzra Nanae, shortened Mitzrael / Mitz for the lolz;

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
51 + 3 upcomings

03. Do you have an FL collective?

Yes. Tattoo (http://\"\"), which needs a revamp~!

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I got there trough TFL (when TAFL was just about to be born) but only actively joined the community after some time. All this thanks to a wonderful and sorely missed friend called Arashi (not the staffer alumni Arashi though *snugs you*).

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)

I would have to say Janice, Rosemary and Marie since listings aren't just about having the prettiest layout around but also show true devotion for something we love ;)

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
At the top of my head right now? Janice, Kibou and Yamila  :wub:

07. What's your favorite category?
Same as Taichou's *is sad* Adult & Relationships!

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Adult & Relationships lol; see the pattern there?

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?

Filling in the FINISHED FORM! 8D -serious-

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Filling in a CLOSED form ):

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Itachi x Sasuke *hides from Raine*  :heart:

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
My current own fav layout = Shounen-ai (http://\"\")! Mmm... and I think, probably, Vampire Knight (http://\"\") ;)

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Click View New Posts (http://\"\") LoL

14. What is your favorite forum?
Shameless Self-Promotion (http://\"\")  :heart:

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Rileth (http://\"\")'s!

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
When did the network got so close to break the 6,000 listed fls?!!!  :heart: // is shot //

17. Did you know...?
a- I've got the #1 posts count at the board... >>;;; and I feel bad about it *feels like a board hog* been secretly wanting to reset it or something x:
b- I'm usually awfully embarrassed by my layouts ): so why do people like them goes beyond me! XD;
c- People at work wonder what's that 'site' I check every now and then during the day -whenever I can lol-

[quote name='Hotaru_' post='270069' date='Nov 4 2009, 08:54 PM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I think it was put up before, but the site that the staffers go to to make avatars of themselves?  Thanks in advance.[/quote]
Here here~  :wub:  (http://\"\")
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Estefania on November 05, 2009, 04:11:14 AM
[quote name='Jackie' post='270062' date='Nov 4 2009, 07:53 PM']The F/U/C staffer and Troubles staffer for larger categories are usually different, so they don't have access to each other's forms.  If a fanlisting is on troubles for a dead link and the problem is resolved, the Troubles staffer may update the link in the database, then list the new URL under "Removed from Troubles/Problems Resolved" instead of having the F/U/C staffer do it. <3[/quote]
Thanks for the answer! I actually... yeah, I was curious about that lmao /IS A DORK
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Giada on November 05, 2009, 06:47:22 AM
01. Your name
Giada, same as my nick. No fantasy uh?

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
38 (2 of them are upcoming)

03. Do you have an FL collective?

Yes (http://\"\"), although it needs major updates

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Well, I don't really remember how I decided to build fanlisting, but it's true that I got to know TAFL through other fanlistings + shrines that I happened to visit.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)

There are too many :wub: , so 3 names aren't really enough :heart:

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
 Same as above, although I should really name at least Sarah and Yamila, because they have such great skills. I always fall in love with their works!

07. What's your favorite category?
I'm undecided, I'd say both Characters, but even Relationships is a great category (but which isn't?)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Both Characters, followed by Series

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I enjoy all the process, really and especially the skinning part (because I love so much making skins).

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
The only thing that bothers me is the fact that sometimes I find it difficult to write a decent application (due to my lackness of time and peraphs because as I think too much I can't write anything with enough meaning :heart:).

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Ah no idea :heart:

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Ah SO MANY, I can't really choose.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check here and there for news.

14. What is your favorite forum?
I'd say the Hot Topic.

15. What's your favorite avatar?
My current one, peraphs.

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Why people can choose brilliant name for their listings and I usually always fail at it ??!!

17. Did you know...?
I usually forget to apply for subjects (not that it isn't a bad things, sometimes) or send forms in general (and this is why I need to write down everything since I have such a bad memory).
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Asato on November 05, 2009, 09:54:43 AM
01. Your name
Gabriela the real one, Asato for the internets.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
4 + 2 upcomings.

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yes I do (http://\"\").

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I started building FLs when TFL used to own everything, left when TFL and TAFL parted ways and now I blame Kula and Yamila mostly for my return. I wasn't even expecting to come back though, I'm not that into anime that much nowadays unless it's Gundam or SS related :wub:.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Err hard to pick actually, everyone puts effort on their FLs.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Yamila, Kula and Wen.

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters OTL.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
CHARACTERS. See I'm a very narrow minded person.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Write the application, and once I got approved, work on the "About". I love praising the subject I applied for. Building the layout is fun as well because I'm an idiot and love twitting about the progress of it (and seek for crit about it).

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Hmm not sure about this one. I do get frustrated with rejections, but I try to take it like a man lol.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
I have no idea. I already run most of the subjects I am interested.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Treize (http://\"\"). It has a special place in my heart because well, it was the one I did to come back to the biz. I never thought I'd be able to actually code it but people helped me and there you go. I still can't believe it works >_>

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Let's see what happened now.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Shameless Self Promotion and everything related to it. I can't bring myself to chit chat, makes me feel like I'm spamming.

15. What's your favorite avatar?
[quote name='Yamila' post='270066' date='Nov 4 2009, 05:56 PM']*scratches her head* can't really think of any atm... I guess that Graham ones, SINCE THEY ARE RARE AND NO ONE CARES ABOUT MY POOR HAMU ;_; except for Asa and me I believe.[/quote]
okay I died aahahah o u! But yes, I do care of Graham as well
I don't know really, I've only used the Sniper Wolf one I'm using right now and feel kind of lazy to change it, since I love MGS.

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I wonder what do people think when they read my apps OTL

17. Did you know...?
I am incredibly harsh on self judging and will probably never feel accomplished with the layout/fanlisting.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Ashlee on November 05, 2009, 10:12:09 AM
01. Your name
Ashlee. That happens to be my real name, lol.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
Um... 6, I think. *sobs* COME ON WISHLISTERRRSSS!!

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Of course! It's called Starstruck (http://\"\") right now.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
The Bleach fandom lead me to it. :3

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Only 3?! Um. Mitchii (http://\"\"), Yamila (http://\"\"), and Miiscea (http://\"\").

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Well, the three I just mentioned. OH GOD, AND AIRI (http://\"\")... AND JANICE (http://\"\"), YES.

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters 0-M or N-Z, probably.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-M. (It's all the Bleach ones!)

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Designing and coding the layout.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
EVEN THOUGH IT'S THE EASIEST PART, adding all the .php snippets.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
That's too hard of a question to even answer, lol.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
"View New Posts" + *lurk*

14. What is your favorite forum?
Brand New Fanlistings, or New Layouts and Codes.

15. What's your favorite avatar?
lol wut

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Urm. How staffers & trouble checkers get picked, etc.

17. Did you know...?
I'm really sad that I don't have more TAFL fanlistings in my collective. D:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Buruma on November 05, 2009, 10:45:21 AM
01. Your name
I've been using the nickname Buruma since middle school. Too many people say or spell my real name incorrectly.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yes. Imaginary (http://\"\").

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I think I joined the community the same week it was launched. I had been stalking the anime/manga category at TFL for over a year prior to the split.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
It's hard to choose just three people. Probably Annie, Jackie and Mitz.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Again, I could easily think of more than three, but... Annie, Janice and Yamila.

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters and Series

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-M

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
That's easy. Making new codes. :wub: It's the only part I'm good at. :heart:

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Like Mitz, I hate filling out closed forms.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Xelloss (Slayers)

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
At the moment, Anime Soundtracks (http://\"\").

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Read the latest posts, check the category forums, etc...

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot Topics

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Hard to say. Marie's Halloween avatar was probably my favorite this month. (And I don't even like Bleach.) :heart:

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I've always wondered why some people close fanlistings that have been online for a relatively short time (e.j. less than two months)... What was the point of starting that fanlisting in the first place?

17. Did you know...?
I dislike nearly every layout I have ever designed. (Which is why I almost never post in the Shameless Self-Promotion area.) :heart:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 05, 2009, 10:46:27 AM
[quote name='Ashlee' post='270092' date='Nov 5 2009, 10:12 AM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Urm. How staffers & trouble checkers get picked, etc.[/quote]
Trouble Checkers are hired on an "as needed" basis - when a Troubles staffer feels they need some additional help, they go through our list of volunteers and pick someone who has (typically) selected their category. Staffers are hired based on a larger and more varied group of factors, and again, as needed. Rose spends a lot of time combing through applications and hires when she feels she's found a suitable match. :wub: For more information, definitely visit the Volunteers (http://\"\") page.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Kula on November 05, 2009, 11:47:00 AM
01. Your name
Carolina in real life, Kula in the internetz

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
IDK, 41? (with upcomings)

03. Do you have an FL collective?

yep, but it's under revamp

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I joined some fanlistings (with other name) when TAFL and TFL were the same, but I got really active (and applied) when I entered to the university, 'cause I didn't have Internet at home.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Uhm, this is very difficult... since everybody do their best!

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Still hard but... Yamila, Asato and Estefania.

07. What's your favorite category?
ADULT, characters and relationships<3

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
characters (both categories)

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Build the layout... actually it takes me a lot of time but I love that part<3

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Codes, 'cause I'm not good at making them ;_;

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Relationships with 4 or more people!

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I can't pick, I love a lot ;A;

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
check new posts

14. What is your favorite forum?
Off-Topic Chit-Chat

15. What's your favorite avatar?
I don't have a favorite at the moment.

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
None atm :wub:

17. Did you know...?
I don't like my layouts, but I try my best. Also, I love to help <3
Insert random fact about your fanlistings!
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Shalott on November 05, 2009, 12:52:34 PM
[quote name='Marie' post='270094' date='Nov 5 2009, 08:46 AM'][quote name='Ashlee' post='270092' date='Nov 5 2009, 10:12 AM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Urm. How staffers & trouble checkers get picked, etc.[/quote]
Trouble Checkers are hired on an "as needed" basis - when a Troubles staffer feels they need some additional help, they go through our list of volunteers and pick someone who has (typically) selected their category.

*nods* A lot of times, if you are interested in Trouble Checking, you have a better chance of being hired on if you choose a "less popular" category as your interest - Characters has A LOT of volunteers, but Episodes (for example) gets very few. If you do well in the category you were hired on to, the chances of you getting an opportunity to work with one of the bigger and more popular categories becomes present.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Tess on November 05, 2009, 02:47:36 PM
[quote name='Marie' post='270044' date='Nov 4 2009, 01:59 PM']16. What's something you've always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I always wondered why people were so scared to talk to staffers, actually. Do we really give off this "RAWR! I'M GONNA EAT YOU!" feeling? Cause I swear, only one two a few actually would. :heart:[/quote]
I, personally, am quite petrified of the staffers (I'm shy, OK?), but I think maybe it's the tone? By that I mean, normally staffers/senior staffers recommend their staffers (+ themselves) use a professional tone of voice when staffing, to give it that neutral ground. I don't know if I'm explaining that right, but for instance someone sends me an approval e-mail (even if they are automated, but pretend they're not):

Yo! You got the [insert subject here] fanlisting! DUUUUDE, you're so lucky. The drill: build it, have fun, make a ton of codes and BE ON TIME. If you don't the whip will be out and ready. Chow, babycakes! ;D
I mean, I'd be a little put off if I received that, and would have a hard time taking it seriously. :heart: From conversations with others, I think a number of people forget the staffers don't spend their entire lives staffing; it's an automatic (and incorrect) assumption for people to think that staffers handle situations like that all the time, and there's sometimes a general fear that staffers won't like us commoners. :wub: That's my two cents, anyway!

[quote name='Sarah' post='270050' date='Nov 4 2009, 03:57 PM']15. What's your favorite avatar?
I actually really miss the times we had this Pretty-boy!theme going on and Chip and me were doing Massu and Tegoshi from NEWS, LOL. But then again, there's always the chance someone might overread the "pretty" part and do Takuya of UVER. Who was that again...? /runs

But currently, I really like Tess' icon! Hitsu! <3[/quote]
Heee, thanks, sweetness (it was me, right? :wub:)! I'm normally pretty terrible at icons, but it's hard to mess up Hitsu. :heart:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Ashlee on November 05, 2009, 04:32:44 PM
[quote name='Shalott' post='270099' date='Nov 5 2009, 10:52 AM'][quote name='Marie' post='270094' date='Nov 5 2009, 08:46 AM']
Trouble Checkers are hired on an "as needed" basis - when a Troubles staffer feels they need some additional help, they go through our list of volunteers and pick someone who has (typically) selected their category.[/quote]

*nods* A lot of times, if you are interested in Trouble Checking, you have a better chance of being hired on if you choose a "less popular" category as your interest - Characters has A LOT of volunteers, but Episodes (for example) gets very few. If you do well in the category you were hired on to, the chances of you getting an opportunity to work with one of the bigger and more popular categories becomes present.

Oh... I didn't know that. :3 That's good to know.Thank you both~ I wasn't actually expecting to get a response to that!
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hakka on November 05, 2009, 05:18:42 PM
[quote name='Rain' post='270060' date='Nov 4 2009, 11:55 PM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Who invented fanlistings?[/quote]

The fanlisting concept was an idea of Janine (later the TFL founder), when she wanted a site to list the fans of Buffy The Vampire Slayer tv show (this fanlisting is still online, by the way!)  :wub:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mitzrael on November 05, 2009, 07:20:23 PM
[quote name='Tess' post='270101' date='Nov 5 2009, 02:47 PM']From conversations with others, I think a number of people forget the staffers don't spend their entire lives staffing; it's an automatic (and incorrect) assumption for people to think that staffers handle situations like that all the time, and there's sometimes a general fear that staffers won't like us commoners. :wub: That's my two cents, anyway![/quote]That's an interesting way to see it indeed, but seriously we're not that scary :wub: sure we have to put on a neutral tone most of the time when staffing and that I can think of there's no other tone beside 'formal' to do so x: I guess it can be off-putting but in order to not fall in bias or 'favor' friends/known members it must be used.

Anyway, it doesn't mean we don't have our own problems and lives like everybody else :heart: but, as I'm sure you've seen yourself we're just as any other person around, even if we carry additional responsibilities, and have fun at this :heart: community! :heart:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Daphne on November 05, 2009, 07:51:10 PM
01. Your name
Daphne. That's really it :heart:

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?
I'm actually closing mine down, but I'm making a newer one at some point :wub:

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I was back making websites after 2 years away from it, and I kept running into fanlistings to join, so I decided to make some. TAFL was a natural progression because I never lost my love for Anime/Manga.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Jackie, Estefania and Marie (and the rest of the TAFL staff  :wub:)

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)

Gosh, this is hard. I think Sarah, Kibou and Janice, because I love their originality and gorgeous colouring (something I never seem to achieve with my designs!)

07. What's your favorite category?
My owned FLs would suggest Characters 0-M and Series. Of course I have a soft spot for my own category, Relationships :heart:

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
As above, a tie of both.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?

I do like being approved :heart: And when I'm inspired, making the layout in Photoshop!

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Ranma Saotome, not even a question.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I'm only going to pick from my own, because there are too many other ones I love out there. Haruhiism (http://\"\") is probably my favourite. I love the *rainbow* ;)

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check new posts in the staff forum and elsewhere ;)

14. What is your favorite forum?

Hot Topics

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Man, Marie your Halloween one STILL cracks me up XD

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?

17. Did you know...?

I still own the first fanlisting I was ever approved for at TAFL, Ami Mizuno (http://\"\"). She'll be 4 years old in a couple of weeks :P
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mitchii on November 06, 2009, 08:17:34 AM
01. Your name
Real name – Cecille; Online - Mitchii

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

29 + 1 upcoming

03. Do you have an FL collective?
yup – here (http://\"\").  

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?

Search engines… I guess. Fls are always the first sites that pops out in search engines.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Almost all of the board members but if I need to pick three I’d say Estefania, Nekoi  and Mitzrael.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Everyone is so good… (if only I can list everyone). But people who have awesome designing skills,  aside from the three above, Masao, Sarah and Janice.

07. What's your favorite category?
The categories where I do the troubles check, 0 – M and Relationship.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?

Coincidentally, I got 7 for both of my fave categories. Wow~

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?

Designing layouts!  

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Codes, specially for my own fls. The images is too little to work with. But I love making codes for others which is…idk, weird?

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Allen Walker and nothing else!

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
My newest fanlisting – Music of Naruto (http://\"\") (because it is so orange and it has tiny animated gif – if that thing is noticeable).

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?

Check new post .

14. What is your favorite forum?

Hot Topics, Shameless Self-Promotion  and Off-Topic Chit-Chat  

15. What's your favorite avatar?

Anything that is related to my fave series. Everyone has wonderful avatars!

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Who design the TAFL logo? (and what font is it?)

17. Did you know...?

1. It took me one year before I learned to use Enth.
2.  99% of my fls are from TAFL.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mishiro on November 06, 2009, 10:50:06 AM
01. Your name
Elizabeth, but you can call me Beth for short~ :D

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
28 + 3 upcoming

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yes, it's called Prism (http://\"\")~

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I stumbled across a fanlisting one day and it brought me to TAFL. At first I didn't know what were fanlistings for and why people had wanted to make them but slowly, I understood that it's a kind of hobby and passion. :3

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
I should say... Erm... Mizuiro (my online twin sister) for her neat styles and javascripts, Nekoi (my online momma :hug:) for her creative navigation bars and yet more javascript and Yamila (a cheerful and upbeat girl in my eyes ^o^) for her awesome designs~ :D

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Sarah, Annie and Mitzrael~ :yahoo:

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters 0-M and N-Z, I guess~ ^_~

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
I got 11 and a few more upcomings in the N-Z cat~ O_O;

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I'd say... Codes making! :heart:

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Maybe coding, cause I'm not that good in coding yet~ Never undergone true training. :help: :blush:

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Pokemon!!! :help:

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Silver Wind (http://\"\"): the Agehanto/Beautifly fanlisting or maybe Colourful Canvas (http://\"\"): A little tribute to Sara-chan, my celoved cousin~

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check for new posts~ :)

14. What is your favorite forum?
Shameless Self-Promotion! :wub:

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Something shiny with Pokemon in it. =3

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Nothing for the moment. ^^;

17. Did you know...?
01: I've only been web designing for a year and I'm stupid.
02: I easily get bored of the layouts I make and wanna change them often, but I do not have enough time to do so.
03: I have always wished for my own domain name. XD
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Wendy on November 06, 2009, 01:54:38 PM
01. Your name
Wendy xD

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
28 beloved babies!!  :heart:

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yes! Recently revived from the dead here (http://\"\") xD

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
My dear friend Hazelyn :3 she got me into fanlistings overall and she's the one who got me my domain 5 years ago, wouldn't be here without her at all :blush: :yahoo: She used to have fls but not anymore :(

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Gah just 3?? A lot of people do!! :help:

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
So hard to pick just 3 T___T everyone is awesome :D!

07. What's your favorite category?
Hmmm toughie! I don't think I have a particular fave :)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
It's a tie between relationships and songs with 7 each xDD!

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Building the fanlisting and the pimping! (although I always feel embarrased when I pimp believe it or not  :hug: )

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
The pending approval/rejection period @_@

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Hmm one that goes against the rules would be Haro x Lockon (Neil) :D  xDD :help:

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
This  (http://\"\") is one of my very faves :wub: gah I have such a bad memory but I have loads more just can't remember!! :x

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?

Check the new posts xD!

14. What is your favorite forum?
Off-Topic chit chat xD oh and Hot topics too :3

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Gah this is a hard choice so idk :x

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Hmm...oh! xD Who made the current TAFL layout? O: I've always wondered xD;; I feel like I asked this question before for some reason

17. Did you know...?
It's rare for me to like my own layouts :x I like them when I design them but once coded I start gettting all weird about them >_> *is a nut*
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mitzrael on November 06, 2009, 05:40:52 PM
[quote name='Wendy' post='270152' date='Nov 6 2009, 01:54 PM']17. Did you know...?
It's rare for me to like my own layouts :hug: I like them when I design them but once coded I start gettting all weird about them >_> *is a nut*[/quote]totally understand you there  :help: or when a new brilliant idea pops up in your head but you're already about to finish coding ugh  :help: those moments suck the most u_u
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hakka on November 06, 2009, 10:07:18 PM
[quote name='Mitzrael' post='270162' date='Nov 6 2009, 11:40 PM'][quote name='Wendy' post='270152' date='Nov 6 2009, 01:54 PM']17. Did you know...?
It's rare for me to like my own layouts :hug: I like them when I design them but once coded I start gettting all weird about them >_> *is a nut*[/quote]totally understand you there  :help: or when a new brilliant idea pops up in your head but you're already about to finish coding ugh  :help: those moments suck the most u_u
Ditto. -.-
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Elysa on November 07, 2009, 11:28:06 AM
01. Your name

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
22 at the moment.

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yes, Connected (http://\"\").

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I don't remember, but it might've been because a friend linked me to her Lilo & Stitch fanlisting and then I discovered TFL xD I didn't get involved in the community until TAFL was founded and I joined the boards though :help:

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most?
Janice, Marie & Sarah

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs?
Airi, Sasa & Wendy

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters & Series

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-M & Characters N-Z with four in both categories.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Designing & coding the layout, even though coding can be such a pain at times~

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Writing applications and the about page, I wish my thoughts would put themselves on paper XD Also, getting into series shortly after subjects from it are approved, lulz.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
LOL.. I actually can't come up with anything that wouldn't be approvable right now, nor do I have a subject that sticks out way above any others to pick only one :3

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Too many pretties to choose from! ;A;

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Going through the new posts :3

14. What is your favorite forum?
Probably the Hot Topics!

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Again, there's too many to pick from /skips~

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Absolutely no offense meant, but I've always wondered how some people can manage owning a big number of fanlistings! I already have trouble with the amount I have, which I consider to be a lot for myself XD;

17. Did you know...?
It wasn't until 2008 that my collection of fanlistings started to grow exponentially. Seriously, 13 fanlistings in less than two years, as opposed to 9 in three years >>;
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mitzrael on November 07, 2009, 12:48:08 PM
[quote name='Chibi-chan' post='270204' date='Nov 7 2009, 11:28 AM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Absolutely no offense meant, but I've always wondered how some people can manage owning a big number of fanlistings! I already have trouble with the amount I have, which I consider to be a lot for myself XD;[/quote]no offense taken Chibi  :help: I really wonder that myself most of the time :help: I still have no real answer to that question though >>;
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Courtney on November 07, 2009, 01:55:20 PM
01. Your name

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?
I do, i do~ (http://\"\")

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I used to be hardcore into pixel art. It seems like one day i stumbled upon a site who had joined buttons on the front page. I was like 'what IS that', and it basically went from there. :hug:

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Ahh, there are many people who inspire me! But if i have to choose, probably Masao, Yamila, and Wendy.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)

Suzumi, Sasa, and Janice.

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters! Without a doubt. >D (probably n-z)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I like the building part. I whine and complain about how much i hate css, but you feel so accomplished when you see a fanlisting completed. >o<

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?

Rejections are certainly no fun, but i don't get upset about them. So probably the worst would be the wait for pending apps.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Maybe the series Pandora Hearts? I don't know, there are far too many to choose from. ><

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?

I have no idea. o-o; Far, far too many fantastic layouts to choose from.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Click 'Today's active topics' to see whats new today!

14. What is your favorite forum?
Off-Topic Chit-Chat  

15. What's your favorite avatar?
y, hamburger of course! No, really. I have to echo that there are waaay too many pretty avatars to choose from. <3

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Hmm, when TAFL split from TFL, did much of the TFL community follow? Or was TAFL well, dead, for a while?  :help: *Silly question*

17. Did you know...?
1~ That i hate all of my layouts? Don't know why, i seem to like them enough before coding, but after...
2~ That i mostly apply for EVIL characters? Evil is much cool in my mind. (No, seriously. I think i have 2 good fanlistings?)  :help:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Tess on November 07, 2009, 03:11:52 PM
[quote name='Mitzrael' post='270106' date='Nov 5 2009, 07:20 PM'][quote name='Tess' post='270101' date='Nov 5 2009, 02:47 PM']From conversations with others, I think a number of people forget the staffers don't spend their entire lives staffing; it's an automatic (and incorrect) assumption for people to think that staffers handle situations like that all the time, and there's sometimes a general fear that staffers won't like us commoners. :wub: That's my two cents, anyway![/quote]That's an interesting way to see it indeed, but seriously we're not that scary :help: sure we have to put on a neutral tone most of the time when staffing and that I can think of there's no other tone beside 'formal' to do so x: I guess it can be off-putting but in order to not fall in bias or 'favor' friends/known members it must be used.

Anyway, it doesn't mean we don't have our own problems and lives like everybody else :blush: but, as I'm sure you've seen yourself we're just as any other person around, even if we carry additional responsibilities, and have fun at this :yahoo: community! :hug:
Despite the fact that I said I was petrified, I still enjoy TAFL and the staff here! I've worked with you and Rileth with the Songs category, and you both were/are so nice, it's stunning how much patience you have! Not saying we're all a handful, but I'm sure an angry/annoying fanlisting owner has made an appearance or two (...I may or may not be one of them? :)...).

No, I understand completely that you all have lives, and I love seeing you outside TAFL (that sounds bad), because even *I* sometimes forget, and I'm very much the believer in leave-fanlistings-at-the-computer stuff. As you said, everybody is just the same, if not a bit different!

[quote name='Courtney' post='270211' date='Nov 7 2009, 01:55 PM']17. Did you know...?
1~ That i hate all of my layouts? Don't know why, i seem to like them enough before coding, but after...
2~ That i mostly apply for EVIL characters? Evil is much cool in my mind. (No, seriously. I think i have 2 good fanlistings?)  :help:[/quote]
For 1, I understand this completely! It's so nifty in PSP/Photoshop/GIMP, but after it's coded and up, the dazzle has sizzled away. (Or maybe that's me.) As for number two, well...:heart: Evil = good, good = bad!
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Amber on November 07, 2009, 06:39:21 PM
01. Your name
Amber, though fanlisting related it is Rei for an online alias.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
12 + 2 Upcoming

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yes (http://\"\") I do. :help:

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Honestly, I came across the TAFL after visiting the Sailor Moon series fanlisting several years ago and I always thought it would be neat to own them. So, I eventually applied for the subjects (and later adopted several) and got approved.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Rain, Chibi-chan, and Beth

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Buruma, Bura, and Hakka

07. What's your favorite category?
The Characters N-Z, because of all the Pokemon related fanlistings!

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-M.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I say finally getting the fanlisting up.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I'd say my least favorite part is working with my graphic programs to make nice graphics.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
I'd apply for the Piplup/Pochama fanlisting, because that is my favorite Pokemon! :hug:

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I'd say this (http://\"\") one, because it fits how Vegeta and Goku are against each other! Though, I like a lot of different designs of everyone's fanlistings, so it was hard to pick this one.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
I check out the Shameless Self-Promotion to see what fanlistings have come up.

14. What is your favorite forum?
This one is hard. Maybe the Fanlistings Chit-Chat?

15. What's your favorite avatar?

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
What was the original purpose of creating fanlisting collectives? XD;

17. Did you know...?
-I still have my first two fanlistings.
-I sadly lost my members list for some of my older fanlistings when a crash occured over a year ago. :help:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mishiro on November 07, 2009, 07:26:10 PM
[quote name='Rei Hino' post='270218' date='Nov 8 2009, 07:39 AM']07. What's your favorite category?
The Characters N-Z, because of all the Pokemon related fanlistings![/quote]
That's what I love the N-Z category too, my dear~ :help: :help:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Crystal on November 07, 2009, 08:00:18 PM
It would happen eventually...

01. Your name
Crystal (which is my real name btw)

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
13 much to my surprise. Majority of them are crosslisted from TFL though.

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yeppers! (http://\"\") :hug:

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I think it was when I randomly stumbled upon the Sakura (from CCS) fanlisting when it was still under the ownership of Stacey Ann at :help: I took an interest in fanlistings and it just took off after that.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Oh goodness. I dunno... There are a lot of people.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Who doesn't blow me away more like it. Everyone is just so amazing at what they do. :help:

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters or Relationships. XD

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters N-Z I think.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Building the layout.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Rejections. But I'm totally over it in a day so yeah. XD

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
I honestly have no idea...

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Do I have to pick one? There is really a lot I like...

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Just browse around the various threads mostly...

14. What is your favorite forum?
I don't really have a favorite. XD

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Must I choose!? D:

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Can't think of anything right now...

17. Did you know...?
I'm not big on rivalries. I tend to think of rivalries as rather an interesting relationship. :heart:; (ie: Kyou & Yuki (http://\"\")
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mitzrael on November 07, 2009, 08:11:04 PM
[quote name='Jackie' post='270062' date='Nov 4 2009, 06:53 PM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I don't understand people who seem to despise fanlistings and TAFL, yet they still apply for fanlistings here anyway.  :help:[/quote]
Well, it's like asking why I hate apple juice but I love eating the actual apple.. one of the biggest misteries in the Universe! Although I'm pretty sure I can tell you why I can't drink it but still love to eat it~ :hug: not sure if the other scenario could ever happen though x:

[quote name='Rei Hino' post='270218' date='Nov 7 2009, 06:39 PM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
What was the original purpose of creating fanlisting collectives? XD;[/quote]I think it was to give an option to visitors and owners alike to keep a gate to all their listings so they become easy to find for anybody and everybody at the same time :3 (or something like that ^^:heart:

[quote name='Wendy' post='270152' date='Nov 6 2009, 01:54 PM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Hmm...oh! xD Who made the current TAFL layout? O: I've always wondered xD;; I feel like I asked this question before for some reason[/quote]I think, kinda sure too xD;, it was Lenneth  :help:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 07, 2009, 08:42:07 PM
[quote name='Mitchii' post='270122' date='Nov 6 2009, 08:17 AM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Who design the TAFL logo? (and what font is it?)[/quote]
[quote name='Wendy' post='270152' date='Nov 6 2009, 01:54 PM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Hmm...oh! xD Who made the current TAFL layout? O: I've always wondered xD;; I feel like I asked this question before for some reason[/quote]
TAFL's logo/layout were designed by Lenneth, one of the original Senior Staffers. :) The font face is a special one that required purchase, but whose name escapes me at present. It's become quite the staple, right? ;) Every time I see the color combination, I instantly think of TAFL, LOL.

As a side-note: It's so interesting to see everyone's answers/thoughts/questions/etc. :pirate: CHARACTERS FOREVER! *waves flag*
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hakka on November 07, 2009, 09:18:13 PM
[quote name='Rei Hino' post='270218' date='Nov 8 2009, 12:39 AM']06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Buruma, Bura, and Hakka[/quote]

Ohh  :) :pirate: *

[quote name='Crystal' post='270235' date='Nov 8 2009, 02:00 AM']17. Did you know...?
I'm not big on rivalries. I tend to think of rivalries as rather an interesting relationship. ^_^; (ie: Kyou & Yuki (http://\"\")[/quote]

Wow. It never crossed my mind, but I really like this definition!  ;)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Rosemary on November 07, 2009, 09:52:11 PM
[quote name='Mitchii' post='270122' date='Nov 6 2009, 08:17 AM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Who design the TAFL logo? (and what font is it?)[/quote]
Strumpf is the font.

[quote name='Chibi-chan' post='270204' date='Nov 7 2009, 11:28 AM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Absolutely no offense meant, but I've always wondered how some people can manage owning a big number of fanlistings! I already have trouble with the amount I have, which I consider to be a lot for myself XD;[/quote]
It's all thanks to the wonder that is fanlisting management scripts.  If it was not for Enthusiast, I would not be able to own the amount of fanlistings I do.

[quote name='Courtney' post='270211' date='Nov 7 2009, 01:55 PM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Hmm, when TAFL split from TFL, did much of the TFL community follow? Or was TAFL well, dead, for a while?  :pirate: *Silly question*[/quote]

Almost all of the people who frequented the anime/manga categories at TFL moved over with us to the new network and as the years have passed, lots more people have found us. ;)

[quote name='Rei Hino' post='270218' date='Nov 7 2009, 06:39 PM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
What was the original purpose of creating fanlisting collectives? XD;[/quote]

I can't say why the first person made it, but I made mine when I started having more than a 'few' fanlistings.  It's a great way to showcase all of them and they're just fun and pretty (who needs a better excuse than that?).

Also, I too always wonder why people think staffers are scary/mean/will bite their heads off.  We're such a fun quirky bunch, but I guess when you have to sometimes reject and/or make decisions that effect groups of people it can make people think of you differently.  I do kind of get the whole wonder/awe thing though.  I was an still am a total Danielle fangirl and it boggles my mind I got/get to be friends with her.

As to hiring people:  Marie is right, deciding on new hires takes lots and lots of time and energy, but it is always so rewarding when I get to tell people they're being offered a position.  I love doing it over im so I can witness the reaction in real time. :)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Rosemary on November 07, 2009, 10:28:38 PM
01. Your name

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
A lot.

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yup, The Flames of Addiction (http://\"\")

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I shall blame the Rurouni Kenshin series for my addiction.  Buffy got me into fanlistings in general, though, since the series fanlisting was the first one I ever joined.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Danielle, Mitzrael, and Marie.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Same as above!

07. What's your favorite category?

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Making codes!

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Coding layouts.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Rurouni Kenshin Jinchuu Arc.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Noriko (http://\"\")'s layout I think.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check the staff forums.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hmm, fanlisting chit-chat probably.

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Usually my current one is my favorite.  I'm loving on my current Anatolia Story one.

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Owning it kind of takes the mystery away so there isn't anything about TAFL I have a question about, lol.  Something that has always boggled my mind: Why do people sometimes adopt out 'wishlist' fanlistings (especially if they haven't had them very long)?  

17. Did you know...?
It breaks my heart every time a staffer has to leave staff. :pirate:  Also, it makes me proud that I've been staffing/involved with anime/manga categories since before TAFL existed.  We don't have too many staffers left who can say that! (Though saying that does make me feel kind of old, haha)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hakka on November 08, 2009, 09:19:20 AM
[quote name='Rosemary' post='270256' date='Nov 8 2009, 04:28 AM']17. Did you know...?
It breaks my heart every time a staffer has to leave staff. :)  Also, it makes me proud that I've been staffing/involved with anime/manga categories since before TAFL existed.  We don't have too many staffers left who can say that! (Though saying that does make me feel kind of old, haha)[/quote]

Wow!  ;)  Congrats, Rosemary!  :pirate:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 09, 2009, 08:08:38 AM
[quote name='Jackie' post='270256' date='Nov 4 2009, 6:53 PM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I don't understand people who seem to despise fanlistings and TAFL, yet they still apply for fanlistings here anyway.[/quote]
That will always confuse me - why publicly say you don't like fanlistings, if you're just going to apply for one the next day? >>; If you don't like something, isn't it better to just, you know... not be involved with it? :pirate: It's frustrating, to say the least.

New questions! ;) *continues to be bored at work*

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
Something crazy? Something nerdy? Something that would never be allowed? Something that has potential?

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Example! You associate TAFL with fanlistings! OR You associate Trouble Checkers with Ghostbusters it's the green!
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Saya on November 09, 2009, 08:26:05 AM
ok let's try, taichou you come up with most interesting questions, you know?

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Actualy I'm not sure about it, I always have the same problem with both - expressing my love for the subject, so I think don't prefere eather of them, i like them both the same way.

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
........that's a tought question, because I'm not a person who is good at making new threads... actually....... i really don't know what that would be - I think I'm quite narrowminded when it comes to stuff (me is all manga/anime/websites mind... ok xxxholic mind), maybe a season thread... idk *fails* I'm so sorry ç____ç i so fail at stuff like this

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Senior staffers = Olympus (Should I also give every staffer a greek god?)
Category staffers = myth. heroes (demi-gods - at least one parent is a god)
Truble Chackers = myth. beasts (you know those who guard, check and stuff)

I so suck with associating T.T
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 09, 2009, 08:36:58 AM
18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Ah, that's a tough one, since they are very different, but... personally, at the Network, I think. Adoptions are a much more personal process to be involved in - I always end up second guessing myself: Did I write too much? Did I say what I wanted to say? Are my feelings going to get through to this person? And then there's the whole period where you wonder if the person is even going to go through with the adoption and blah blah blah. Don't get me wrong - I've adopted some of my favorite characters, but most of them were from friends. I guess, as a staffer, I'm just used to the process and so there's a lot less "stress", so to speak, when applying at the Network. Plus, I know someone will get back to me and etc. *probably seems like a nut*

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
A thread for Kubology, definitely.

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I actually associate most people with Characters, LOL. And that's how I keep them straight in my head. Like, Mitz = Kaname, Jackie = Rukia, Dale = Sasuke, etc. I associate most people with a character that I strongly relate them too, and even in situations where it's not needed. The only person I don't really associate a character with is Wife, because she is plagued by Kubo, LOL. And that's a lie, because Wife = Gamma

[quote name='Saya' post='270328' date='Nov 9 2009, 08:26 AM']ok let's try, taichou you come up with most interesting questions, you know?[/quote] Ha, I try. :pirate:

[quote name='Saya' post='270328' date='Nov 9 2009, 08:26 AM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Senior staffers = Olympus (Should I also give every staffer a greek god?)
Category staffers = myth. heroes (demi-gods - at least one parent is a god)
Truble Chackers = myth. beasts (you know those who guard, check and stuff)

I so suck with associating T.T[/quote]That is actually the coolest association ever. omg, I want to be Hades. Ignoring the fact that he lives, you know, in hell. He has ZOMBIES!
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Saya on November 09, 2009, 09:01:06 AM
[quote name='Marie' post='270330' date='Nov 9 2009, 02:36 PM'][quote name='Saya' post='270328' date='Nov 9 2009, 08:26 AM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Senior staffers = Olympus (Should I also give every staffer a greek god?)
Category staffers = myth. heroes (demi-gods - at least one parent is a god)
Truble Chackers = myth. beasts (you know those who guard, check and stuff)

I so suck with associating T.T[/quote]That is actually the coolest association ever. omg, I want to be Hades. Ignoring the fact that he lives, you know, in hell. He has ZOMBIES!

Then I want to be defenetly Cerberos!
I have a thing for greek and roman myths XD
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Sarah on November 09, 2009, 09:04:01 AM
/pops in

I want to be Disney's Heracles cause he's the only dude I know (cough) Or Pegasus! :pirate: /shot

/runs off again
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mitzrael on November 09, 2009, 09:15:47 AM
Dittos the bored at work part LoL! :pirate:

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
omg! I dunno ;) when it's at the network ,and above all when it's in my own categories, I have to annoy the staffer army with my babbling and whatnot :) even if my moto which is not in use right now so don't give me the look is apply now and do not regret afterward, make sense? So at times I'm more into adoptions 8D but really both are equally fun to apply to!

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
We TOTALLY should start that TAFL TRIVIA thread!  :hug: ^_^ dunno what the prizes could be though >>;

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject)?
Dunno, will think that one over >_> but I totally want to be HADES!  I content myself with Artemis though perhaps  :hug:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mishiro on November 09, 2009, 10:19:51 AM
18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Well, to be truthful, I'd say I enjoy both as well~ Both is just as easy and hard at the same time~ :3

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
Maybe I would make a thread called... "What are your current obsessions?" or something like that? Well, it does sound kinda old. :pirate:

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Erm... Like Marie-san, I often see other fanlisting owners and my friends as characters (which they like)~ ;)
Like... Nekoi Echizen = Ritona Yoko, Saya-san = Yuuko, Mitzrael-san = Yes -> Kaname, Skyria = Princess Sakura (of Tsubasa) and etc, etc~ :)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Yamila on November 09, 2009, 10:56:30 AM
18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
To be painfully honest... at the Network. Not that I don't like applying for adoptions (it's great to, let's say, form a bond with the previous owner coz you're taking care of their baby! :pirate: ), but it isn't necessary to write stuff so >_>

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
A GUNDAM 00 DISCUSSION THREAD FOR WHEN THE MOVIE IS ABOUT TO BE RELEASED o_ó /was actually planning to do so *dork*

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
o_o eh... never thought about this (I don't tend to put people in groups...) but if I think of it, probably the ranks in Naruto (only that there are like 5/6 Sannin instead of 3 XD)
But like Marie, I also tend to associate people with characters xDDD Saya = Yuuko, Nekoi = Yoko, Wen = Neil, Marie = Ichigo, Mitzie = Kaname, Masao = Alle and so on xDDDD inb4 Mila = Graham
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Sarah on November 09, 2009, 12:11:44 PM
So! /has now more time for the rest of the questions and shall keep spamming the boards mwahaha

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Hmmm. I actually think I've had more luck with adoptions in the past, not sure why. *ponders* But I think I prefer applying at the Network too.

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
LOL. >>; I think I'm happy with our current threads <3 Even tho I need to go look for my Jdrama topic one of these days ahaha~

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Hmmm, I don't really associate people with Characters. I do associate people with different shades of pink though (cough) For example! Chip = light pink, aranee = darker pink, Jani = almost purple (but a light purple!), Marie = super super super SUPER pink! :wub: ♥♥ Etc!

...I wonder if that's weird, but I swear it's the truth. People give me pink vibes. *nods* At least most do, we won't go into the rest. (cough) ;)

Oh, but I also associate/relate random stuff to people. Like, Jackieness = squirrels and Sasuke is rainbows and hearts! Eh, but hm. Marie = 4323834 hearts too so I'm right when I say they totally have something in common :blink: Aaand Saya reminds me of a cat!

... /feels sort of random but omg still want to be Pegasus
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Jackie on November 09, 2009, 12:36:46 PM
18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
I think applying at the network since, in a general sense, I know what to expect.  Adoptions are very dependent upon each individual subject and the fanlisting owner.  But I've been approved for fanlistings very dear to me both via the network and via adoptions, so I can't really complain either way <3<3

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
I ditto a thread on Kubology.  And the TAFL trivia thread though I think I would sadly lose at this :|

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
LOL, everyone's associations are all so cute!  *is definitely a squirrel~* <3<3<3  And I claim dibs on Athena.  *gives Sarahchu some wings~*

Mmm.  I don't know what I really associate people with - probably characters, relationships, and series.  Sarah is a chipmunk in my mind but also Sasuke; Buru is forever Chibiusa to me; Mitz is Uchiha!cest; Marie is Luffy and Ichigo!jailbait; Shal is Just Kaien; Rose is Tomoe; and so on. :blink:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Tess on November 09, 2009, 01:53:48 PM
[quote name='Yamila' post='270337' date='Nov 9 2009, 10:56 AM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
o_o eh... never thought about this (I don't tend to put people in groups...) but if I think of it, probably the ranks in Naruto (only that there are like 5/6 Sannin instead of 3 XD)
But like Marie, I also tend to associate people with characters xDDD Saya = Yuuko, Nekoi = Yoko, Wen = Neil, Marie = Ichigo, Mitzie = Kaname, Masao = Alle and so on xDDDD inb4 Mila = Graham[/quote]
I do unconsciously think of different members as characters! :blink: Marie is definitely Ichigo (I sometimes can't watch him without thinking "...Marie"), Estefania as Roy and Jackie as Rukia? :wub:

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Adoptions, definitely! There's sometimes less (but not always!) applying on other people's part, and for me, the rejection doesn't sting as much? Or maybe my emotions are shot...

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
IDK if the threads I have in mind are here and I'm blind, but threads like these! TFL (sorry for the reference!) has various threads in the TC forum about favourite music, favourite movies, favourite (fictional) characters, etc., and they are really fun. Now that I think of it, there are threads like those here, but I just like answering questions.

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Sometimes various forms of ninjas come to mind on this one. No idea which ninjas, just ninjas. (Though the Senior Staff give up this kingly vibe, so I automatically think Zeus! Hades! Various Kings of England! I wanted to write a story based off the SS and their almighty power...)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 09, 2009, 02:35:12 PM
*will fight with Mitz for Hades!* :blink: :wub:

[quote name='Yamila' post='270337' date='Nov 9 2009, 10:56 AM']19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
A GUNDAM 00 DISCUSSION THREAD FOR WHEN THE MOVIE IS ABOUT TO BE RELEASED o_ó /was actually planning to do so *dork*[/quote]
:o Wasn't there a Gundam thread? You should definitely make one! I'm surprised you Mecha nuts haven't yet! :P

[quote name='Sarah' post='270341' date='Nov 9 2009, 12:11 PM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
...I wonder if that's weird, but I swear it's the truth. People give me pink vibes. *nods* At least most do, we won't go into the rest. (cough) ;)[/quote]
It's definitely weird. >>; DO NOT RELATE ME TO THAT GUY.

[quote name='Jackie' post='270342' date='Nov 9 2009, 12:36 PM']18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
I think applying at the network since, in a general sense, I know what to expect.  Adoptions are very dependent upon each individual subject and the fanlisting owner.  But I've been approved for fanlistings very dear to me both via the network and via adoptions, so I can't really complain either way <3<3[/quote]
That's my feelings on adoptions too. :yes: They're much more personal, so it's hard to know what to expect, but that can be just as rewarding an experience, hehe. ;)

... also, I totally read that association bit wrong and will let you imagine how. But LOL, Just Kaien.

[quote name='Tess' post='270345' date='Nov 9 2009, 01:53 PM']I do unconsciously think of different members as characters! :lol: Marie is definitely Ichigo (I sometimes can't watch him without thinking "...Marie"), Estefania as Roy and Jackie as Rukia? :o[/quote]

*is embarassingly pleased about this* Ohemgee, I'm seriously such a loser over here, LOL.

But, you know, this is actually really interesting. Dale was trying to tell me that I'm the only "weirdo" out there that associates people with characters, but based on this thread, looks like Dale is the real weirdo. :P HARD EVIDENCE.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Shalott on November 09, 2009, 02:35:52 PM
18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
At the Network, over all. Adoptions are stressful because unless the person is a friend, I don't really know what to expect from them - was my application long enough, detailed enough or are the going to find something lacking in either my application or myself? Stuff like that causes me constant worry, which is not present with applications at the Network.

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
Thirding Kubology. I almost feel badly, witholding such powerful information from the general populace. T_T

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I am really, REALLY bad at remembering names, so I always associate people with their domains or websites. :wub: So say if, Susan is brought up in conversation but I can't recall this person, I need someone to tell me "Susan runs" and then I will totally remember that person!  :blink:

[quote name='Saya' post='270328' date='Nov 9 2009, 07:26 AM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Senior staffers = Olympus (Should I also give every staffer a greek god?)
Category staffers = myth. heroes (demi-gods - at least one parent is a god)
Truble Chackers = myth. beasts (you know those who[/quote]

I would like to be Ares, pls. <3

ETA: Wife, despite Kubo's contant presence in our lives I do associate you more with Luffy than Ichigo, ha ha! (Gives Kubo the big finger)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Sarah on November 09, 2009, 02:50:31 PM
*snugs Jackieness~!* ;) Wiiingsssss! :wub: A chipmunk with wings! (cough) <3

[quote name='Marie' post='270347' date='Nov 9 2009, 08:35 PM'][quote name='Sarah' post='270341' date='Nov 9 2009, 12:11 PM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
...I wonder if that's weird, but I swear it's the truth. People give me pink vibes. *nods* At least most do, we won't go into the rest. (cough) :yes:[/quote]
It's definitely weird. >>; DO NOT RELATE ME TO THAT GUY.[/quote]'s not. It's not my fault you guys are so pink. :lol: LOL YES I WILL~ The more I think about this, the more I like the comparison, lol.

Also. This:

[quote name='Marie' post='270347' date='Nov 9 2009, 08:35 PM']But, you know, this is actually really interesting. Dale was trying to tell me that I'm the only "weirdo" out there that associates people with characters, but based on this thread, looks like Dale is the real weirdo. ;) HARD EVIDENCE.[/quote]
Just.. shut up.

..even tho I might or might not have thought the same thing earlier >>; NOT that I'm the weirdo ;fhjsf but ... that you might not be the only one. /runs from the rest of the boards :P :blink:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Rileth on November 09, 2009, 03:15:00 PM
[quote name='Saya' post='270328' date='Nov 9 2009, 02:26 PM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Senior staffers = Olympus (Should I also give every staffer a greek god?)
Category staffers = myth. heroes (demi-gods - at least one parent is a god)
Truble Chackers = myth. beasts (you know those who guard, check and stuff)[/quote]

lol, that's an original idea :P, although I find it difficult to think at people here on these terms (characters are way easier)
Peraphs I could be Aeneas (and just because he was decent enough in both the Aeneid than in the Divina Commedia, which aren't half bad to study).
Btw most myths don't have a nice ending  :wub:

My turn!

01. Your name
Giorgia (I wonder why almost everybody mispell it ;))

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
More or less 90

03. Do you have an FL collective?
*runs and hide* I'm still under the process of revamping it (damn Enth) so it's still on hiatus

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Honestly, I can't remember. I think the first time I got into fanlistings was around 2001. I found out about them due to the codes on the site of a friend and I wanted to find out what they were about. I remember that I was disappointed in not finding some fanlistings for some subjects I really loved, but I wasn't actually thinking about making any (also because I had no idea on how to create a website in the first place). Later on I decided to give it a try. I used to have some animefanlistings before the creation of TAFL, but nowadays I don't think I still own any of them :lol:

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Only 3? This is cruel ;). I'd say Mitz, Marie and Sarah

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Same as above?

07. What's your favorite category?
Ehrm I love all the categories, can't make a choice :P

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters N-Z  :blink:

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Building the fanlisting and sometimes writing the application (but it depends on the mood and on the subject)

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
The codes. I don't really hate making them, but I can't really choose when I have too many images and how to cut them, I envy the pretty codes made by some people here,

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Ah ah nice question. I just have to convince myself to apply for Camus or Saint Seiya :yes:

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
There are too many layouts I love, definetely.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
I usually check new messages, although it doesn't have to be something I'm completely interested in.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Fanlistings Chit-Chat.

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Dunno. I usually don't mind that much avatars (maybe because I'm too lazy to regullary make new ones)

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I add myself to the crew of those who "don't understand why people complain or dislike fanlistings". I think that most of those who make negative comments about fanlisting don't understand what they are. Some say they are a waste of time, but who cares, if it's free time it doesn't really matter if it's something useful or not. Than, I find fanlistings useful. Thanks to them I opened my mind to new things, some of which became my favourite. I think they are an original way to learn something new

17. Did you know...?
I have tried all the scripts plus manual updating for my fanlistings. Scripts are actually so useful, but manual updating was peraphs more fun.

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
I'd say the network, because I don't really check that frequently adoption threads and sometimes I apply too late.

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
I think there are enough interesting threads.

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I do associate some people with some particular characters, but I find it a little difficult with groups.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Rosemary on November 09, 2009, 04:42:21 PM
*puts Marie and Sarah on the spot*  Inquiring minds want to know what shade of pink and character I am!

You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I tend to associate everyone with the fanlisting(s) they own.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Sarah on November 09, 2009, 05:04:35 PM
[quote name='Rosemary' post='270360' date='Nov 9 2009, 10:42 PM']*puts Marie and Sarah on the spot*  Inquiring minds want to know what shade of pink and character I am![/quote]
Roger that! :blink:

Rose is like this: [color=\"#ca0f5e\"]♥[/color] :wub: Soooo a v.v. strong and pretty pink that's leaaaning a bit towards red. *nods* <33 xDD

.. maybe I should post the rest too. *ponders*
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hakka on November 09, 2009, 05:08:11 PM
18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
If I have to say it bluntly, I prefer adoptions, but only because opening a fanlisting from scratch makes me really sad ( hate when members list gets lost  :wub:). Anyway, as long as I'm in love with the subject, it doesn't really matter.
But, generally, I quote Marie's answer, because she's got the point!

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
I surf this board very little, so I'm not the right person to ask this question. ._.

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I usually associate the owners to a fanlisting of theirs, except for Marie who is Luffy/One Piece and Mitz who is Uchihacest (ok, both of them have the actual fanlisting of that subject so :blink: )

[quote name='Saya' post='270328' date='Nov 9 2009, 02:26 PM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Senior staffers = Olympus (Should I also give every staffer a greek god?)
Category staffers = myth. heroes (demi-gods - at least one parent is a god)
Truble Chackers = myth. beasts (you know those who guard, check and stuff)

I so suck with associating T.T[/quote]
You don't suck, I really love this idea! *__*
Seems Hades is really loved, here (my fave God too)!  :yes:  I'll be a loyal soldier standing for boss Mitz as Hades, sorry Marie! ;)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Yamila on November 09, 2009, 08:39:29 PM
[quote name='Marie' post='270347' date='Nov 9 2009, 04:35 PM'][quote name='Yamila' post='270337' date='Nov 9 2009, 10:56 AM']19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
A GUNDAM 00 DISCUSSION THREAD FOR WHEN THE MOVIE IS ABOUT TO BE RELEASED o_ó /was actually planning to do so *dork*[/quote]
;) Wasn't there a Gundam thread? You should definitely make one! I'm surprised you Mecha nuts haven't yet! :wub:[/quote]
Well o-o last one was before the ending of Season 1... >_> I'm always tempted to create a new one, I should see... (you can expect tons of spazz, fangirling, and crazy speculation... (really, this is G00. YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT) if that happens...)) for now, there aren't much news -in terms of new productions and all ; new official material as novels and mangas are still driving us nuts >_>- related to the series D: Also, there's the Unicorn series coming :3

Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 09, 2009, 10:45:06 PM
[quote name='Shalott' post='270348' date='Nov 9 2009, 02:35 PM']ETA: Wife, despite Kubo's contant presence in our lives I do associate you more with Luffy than Ichigo, ha ha! (Gives Kubo the big finger)[/quote]
;) That's because you have a map ... of my heart. /cheesy kishimoto moment

[quote name='Rosemary' post='270360' date='Nov 9 2009, 04:42 PM']*puts Marie and Sarah on the spot*  Inquiring minds want to know what shade of pink and character I am![/quote]
Nakago, bb. :yes:

[quote name='Hakka' post='270363' date='Nov 9 2009, 05:08 PM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I usually associate the owners to a fanlisting of theirs, except for Marie who is Luffy/One Piece and Mitz who is Uchihacest (ok, both of them have the actual fanlisting of that subject so :blink: )[/quote]
:wub: :lol:

You guys have such interesting answers! *really loves this activity*
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Kibou on November 10, 2009, 12:55:24 AM
*blushes at all the mentions of me* :yes: Fiiiiiinally getting around to filling this myself:

01. Your name
Kibou. It's an alias. I picked it because it means 'hope'.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
19 & 1 upcoming adoption. 20 is such a nice number! :o

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Sun & Snow (http://\"\"). It lists my TAFL fanlistings only.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
She's not around anymore but Kokoro. I knew her through affiliating our CardCaptor Sakura sites way back. She told me about fanlistings when I asked about the codes on her blog and the few that she owned.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Rose, Marie & Jackie. They're just so dedicated to their FLs and the network.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Estee, Janice & Sarah :blink: Plus many many more of course! ;) Originality and great use of colour are what gets to me.

07. What's your favorite category?
Raburabu~ :wub: It's just LOVE! :o I've trouble checked the category since '05 and staffed it for a year now *huggles it*

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-M with 8. Closely followed by Relationships with 7. I actually only have fanlistings in 3 categories right now heh.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Hearing the outcome of applications. Approvals are definitely exciting to receive. But even with rejections, I'm usually excited and curious to see who got it.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
When my layouts get outdated and I don't like them anymore but it's so hard to come up with something new so the poor sites just sit there for ages not looking pretty. Does that count? XD

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Um, I don't think there is anything hmm.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I can't think of ONE off the top of my head. Too many @___@;

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Click the 'view new posts' link :lol:

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot Topics. Specifically, the approvals thread especially after one of my own application updates. :D

15. What's your favorite avatar?
I don't know. There have been so many. But Marie's one right now is very amusing and true. :P

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Nothing, really.

17. Did you know...?
The first fanlisting I ever applied for...I asked for the app to be disregarded a while later. ;) I'm not that fickle anymore, I hope.

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Network because it's decided on more objective factors and like Jackie said, it's easier to know what to expect (e.g. when apps are processed, what factors are gonna be looked at, etc.) That being said, I do like adoptions too depending on the individual case.

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
I'm not creative in making threads so will skip this question. :P

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I associate people with their sites (usually domain names). Sometimes, I also associate particular people with fls their own and certain staffers (& ex-staffers) with certain categories.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Estefania on November 10, 2009, 08:52:42 AM
[quote name='Tess' post='270345' date='Nov 9 2009, 01:53 PM']I do unconsciously think of different members as characters! :blink: Marie is definitely Ichigo (I sometimes can't watch him without thinking "...Marie"), Estefania as Roy and Jackie as Rukia? :wub:[/quote]
You wouldn't believe how happy (and strangely proud) that makes me! /ÜBER LAME

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
I think I find Network applications less nerve-wracking than adoptions, but at the same time I also feel they're somehow even more out of my control - in the sense that, with adoptions, you can appeal to the previous owner's feelings in a more personal way. If that makes any sense at all? LOL.

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
WHY IS FMA THE GREATEST MANGA EVER CREATED? Uhm, not sure. Perhaps manga recs, or "what are you shipping atm?", or HOW DOES YOUR ROOM LOOK /is a voyeur. But yeah, idk.

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I also associate people with series/characters! Sometimes with their domains, but most of the time with series/characters =) At times, they're not even current series, but things I associated people with in the past and I just keep doing it now. Like Shaza with Shaman King or Jackie with Witch Hunter Robin~
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hakka on November 10, 2009, 12:37:44 PM
[quote name='Estefania' post='270395' date='Nov 10 2009, 02:52 PM'][quote name='Tess' post='270345' date='Nov 9 2009, 01:53 PM']I do unconsciously think of different members as characters! :blink: Marie is definitely Ichigo (I sometimes can't watch him without thinking "...Marie"), Estefania as Roy and Jackie as Rukia? ;)[/quote]
You wouldn't believe how happy (and strangely proud) that makes me! /ÜBER LAME

Oh, yes, I forgot I'm one of those associates Estefania with hot-soon-to-be-fuhrer Roy too!  :wub:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 12, 2009, 04:19:21 PM
[quote name='Kibou' post='270381' date='Nov 10 2009, 12:55 AM']15. What's your favorite avatar?
I don't know. There have been so many. But Marie's one right now is very amusing and true. :)[/quote]
HAHAHA. Where's Dale? :) :hug:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Sarah on November 12, 2009, 04:33:39 PM
[quote name='Marie' post='270507' date='Nov 12 2009, 10:19 PM'][quote name='Kibou' post='270381' date='Nov 10 2009, 12:55 AM']15. What's your favorite avatar?
I don't know. There have been so many. But Marie's one right now is very amusing and true. :)[/quote]
HAHAHA. Where's Dale? :) :hug:
...I purposefully ignored it, thank you very much. >>; /kicks you

PS: We need new questions. Like, "Why is everyone so blind to Renji's beauty?" Etc, etc. ETA; Meant his beauty. >>;
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Katze on November 12, 2009, 08:44:39 PM
[quote name='Chibi-chan' post='270204' date='Nov 7 2009, 11:28 AM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Absolutely no offense meant, but I've always wondered how some people can manage owning a big number of fanlistings! I already have trouble with the amount I have, which I consider to be a lot for myself XD;[/quote]

Very, very carefully. I wouldn't be able to do it without the helpfulness of Enthusiast. XD (Which brings me to the question of what would those of us do if Enth or any of the other FL management scripts didn't exist? :))

01. Your name
In the real world, it's Lindsay (you would not believe how many people cannot seem to spell it correctly!). Otherwise I'm known as Katze or Nori :)

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
..60-something OTL

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yup! Pure Rhythm (http://\"\")

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Seeing them around in 2003 and raging (or not) that they did not exist for Omi or Nagi. So, naturally, I had to do it.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
....This is really hard, but there's always something about Rileth's designs that I like :)

07. What's your favorite category?

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters N-Z, I think.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Practicing photoshop-fu!

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Coding. Takes too long. XD

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
GOTENKS. (most of the other stuff I would apply for is currently up for application  :hug:

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
...Oh god this is hard. There are so many I think are just plain awesome.  Of mine, I really like Yamcha's (http://\"\"), though (and my collective layout? makes me baw every time I look at it)

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check my categories, lol

14. What is your favorite forum?
Don't have one!

15. What's your favorite avatar?
I'm quite fond of Mitz's Aya-tan icon :)

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
This will probably sound really mean, but why do people not seem to believe in proper navigation when they divide their fl up into sections? (By this, I mean like Shrine, Fanlisting, Etc)  It *really* bugs me when there isn't proper navigation on every page and I have to keep clicking back (or sometimes more than once!) to move on to the next page instead of just being able to go straight from the codes page to the join page or whatever :lmao:  This was one of my biggest peeves when I was a TCer XD;  This is possibly just me being lazy, but it makes the site really hard to enjoy for me :lmao:

17. Did you know...?
Series is the only category I staff that I actually have fanlistings in XD  Also 90% of my applications are for things that have been around for years and either never had fls, or kept being removed and I was sick of rejoining it every x months XD;  This does not, however, mean that I don't adore all of my subjects to bitty pieces (how am I still the only member on Ichiro's fl & the Nerima Daikon Brothers FL DX?)

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Depends on the subject. If it's something that already had/has a fanlisting, I'd rather try adopting it. If it's something that's never had one (or hasn't had one in *years*), I'd rather apply.

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
...IDUNNO. ;O;

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I associate Dimmie with Mizuki (http://\"\") for reasons completely unrelated to TAFL (aside from the fact we've swapped his FL back and forth a few times. XD Hi Dimmehchu.)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Shalott on November 13, 2009, 03:11:53 AM
[quote name='Katze' post='270516' date='Nov 12 2009, 07:44 PM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
This will probably sound really mean, but why do people not seem to believe in proper navigation when they divide their fl up into sections? (By this, I mean like Shrine, Fanlisting, Etc)  It *really* bugs me when there isn't proper navigation on every page and I have to keep clicking back (or sometimes more than once!) to move on to the next page instead of just being able to go straight from the codes page to the join page or whatever :sweatdrop:  This was one of my biggest peeves when I was a TCer XD;  This is possibly just me being lazy, but it makes the site really hard to enjoy for me :rofl:[/quote]

I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU SHOULD *EVER* HAVE TO CLICK "BACK" TO NAVIGATE A SITE. I will absolutely not visit any site that cannot easily navigate from one page to any other page of my choosing. The "back forward home" links don't count as navigation - I don't really want to have to return to your index page every time I need to access the menu.

Mean? Maybe. Really, though - why go out of your way to make it hard for visitors to spend time on your site?

*wheezes* MAJOR, MAJOR PEEVE. /rant
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Nekoi Echizen on November 13, 2009, 04:25:06 AM
18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Sincerely I love apply for both because I love to apply generally for subjects that I love sincerely no matter if they are adoptions or application in the network!:sweatdrop: Even if most of the time I get anxious!XD

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
I ditto Estefania about the shipping thread! :rofl:

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I associate people with the subjects they likes the most usually!XD Sample: Marie-taichou = Rufy, Mitz-san = Itachi, Sarah-san = Sasuke, Saya = Yuuko, Yamila = Graham/Orihime/GinBan (+ tons of others), etc...!X3 There are obviously some rare exceptions!
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Katze on November 13, 2009, 09:25:46 AM
[quote name='Shalott' post='270546' date='Nov 13 2009, 12:11 AM']I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU SHOULD *EVER* HAVE TO CLICK "BACK" TO NAVIGATE A SITE. I will absolutely not visit any site that cannot easily navigate from one page to any other page of my choosing. The "back forward home" links don't count as navigation - I don't really want to have to return to your index page every time I need to access the menu.

Mean? Maybe. Really, though - why go out of your way to make it hard for visitors to spend time on your site?

*wheezes* MAJOR, MAJOR PEEVE. /rant[/quote]

Yesssssssssss. *SEETHES* Especially since FORWARD DOESN'T HELP UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY HAVE SOMEWHERE TO GO FORWARD *TO*, BECAUSE YOU'VE ALREADY CLICKED BACK (and thus you'll probably end up on the page you just left :|)

Really. Guys. There's nothing wrong with having an extra little bit of navigation on pages. If it's an aesthetic thing, make the links pretty.  Or. IDK. SOMETHING.

...Sorry guys, I mean no offense;  it just bothers me to no end DDDDDX It doesn't bother me as much if it's a list of articles or something to that effect, because yeah, it would just look bizarre to have your list of 20 articles linked on every single article page, but general fl business (join/codes/fans/whatever), quicklinks on the pages is the way to go.  It sucks because there are so many otherwise awesome sites that are ruined for me because of it XD;
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Sarah on November 13, 2009, 09:58:32 AM
[quote name='Nekoi Echizen' post='270551' date='Nov 13 2009, 10:25 AM']Sarah-san = Sasuke[/quote]
...   :sweatdrop:   :rofl:  :lmao: /horribly easy, lol <3

[quote name='Katze' post='270561' date='Nov 13 2009, 03:25 PM']Really. Guys. There's nothing wrong with having an extra little bit of navigation on pages. If it's an aesthetic thing, make the links pretty.  Or. IDK. SOMETHING.

...Sorry guys, I mean no offense;  it just bothers me to no end DDDDDX It doesn't bother me as much if it's a list of articles or something to that effect, because yeah, it would just look bizarre to have your list of 20 articles linked on every single article page, but general fl business (join/codes/fans/whatever), quicklinks on the pages is the way to go.  It sucks because there are so many otherwise awesome sites that are ruined for me because of it XD;[/quote]
LOL, this is actually really interesting, cause I think half of my sites fall under that. *ponders* I would have never thought someone would be bothered by clicking "Fanlisting" once more to go back to the rest of the fanlisting pages aka join, members etc - I've never had a problem with it myself, so I just assumed neither did anyone else, aha. I can understand about being annoyed when one constantly has to go back to the index (maybe even without a link back there- that really drives me nuts sometimes >>; ) but yeah.. I guess I'm just not really picky with navigations, as long as it's clearly visible and I can find what I'm looking for.  :hug: I don't really mind 1,2 "extra" clicks, haha.

*shall try and take this into consideration for the next fl* :lol:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hakka on November 13, 2009, 03:51:09 PM
[quote name='Katze' post='270561' date='Nov 13 2009, 03:25 PM'][quote name='Shalott' post='270546' date='Nov 13 2009, 12:11 AM']I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU SHOULD *EVER* HAVE TO CLICK "BACK" TO NAVIGATE A SITE. I will absolutely not visit any site that cannot easily navigate from one page to any other page of my choosing. The "back forward home" links don't count as navigation - I don't really want to have to return to your index page every time I need to access the menu.

Mean? Maybe. Really, though - why go out of your way to make it hard for visitors to spend time on your site?

*wheezes* MAJOR, MAJOR PEEVE. /rant[/quote]

Yesssssssssss. *SEETHES* Especially since FORWARD DOESN'T HELP UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY HAVE SOMEWHERE TO GO FORWARD *TO*, BECAUSE YOU'VE ALREADY CLICKED BACK (and thus you'll probably end up on the page you just left :|)

Really. Guys. There's nothing wrong with having an extra little bit of navigation on pages. If it's an aesthetic thing, make the links pretty.  Or. IDK. SOMETHING.

...Sorry guys, I mean no offense;  it just bothers me to no end DDDDDX It doesn't bother me as much if it's a list of articles or something to that effect, because yeah, it would just look bizarre to have your list of 20 articles linked on every single article page, but general fl business (join/codes/fans/whatever), quicklinks on the pages is the way to go.  It sucks because there are so many otherwise awesome sites that are ruined for me because of it XD;
I thought I was the only one thinking this!  :sweatdrop:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Tess on November 13, 2009, 04:00:43 PM
[quote name='Shalott' post='270546' date='Nov 13 2009, 03:11 AM']I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU SHOULD *EVER* HAVE TO CLICK "BACK" TO NAVIGATE A SITE. I will absolutely not visit any site that cannot easily navigate from one page to any other page of my choosing. The "back forward home" links don't count as navigation - I don't really want to have to return to your index page every time I need to access the menu.

Mean? Maybe. Really, though - why go out of your way to make it hard for visitors to spend time on your site?

*wheezes* MAJOR, MAJOR PEEVE. /rant[/quote]
[quote name='Katze' post='270561' date='Nov 13 2009, 09:25 AM']Yesssssssssss. *SEETHES* Especially since FORWARD DOESN'T HELP UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY HAVE SOMEWHERE TO GO FORWARD *TO*, BECAUSE YOU'VE ALREADY CLICKED BACK (and thus you'll probably end up on the page you just left :|)

Really. Guys. There's nothing wrong with having an extra little bit of navigation on pages. If it's an aesthetic thing, make the links pretty.  Or. IDK. SOMETHING.

...Sorry guys, I mean no offense;  it just bothers me to no end DDDDDX It doesn't bother me as much if it's a list of articles or something to that effect, because yeah, it would just look bizarre to have your list of 20 articles linked on every single article page, but general fl business (join/codes/fans/whatever), quicklinks on the pages is the way to go.  It sucks because there are so many otherwise awesome sites that are ruined for me because of it XD;[/quote]
[quote name='Sarah' post='270564' date='Nov 13 2009, 09:58 AM']LOL, this is actually really interesting, cause I think half of my sites fall under that. *ponders* I would have never thought someone would be bothered by clicking "Fanlisting" once more to go back to the rest of the fanlisting pages aka join, members etc - I've never had a problem with it myself, so I just assumed neither did anyone else, aha. I can understand about being annoyed when one constantly has to go back to the index (maybe even without a link back there- that really drives me nuts sometimes >>; ) but yeah.. I guess I'm just not really picky with navigations, as long as it's clearly visible and I can find what I'm looking for.  :rofl: I don't really mind 1,2 "extra" clicks, haha.

*shall try and take this into consideration for the next fl* :sweatdrop:[/quote]
OK, I admit it, the "BACK", "FORWARD", "HOME" links do annoy me, and even if I did do that for my collective, I ran out of icon ideas, and three icons looked stupid. Just sayin'. I think I also fall under the category of having this type of navigation, though out of my four fanlistings, only one uses the "About", "Fanlisting", "Site", etc., and like Sarah, it doesn't bother me to click that consistently. That, and most of the time I have a sub-navigation if the fanlisting is split into sections, so the visitor can access important pages easily.

WHAT DOES BOTHER ME is having to turn on JavaScript on a particular site to activate navigation images, and sometimes I can't even find them/the links are dead for whatever reason; I do like being able to access any navigation easily without getting confused, so I do understand the irritation. That, and when there is no "home" link, because sometimes I'm too lazy to try and take out, say, "join.php" out of the address bar. ...Yeah, most of that's from laziness.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 13, 2009, 04:33:08 PM
:lmao: :sweatdrop: :rofl:

I actually had no idea navigation was that frustrating for people - but being that it's one of my chief annoyances to design, I suppose I should have assumed. Will definitely be jotting down all of this, so I can go through my sites make sure I avoid that where I can! *finds this interesting!*
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Shalott on November 13, 2009, 06:51:01 PM
[quote name='Sarah' post='270564' date='Nov 13 2009, 08:58 AM']LOL, this is actually really interesting, cause I think half of my sites fall under that. *ponders* I would have never thought someone would be bothered by clicking "Fanlisting" once more to go back to the rest of the fanlisting pages aka join, members etc - I've never had a problem with it myself, so I just assumed neither did anyone else, aha. I can understand about being annoyed when one constantly has to go back to the index (maybe even without a link back there- that really drives me nuts sometimes >>; ) but yeah.. I guess I'm just not really picky with navigations, as long as it's clearly visible and I can find what I'm looking for.  :lmao: I don't really mind 1,2 "extra" clicks, haha.

*shall try and take this into consideration for the next fl* :sweatdrop:[/quote]

No, navigations where say, I click "Fanlisting" and it takes me to the codes, join, members, et cetera links and then I choose my link and I go to that page, and then I click "fanlisting" again to go to the menu page again - that's a tiny pain, but not too bad, since usually I am just joining and getting a code.

It's the sites where I can't even click "fanlisting" once I've left the menu page, but instead have to rely on those stupid back/forward/wherever links, or use my back button to get back to the menu are the ones I am talking about. As long as I can move FORWARD through your site instead of having to backtrack I am fine with it. Even if going forward is still a page that I have already been to.

/doesn't think that makes sense, but doesn't want to point out specific examples. :rofl:

Ha ha, Like Katze, I think this comes from too many annoying trouble checks. XD
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mitzrael on November 13, 2009, 07:24:41 PM
[quote name='Shalott' post='270578' date='Nov 13 2009, 06:51 PM'][quote name='Sarah' post='270564' date='Nov 13 2009, 08:58 AM']LOL, this is actually really interesting, cause I think half of my sites fall under that. *ponders* I would have never thought someone would be bothered by clicking "Fanlisting" once more to go back to the rest of the fanlisting pages aka join, members etc - I've never had a problem with it myself, so I just assumed neither did anyone else, aha. I can understand about being annoyed when one constantly has to go back to the index (maybe even without a link back there- that really drives me nuts sometimes >>; ) but yeah.. I guess I'm just not really picky with navigations, as long as it's clearly visible and I can find what I'm looking for.  :hug: I don't really mind 1,2 "extra" clicks, haha.

*shall try and take this into consideration for the next fl* :lol:[/quote]

No, navigations where say, I click "Fanlisting" and it takes me to the codes, join, members, et cetera links and then I choose my link and I go to that page, and then I click "fanlisting" again to go to the menu page again - that's a tiny pain, but not too bad, since usually I am just joining and getting a code.

It's the sites where I can't even click "fanlisting" once I've left the menu page, but instead have to rely on those stupid back/forward/wherever links, or use my back button to get back to the menu are the ones I am talking about. As long as I can move FORWARD through your site instead of having to backtrack I am fine with it. Even if going forward is still a page that I have already been to.

/doesn't think that makes sense, but doesn't want to point out specific examples. :hug:

Ha ha, Like Katze, I think this comes from too many annoying trouble checks. XD
[/quote]So, this little discussion woke up my interest and I, lamely I must say, went to check my FLs to see if any matched the description XD; Turns out 6/51 do match it!  :rofl: :lmao:  and 5/6 of those have wannabe shrine content added to them so I'm guessing I didn't want to put to much 'weight' on FL navigation and gave it the usual link list in the FL page. It does get annoying x: but I always thought the <<back / go>> links helped to ease that  :sweatdrop:
Interesting, interesting indeed!  :hug: funny how I never truly noticed this before but that's the way we get to learn things and improve them later on :3 definitely helpful yeah~
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Shalott on November 13, 2009, 09:23:13 PM
The biggest problem with the back/home/forward links, IMO, is that all of the ones I have encountered (even the ones that I use myself! *is guilty, lol*) is that they run on JavaScript - which I have disabled on my PC, as well as on my phone browser. Like Tess mentioned, it's frustrating having to enable JS (especially if it is on a site where I am not familiar with the owner or what not).

Anyways, my opinions are pretty harsh because recently I've come across a lot of sites that are favoring style over functionality - they have lovely designs that are impossible to navigate, or don't work in my browser or just generally show a lack of attention or care for how accessible the site is to other visitors.

I am not in any way trying to ruffle feathers or imply that anyone's way of designing a site is better or worse than any others. It's a style preference, one that I don't happen to like. But as I mentioned before - if the navigation is difficult for me, I simply don't visit the site.  :sweatdrop:

I am grumpy and cranky and I'll shut up now.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Saya on November 16, 2009, 09:52:45 AM
[quote name='Shalott' post='270587' date='Nov 14 2009, 03:23 AM']The biggest problem with the back/home/forward links, IMO, is that all of the ones I have encountered (even the ones that I use myself! *is guilty, lol*) is that they run on JavaScript - which I have disabled on my PC, as well as on my phone browser. Like Tess mentioned, it's frustrating having to enable JS (especially if it is on a site where I am not familiar with the owner or what not).

Anyways, my opinions are pretty harsh because recently I've come across a lot of sites that are favoring style over functionality - they have lovely designs that are impossible to navigate, or don't work in my browser or just generally show a lack of attention or care for how accessible the site is to other visitors.

I am not in any way trying to ruffle feathers or imply that anyone's way of designing a site is better or worse than any others. It's a style preference, one that I don't happen to like. But as I mentioned before - if the navigation is difficult for me, I simply don't visit the site.  :heart:

I am grumpy and cranky and I'll shut up now.[/quote]

*looks at her sites* omg lately I've been using a lot the rollover javascript - I'll devenetly go back on css, because so everybody can navigate it. I never tought of this problem before ._. even because mostly I use the back botton on the browser or with the mouse °___°

I mostly don't like when i can't find the menu that is hidden somwhere, during my tcing those sites take most of my time because I have to find the navigation and everything. If i had to join a fanlisting like that, probably I wouldn't because I wouldn't bother to search for it.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Amber on November 18, 2009, 06:07:42 PM
18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
I like both, because the subjects I send applications in for are amazing in so many ways.

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
Count to 7000 thread, which I like to see how long it takes for the entire forum to count that far (by ones).

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I honestly say the TAFL Senior Staff are like the manga-ka or something that helps keep the forums together. XD; Totally random saying, but I think it is true.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 18, 2009, 09:29:33 PM
[quote name='Rei Hino' post='270854' date='Nov 18 2009, 06:07 PM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I honestly say the TAFL Senior Staff are like the manga-ka or something that helps keep the forums together. XD; Totally random saying, but I think it is true.[/quote]
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Mitzrael on November 18, 2009, 09:56:55 PM
[quote name='Marie' post='270859' date='Nov 18 2009, 09:29 PM'][quote name='Rei Hino' post='270854' date='Nov 18 2009, 06:07 PM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I honestly say the TAFL Senior Staff are like the manga-ka or something that helps keep the forums together. XD; Totally random saying, but I think it is true.[/quote]
[/quote]*ponders* tough one  :heart: Higuri You shall be but Souryo Fuyumi is my second choice though xD  :help:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Marie on November 19, 2009, 11:31:49 AM
Have you been through the adoption process?
Was it successful? Was it hard? What did you adopt out?

I've only done this once - and of the two I tried to adopt out, I only let one go, LOL. :heart: I think that has a lot to do with how attached, and therefore picky, I am where my fanlistings are concerned. In the end, the only reason I let WANTED! go was because it was going to someone I knew would take care of it, because they're a friend and fellow OP!nut. *snugs Hal* Any other time I've ever thought about doing adoptions, I can never bring myself to go through with it. /is lame

(Psst! You guys can think of questions too, you know! :) I am clearly running out of question!mojo)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Saya on November 19, 2009, 12:00:58 PM
Have you been through the adoption process?

I hate adopting my fanlisting out - and prefere search for a good owner by watching the others for example who is in my KIM list and I normaly ask tru that, I hate it because I adopted out few fanlistings and they let them die, so I'm not really sure if I like to do it - I prefere actually privat adoptions when I ask an fellow owner who I know and I also know they will take good care of the fanlisting and if they want to let it go to ask me if I want it back.
And besides it takes me months to decide what to put on adoption - i love my babies really much.

(I shall think of something to ask when my brain is back from Hawaii)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hakka on November 19, 2009, 12:30:42 PM
Have you been through the adoption process?
Was it successful? Was it hard? What did you adopt out?

I have been few times (ghh, loooot of times *looks at her adopted out (http://\"\") list*). I totally hate it, because when I see a former fanlisting of mine die I start ramble about a bad choice I made when choosing the adoptee. I just can't understand why the adoptee can't get in touch with the previous owner before deciding to close down! I'd be more than happy to get back the fanlisting the time needed to chose another owner (or simply take the job to contact the new owner chosen by the staff and offer members list and codes -with the proper credits).   :) :heart:
Fortunately I had luck for some of them, because some fanlistings are still online and kicking, while others has just been adopted out (and not closed down or died).
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Amber on November 19, 2009, 02:55:45 PM
Have you been through the adoption process?

I've also only adopted out one fanlisting, but at the time when I had several up for adoption, I had grown very attatched to the fanlistings I had up. Though, when I've adopted fanlistings, I've made sure to keep the person who I adopted from within the loop incase they ever want it back. As for me, I think private adoptions are sometimes better (from what I've seen) or adopt to people I know because I know they run good fanlistings and are good owners. Of course, I am surprised when a lot of the older fanlistings are closed because people to not keep them active and they were adopted from other people before hand and they lose a lot of members that were joined.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Espo on November 19, 2009, 03:56:24 PM
Have you been through the adoption process?

Too many times to count, back in the early days at least. The past couple of years I haven't adopted out so much, probably due to the fact my subjects have been wittled down to the ones I truly love. :heart: But it's also probably an attribute to the fact that, at first, I was adopting them out to people I knew and took care of them properly and actually gave me reason to know they liked the subject. As time went by I kind of ended up with lots of one-liners when it came to adoptions. Basically 'I like so and so let me adopt them!' which... yeah, it's not very convincing. :) So I eventually gave up adopting fanlistings what so ever and just closing them instead when I had to let some go. It wasn't too bad, though, since a lot of stuff I was closing was small and probably wouldn't have been adopted anyway, haha.
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Yamila on November 20, 2009, 03:08:20 AM
Have you been through the adoption process?
Yup, but I think only 3 or 4 times in my entire life in this business :) I'm too attached to my fls and it hurts like hell when I have to let them go, orz Speaking of that, I only adopt fls out when 1) I get to own a lot of stuff from a series and I feel like a hog or 2) I realize that I don't like the subject as much as I did when applying, and therefore updating/revamping/etc it becomes a choir D:

I haven't been really lucky when trying, btw ^^;;; apart from the well-known fact that almost no one wants my stuff >_>, I have had issues like adoptions falling through or getting zero apps for a whole batch T__T However, I cannot complain about applications, I've always received really good ones :3 And some fls that used to belong to me are now in awesome homes :heart:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Rosemary on November 20, 2009, 12:46:36 PM
[quote name='Rei Hino' post='270854' date='Nov 18 2009, 06:07 PM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I honestly say the TAFL Senior Staff are like the manga-ka or something that helps keep the forums together. XD; Totally random saying, but I think it is true.[/quote]

Ooooh, hard!  How can I ever be expected to pick just one? I'd either be Watase Yuu, Shinjo Mayu, Sadahiro Mika, or Touko Kawai.   :heart:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Elysa on November 21, 2009, 08:21:17 AM
18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
I like applying at the network because I can start the members list from scratch, haha /dork~ Though it's always a shame to see all the previous members being lost :x I don't really make a distinction between applying at the network or applying for an adoption, since what I write in my application would most likely be the same :3

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
Hmm.. Maybe something like an introduction thread, where you talk a little bit about yourself? We've got a lot of regulars on the boards, but to be honest, I hardly know anyone other than what fanlistings they have XD; I know we have the "New to the boards" topic, but usually people only say hello there. It might be too personal though :P

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Not really an association per se, but I recognize most board members through their icons XD; When I go through a thread, I see who's posting by looking at the icon first, before I look at the name LOL I don't really group members with anything :3

Have you been through the adoption process?
Only once, though I ended up keeping two out of the three posted, and closed the third one. I've thought about adopting out some quite a few times, but like Marie, I almost never go through with it XD; Will post something soon though. Lately I've also come to the realization that I would probably prefer somewhat private adoptions, because I see a lot of adopted fanlistings close without adoption posts or getting removed for being troubled. Though on the other hand, you never know when you'll get an awesome application~
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Victoria on November 23, 2009, 07:45:32 PM
01. Your name

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
11! <3

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yes, but I'm currently moving it to one of my domains.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I got into TFL first, way before the network split. I don't even remember how my love for fanlistings started~ x3

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Estee, Janice and Vivianne.  :)

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
There are so many! But I'll go with the same ones as above. (:

07. What's your favorite category?
Relationships~ x3

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
I have 4 in Characters and 4 in Relationships, so.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Getting the approval, lol. I love making the layout, too.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Coding D:

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I'm in love with Janice's Ouran fanlisting (http://\"\"). It's soooo pretty! Also, Estee's Roy FL (http://\"\") ♥

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
View new posts and check my category, just in case.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot topics! >3
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Isa on November 24, 2009, 11:22:09 AM
01. Your name
Vashael but I go by the name Isa.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
I've only got two so far  :)

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yup: (http://\"\")

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
My undying obsession with manga? It wasn't anything particular, I found the site affiliated with TFL, clicked and then started joining anime fanlistings like crazy! At that time I was really into this shoujo manga and no one created a fanlisting for it so I did ^^

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
I'm quite new to the fanlisting community so I don't know that many people but I've come across some people who take wonderful care of their fanlistings and make beautiful layouts =)

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
I really like Giada's layouts, they're beautiful!

07. What's your favorite category?

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?


09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Approval, I feel like I'm cloud nine. I always get extremely excited, sometimes I scream which is very very rare for me!

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Pending Applications, I'm always nervous and I remain so until I hear back from a staffer. Its quite an uneasy feeling.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Genre: Yaoi fanlisting!

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I've come across a lot that I love so I don't really have a favourite.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check new threads

14. What is your favorite forum?

 Fanlistings Chit-Chat

15. What's your favorite avatar?
I like a few.

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Hmm I always wondered how it felt to reject someone especially if the person wrote in the comments about how much they wanted it.

17. Did you know...?
My first fanlisting only has one member and that's me! :)

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Applying at the Network, I've only applied for adoption once and I felt nervous writing the email. I kept thinking "Okay she'll probably think I'm weird and undeserving of the fanlisting" I felt like there is some pressure on me when adopting a fanlisting.

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?

I dunno, maybe a gender bender thread? The person takes a character they like and roleplay them as the opposite sexl? Its not really fanlisting relative...I dunno, I'm pretty boring, thought something like that would be fun to see xD

21. Have you been through the adoption process?
Nope, I've never felt the need to adopt out any of my fanlistings, but if I did I would probably be sad. It would hurt, even if I did lose interest in the subject, just knowing that I once love it and put so much effort into creating the fanlistings, it would make me sad to give it up. At the same time I would probably feel relieve that it will be in the hands of someone who is dedicated and will continue to carry on the legacy of the fanlisting! x)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Rosemary on November 24, 2009, 03:35:02 PM
[quote name='Isa' post='271148' date='Nov 24 2009, 11:22 AM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Hmm I always wondered how it felt to reject someone especially if the person wrote in the comments about how much they wanted it.[/quote]

That is one of the hardest parts of an application staffer's job.  Trust me when I say that no staffer enjoys having to send out rejections.  There have been many times over the years I and all the other staffers have wished we could approve more than one person for certain fanlistings. :)
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hanii on December 13, 2009, 12:24:59 AM
01. Your name
Hannah :)

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
Just one, and got a TAFL adoption today. :)

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yes! :wave: It's here (http://\"\")!

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I just decided it was about time I join here instead of casually stalking the boards as a guest. XD

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
I'm sorry, but, as a new person, there aren't too many I know. D: I'm sure this will change soon.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
*points to #5* D:

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters (both). :)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
I only have one in Characters, but I'm sure I'll probably end up with more in this category than the others. XD I've always been more a character oriented person I suppose. -_-

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Building/staring at endless photos of the subject. o_o Especially when it's someone/something yummy.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Gosh, pending! XD It's so nerve-wracking. haha That's why I usually make myself forget when I apply for things.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Hmm...I'd say Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket right now. But totally no rules attached, I'd say the little drawings in Fruits Basket. XD The ones with speech bubbles with different figures representing each character. They constantly make me giggle.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I really like the one for Sohma Hatori. :3

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check the newly posted threads? XD

14. What is your favorite forum?
I don't know...I like it all. XD

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Eeer...? I'll come back to this later? :D

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I always wondered why TAFL graphics are sooo vastly different than that of other networks, in a great way. They're always more truly thought out and I've found them to be such a totally different and unique style. It's really neat. n_n

17. Did you know...?
That I waste away a lot of hours where I should be working on the fanlisting staring at images relating to the fanlisting? o_o

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Adoptions. :) They're more personal and, usually, more fun. :whistle:

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
I'd post a totally random thread that was about something like...Japanese Cuisine or like..."What's your favorite flavor onigiri?" XD

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I associate...TAFL Developers with the one color of my wall. :)

21. Have you been through the adoption process?
Ooh yes. I've actually never really had a bad adoption on my end or on someone elses end. I've been rejected, of course, but rejections are nothing. ;) I just think adoptions are fun, in the end.

(Sorry I couldn't answer all of them. D: I'll probably come back and answer them after I've been here longer. :))
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Aya on December 18, 2009, 01:05:24 AM
01. Your name
Aya. No special meaning, it's just a shortened form of my previous alias Ayame.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Passion (http://\"\"). Um, it needs updating very badly.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
That's a good question. It was back in 2004 and I honestly can't remember how I found about it. All I know is that I started joining things and it was fun. Eventually I started making them and I haven't been able to stop since. :hug:

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Estefania (http://\"\"), Marie, Mitzrael

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Estefania (http://\"\"), Janice, Sarah

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters! Let's pretend that split never happened

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters.. all of mine are in 0-M, LOL.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Getting the approval. It makes me so happy~ And then making codes haha.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Rejections for wishlisters. They rarely come around so that makes it more painful  :birthday:

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Hm.. 12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
This is too hard for other people's layouts, I adore so many! For my own, I'd have to say that at the moment I like the last one I made - Watase Yuu's FY skin (http://\"\").

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check the topics with new replies

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot topics

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Too many. I'm both amused and sad at Marie's Renji avatar lol. Poor Renji!

16. What's something you've always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
How some people can change their minds about "wishlist" fanlistings every 10 days.

17. Did you know...?
...that I spend an obscene amount of time naming my fanlistings?

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Applying at the network, because I'm guaranteed either an approval or rejection. Though the aspect I love about adoptions is that the members list gets passed on. :o

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
Members lists from previous fanlistings. If you close a fanlisting and then someone opens it later at the network, I think it'd be nice if the owner could snag your previous list to keep the members count more accurate. I know it can be done outside of TAFL but it'd be much more convenient if it were all in one thread, with contact info and an editable reply for each member.  :heart:

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject)?
I associate most people with their favorite character. For example, Marie is Captain Luffy, Estefania is Fuhrer Roy, etc.

21. Have you been through the adoption process?
Yes, several times, and I'm currently going through another one. It's frustrating, especially when you want to give the fanlisting a happy new home and don't find any takers (hint hint!).
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hakka on December 18, 2009, 11:39:41 AM
[quote name='Aya' post='272075' date='Dec 18 2009, 07:05 AM']19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
Members lists from previous fanlistings. If you close a fanlisting and then someone opens it later at the network, I think it'd be nice if the owner could snag your previous list to keep the members count more accurate. I know it can be done outside of TAFL but it'd be much more convenient if it were all in one thread, with contact info and an editable reply for each member.  :birthday:[/quote]

I soooo love this idea: it always pains me when I see a fanlisting getting removed or closed and then reopened from scratch. :D
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: kibumie on February 10, 2010, 12:25:36 AM
01. Your name
Kibumie :3

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?
yep :ph34r: (http://\"\")

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Edward Elric // FMA <3

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
more than 3

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
- Janice from

07. What's your favorite category?

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Rejections :ph34r:

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Edward Elric fanlisting <3

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Eriol Hiiragizawa: (http://\"\")

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Read the posts before me.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Brand New Fanlistings

15. What's your favorite avatar?
mostly the newest that I am using

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
The people behind it

17. Did you know...?
that I am grateful to have the current fanlistings that I have :)

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
at the network

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
'can't think of something'

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Example! You associate TAFL with fanlistings! OR You associate Trouble Checkers with Ghostbusters it's the green!

21. Have you been through the adoption process?
It was hard at first, but I am ok with it
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Cozza on May 16, 2010, 09:09:58 AM
01. Your name
Cozza !

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
18ish.. i think D:

03. Do you have an FL collective?
yarr! (http://\"\")

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
all the amazing fanlistings i had joined ~ they inspired me to create my own :3

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
all of you do! you're all so talented and put 110% effort into every fanlisting, it's incredibly admirable <333 n__n

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
*blushes* there's so many! this is fairly embarrassing considering i pretty much worship these people and their designs :B ; sarah, shinju & nekoi.

07. What's your favorite category?
*wiggles eyebrows suggestively* adult.. reoow. :3 nah, i don't really have a favourite. i love all the categories ~

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
characters n__n

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
receiving approvals and then building the fl of course! ;D i love joining fanlistings too!

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
the anxiety caused from waiting for a soon to be approval or rejection xD!

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
;o i'm not too sure ~

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
ah! so many gorgeous layouts made by you guys to choose from D:
probably either the kuroshitsuji or karneval layouts :3

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
scratch my bum. tehe, just kidding. i'm not sure, i guess i just look for interesting threads to read ;D

14. What is your favorite forum?
i love them all xD!

15. What's your favorite avatar?
mine ~ teito <333 aha, nah i don't really know ;x

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
why you guys haven't opened a category for 'chapters' yet. (you've probably been asked that quite a lot!)

17. Did you know...?
that a lot of my fanlistings need revamping D:

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
that depends on the subject i'm applying for :3

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
o__o erm.. i'm not sure! it would be something lame though, knowing me D:

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
i associate fanlisting owners with awesome pokemon!

21. Have you been through the adoption process?
i have adopted, but have yet to adopt any of my own fanlistings out ^o^

[quote name='Hanii-chan' post='271841' date='Dec 13 2009, 01:24 PM']16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I always wondered why TAFL graphics are sooo vastly different than that of other networks, in a great way. They're always more truly thought out and I've found them to be such a totally different and unique style. It's really neat. n_n[/quote]
i completely agree! a lot of tafl graphics are always so complex and gorgeous, i'm always so envious D:
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Hal on July 02, 2010, 09:30:31 PM

01. Your name
I've actually gone through a few names, and they're all for me to know. <3 But currently I go by Hal, and have for a few years now.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
12. (There will be more in the future, I know this.)

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Back to unnamed, it can be found at (http://\"\"). While I do like my fanlistings in, and will keep them in, the fan sub-directory; I'm actually considering whether or not I want to make a full-on 'collective' (with name and design, etc.) or just link to them all at Color-Trap.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Way, way, way back in the day (2002 or 2003), and it took quite a bit of remembering: but I think it was the then-manga fanlisting. Because manga-ka provide the greatest form of art. (I know, lame of me? But they're such wonderful, talented artists away from their stories, too. Stunning is the detail Oda Eiichiro and Minekura Kazuya, respectively, put into trees and plant life.)

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most?
I can rack my mind and shower people with love and devotion, but, next to Marie, the first thing that comes to mind is, "Anyone who can actually have a lot of fanlistings and actually keep them MAINTAINED," and you have my absolute admiration. I've got on 13. I'm back to only 13 listings, and it can be a chore even trying to add more. So anyone who can have a lot and keep up with them, I salute you.

Marie is also like the ultimate owner. Look at the passion towards her own listings, and listings in general. That's inspiring.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs?
I really need to look around a bit more, because there are a lot of designs I like and I know they're all owned by the same people; but I do constantly recall being blown away by Sarah and Giada for their designs.

07. What's your favorite category?
Ironically... Series. You would never guess, would you? But there's just something so inspiring about the Series category to me. I don't fully understand it myself, though I try to rationalize it as, "I just really love seeing fans of a whole series." Series are amazing. I love stories.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters. See above.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Is it shallow that I really like approvals? My brain usually starts flooding with ideas, really, with the approval letters. Nothing more than a flood of ideas that makes me happy.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
The opposite of the above. When the flood of ideas STOPS, and you're like, "Oh crap, what am I going to do now?!" A lot times my schemes are so grand, I normally can't get them made in the time frame, so have to settle for less.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
A fanlisting for the whole of the (One Piece) Skypiea arc. Manga arcs aren't allowed, from what I recall asking ages and ages and years and years ago, I think it's because there are simply too many scattered around? I don't know, and can hardly remember. But I would love to have the Skypiea arc listing, here. I love One Piece as a whole (haha, pun), but Skypiea... just everything about Skypiea. I hate the word "fantastical" (sounds redundant, and like one of those words that shouldn't exist), but fantastical is a great word to describe Skypiea. It's incredible. The whole thought of it is incredible. One Piece is a story about pirates, but Skypiea is a real pirate story in the midst of an incredible story about pirates.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Minekura (http://\"\") is the newest, and coded with a Strict DTD (since I want to take web design a bit more seriously, even if I violate a few other rules (*3*). So I'm happiest most with it right now.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
I don't have a set routine. (Like, "Okay, sign in, and then I go here, and here, and then here.") I usually sign in only when I want to post something, and the signing-in is done from the forum/thread I'm interested in posting in.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Don't have one in particular. Wherever something interesting is.

15. What's your favorite avatar?
As of early July 2010, something about Emcy's has always intrigued me. Maybe it's its geek chic? Clover's also amuses, sadly, because it says "splat", and I am pathetic and think that's overly hilarious. The word "splat" just makes me laugh.

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Since I have never specifically wondered something and not asked (that I know of), off the top of my head: layout update? Is there eventually going to be one in store?

I like the watermelon layout, too, but TAFL is one of those sites - one of those sites that have the ultimate potential to have the world's most kick-butt layout, because it has the content to back it up.

Just wondering...

17. Did you know...?
What you can't see, in my mind, is far more important than what you can. My fanlistings are obsessively organized; and, with the updates I have in store for them, they're only going to become more organized.

Also, in 2008, the (One Piece) Buggy fanlisting, ironically, was suppose to be the companion to my Garp fanlisting (http://\"\"). Unfortunately, issues arose keeping my friend from completing it. ):

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
I have a lot of fun with adoptions, but applying at the Network is much less nerve-wracking. I can really write, at that, and if someone says, "Sum it up in a short/no longer than a five sentence paragraph," I'm screwed. There is no way I can compress my passion into five sentences, or even one short paragraph. I write until something feels complete, and exactly like I would say it to your face. I love the one-on-one of adoptions, but sometimes the luck-of-the-draw I normally pose with TAFL is easier.

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
Depends on the manner in which you mean. If it's for fanlistings, it would be a Manga Arcs thread, for people to apply to for their favorite manga arcs. This is because there is an opposite to people who can easily get a hold of anime - those of us who can't. When you're a self-professed manga whore, life's tough...

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I had never thought about this until I read people posting about it, and I think the idea of association to mythical beings is so neat. (I'm jumping on myself, and claiming Uzume before anybody steals her. (XD)

21. Have you been through the adoption process?
A few times. <3 Ukitake (http://\"\") and Nii (http://\"\") were kindly given to me by Laura and Kim, while the Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden and May Chang fanlistings I adopted out to Krystal and Kibumie. <3 I also don't mean any disrespect to Laura and Kim, because Ukitake and Nii were BIG wishlisters: but Marie also adopted Wanted! (http://\"\") to me, and that's a One Piece fanlisting. I still feel so special and flail about at the thought like I'm a flamingo, it would take a while to calm down enough to issue the great big bear hug you'd normally receive from me over something like that. ^^; An honor is impressing somebody who can admit being hard to impress [in respect, especially, to One Piece].
Title: TAFL Survey!
Post by: Aqua on July 14, 2010, 12:00:45 PM
01. Your name
Aqua or Aqua_vaporeon ^^

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

I have two :yahoo:

03. Do you have an FL collective?

Nope, i already have a main site that im happy with.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?

In about 2004-5 (when i knew nothing about html or layouts, i was a simple 9 year old online at the time) i was really into a movie called Balto and i found the fanlistings for the movie and thats when i learned about fanlistings, it was only until i actually learned html in 2008 and got photoshop that i started making them.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)

-The owners of the Balto fanlistings that i found
-Various pokemon/anime fanlistings

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)

The kinds that are original and are not boring.

07. What's your favorite category?

I have lots of favorite categories!

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?

Characters n-z

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?

Building and adding new members.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?

People that submit invalid forms (using emails such as, silly names etc)

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
The Vaporeon/Hikari fanlisting would be GREAT to own.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Thats a toughie, i like a LOT of fanlisting layouts!

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?

Check for replies xD

14. What is your favorite forum?

This one and one my friend made on pro boards ages ago.

15. What's your favorite avatar?

I don't really know, peoples avatars are all really pretty on here ^^

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Probably what it was like when it first came out, like in 2000 when i was about six.

17. Did you know...?

I had always wanted a fanlisting even before i learned HTML! xD

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?

Applying at the network, its great to make the network bigger.

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?

I really dont know o.O

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?

I dont really associate them to subjects ^^;;

21. Have you been through the adoption process?

Nope, i might do sometime in the future though.