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Topics - Tess

Pages: 1
Characters 0-M / New staffer!
« on: May 17, 2012, 05:46:02 PM »

I'm Tess, and I'll be taking over Troubles from Masao in the Characters: 0-M category. I'm hoping to familiarise myself with the category, and have a trouble check underway here soon! :magic:

Questions for the Senior Staff / About Fanstuff
« on: September 08, 2009, 07:01:53 PM »
Apologies if this has been asked before - I looked back several pages, but I could've missed it!

I was browsing through Fanstuff more fanlistings to join, and was severely confused by the markup. Call me a TFL Baby, but when I tried to find Yaoi (in Fanfiction or FanArt form, it didn't matter to me), I assumed there would be "Genres" (like in the Adult category) or it would be listed under "General", but instead I found the fanlisting under Fanfiction, after browsing for long moments confused. I'm not 100% knowledgeable about Anime/Manga, but I do know quite a lot, and I was still so confused, I felt like a newbie or something browsing the category! :heart:

I'm wondering - asking, if you will - why this markup was chosen, and if in the future at some point a less confusing category structure will be used? I know it's not a necessity, and I did end up finding everything, but if it was confusing to me, somebody who has been with fanlistings (much less TFL/TAFL) for several years, I can't imagine how it would be someone who hasn't been in the fanlisting community for very long. ^_^

ETA: (since I can't reply directly) No, no - I was asking why it wasn't listed under it's own category (e.g. Genres, General, etc.), as it took me a while to actually find the fanlisting. What I was asking was: why are the fanlistings listed the way they are?

Thanks for answering, Jackie and Mitzrael! B) My question (or something) was answered. :yahoo:

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