The Anime Fanlistings Network > Movies/OVAs

Tales of Symphonia OVA


Hi! I run the Tales of Symphonia fanlisting (listed under Series) here, and I have a question regarding your recent update.

You said all updates regarding the ToS OVA were to be processed later, however, I thought my fanlisting has already covered the anime (and the manga) series. Am I wrong about this, or are anime series and OVA series listed separately? The time I had applied for the adoption of the FL, and OVA had already been announced and was coming out in a few months.

Sorry for the trouble, just a little confused on this topic ^^;

(And if anime and OVA are listed separately, should I apply to crosslist, or is that done by staff members?)

TV anime series and OVA series are separate, and you have to apply to crosslist :bounce:

Okay, thank you! :bounce:


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