Fanlisting Management > Fanlistings Chit-Chat

First Fanlisting?

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Another thread we used to have that I'm starting anew.  :D

What was your first TAFL fanlisting?

My first fanlisting was Hikaru and Lantis Relationship in 2003 *O*
still have it, and it defenetly need a revamp!

My first TAFL fanlisting was Kenshin & Tomoe from Rurouni Kenshin which was back in June 2003.  I co-owned it with someone who was a good friend at the time (this was long before the networks actually listed co-owners in the database).  Much drama and angst ensued and though I was without it for awhile, it happily resides with me once again. :(

Witch Hunter Robin was my first anime/manga fanlisting.  It was approved in late 2002, so back before TAFL existed :/  It's still my largest a/m fanlisting, slowwwlyyyy neaaaaring 5,000 :(

My first ever application and approval at TAFL was for Imadoki!, and I still own it. I opened it on September 11th, 2004. :(


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