Fanlisting Management > Fanlistings Chit-Chat

Enth 3 and MySQL 5.5


Just yesterday my host upgraded MySQL 5.1 to MySQL 5.5, and just half an hour ago or so I finally got around to learning this after I tried to add a new fanlisting... only to meet an error with mod_setup.php.

The problem is with the TYPE=MyISAM, found between lines 264-278 in Araneae:

--- Code: ---  // create database if yes
 if( isset( $_POST['createtable'] ) && $_POST['createtable'] == 'yes' ) {
$query = "CREATE TABLE `$dbtable` ( " .
'`email` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL default "", ' .
'`name` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL default "", ' .
'`country` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL default "", ' .
'`url` VARCHAR(255) default NULL, ' .
'`pending` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default 0, ' .
'`password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default "", ' .
'`showemail` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default 1, ' .
'`showurl` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default 1, ' .
'`added` date default NULL, ' .
'PRIMARY KEY( email ), ' .
'FULLTEXT( email, name, country, url ) ' .

--- End code ---

It's outdated for MySQL 5.5 and will prevent you from creating new fanlistings tables in your database. I looked it up on and it can be fixed by changing TYPE=MyISAM to ENGINE = MYSIAM, like so:

--- Code: ---  // create database if yes
 if( isset( $_POST['createtable'] ) && $_POST['createtable'] == 'yes' ) {
$query = "CREATE TABLE `$dbtable` ( " .
'`email` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL default "", ' .
'`name` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL default "", ' .
'`country` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL default "", ' .
'`url` VARCHAR(255) default NULL, ' .
'`pending` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default 0, ' .
'`password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL default "", ' .
'`showemail` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default 1, ' .
'`showurl` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL default 1, ' .
'`added` date default NULL, ' .
'PRIMARY KEY( email ), ' .
'FULLTEXT( email, name, country, url ) ' .

--- End code ---

I made a mod copy and updated my file with that code, uploaded it, and it didn't break Enthusiast or my fanlistings and I got to add my new fanlisting - so I'd say it works. :)

I'll make updates if I notice anything else (though, if anybody else is having Enth/MySQL 5.5 troubles or solutions, please feel free to share).

My host is running on 5.2.5 and I don't have any issues, but I can't test this out myself yet, until they upgrade. But thanks for the heads up about this issue though!

You're welcome, Masao. (You're so lucky you don't have to do all this updating yet.) :)

I do come bearing another update, though: this time on the mod_owned.php file. It's the same problem/solution with the TYPE=MyISAM as the above, only this one prevents you from enabling affiliates (say, on a brand new fanlisting).

On the mod_owned.php file, between lines 895-905 in Araneae:

--- Code: ---   // add table
  $afftable = $table . '_affiliates';
  $query = "CREATE TABLE `$afftable` (" .
 "`affiliateid` int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, " .
 "`url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', " .
 "`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', " .
 "`imagefile` varchar(255) default NULL, " .
 "`email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', " .
 "`added` DATE NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', " .
 "PRIMARY KEY( affiliateid ) " .

--- End code ---

Needs to become:

--- Code: ---  // add table
  $afftable = $table . '_affiliates';
  $query = "CREATE TABLE `$afftable` (" .
 "`affiliateid` int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, " .
 "`url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', " .
 "`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', " .
 "`imagefile` varchar(255) default NULL, " .
 "`email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', " .
 "`added` DATE NOT NULL default '0000-00-00', " .
 "PRIMARY KEY( affiliateid ) " .

--- End code ---

I think I'll just look for anymore TYPE=MyISAM in the files and make a list of where's if I find any, because they will all - no doubt - need to become ENGINE=MyISAM to be MySQL 5.5 compliant...

PS: I noticed on my last post, I wrote ENGINE = MYSIAM with spaces and all uppercase, and in this one without. As I now happen to be using both, as of right now, it appears it doesn't matter which one you use; the last one I ripped right from the MySQL site (so, you know it'd work), and this one I just changed Type to Engine since I knew immediately that's what needed to be done and it works fine, too.


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