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Messages - Mercedes

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Initially, I was unsure whether to post here or not, given that everything I could possibly say has already been already explained wonderfully by other fellow staffers and board members, but hey, I might as well give my two cents ^_^

Everyone is absolutely welcomed to voice his/her opinions and constructive criticism anytime they want as you're all doing here, of course that's a given! But reading the first post of this topic, I felt terribly sad, and I suddenly realized what I found most disappointing about that: seems like there are people who forget we are human beings, and not only us staffers, but other members of this wonderful community as well (because I really find it wonderful, in all honesty: I moderate and visit other places and I've never found anything as peaceful and friendly as this little cozy corner of the net).

I'm not trying to bring up victimism to this issue, just take this as a reminder: rules are there to organize, to sort things in the most objective way, to find an option which satisfies most people (not everyone, that's impossible!) and to help us out, for example, when we approve new fanlistings, because we are humans (as I said) and we can't possibly know every anime/manga out there and if a 4+ relationship fanlisting is valid or not. TFL fanlistings are not plugged here because that would be unfair: why give a special treatment to a certain category because statistically, anime/manga fans are also gamers? (and I'm both): when a decision is made in that aspect, we can't make exceptions, we need to be consistent. Topics are closed mostly when people start to forget about other people's feelings. The application limit is there to give everyone a chance. I feel horrible when I'm doing rejections because I inevitably think how that person will feel, and I had to reject close friends more than a couple of times. If you think about it, everything comes down to understand and emphatize with how others might feel, more or less.

I'm one of those staffers that can't frequent these boards as much as they like, because I have a life, a family, a boyfriend, studies and other Internet duties. And reading that post I felt bad about this fact even though I can't do anything about it because, well, that's how my life is. And I think I shouldn't feel this way. Before complaining about things like that, I'd first try and put myself in the other's shoes. See? Here it is again.

I know I digressed, and I'm sorry. If there was a point I wanted to make clear with all that is that I find this network runs smoothly with our current rules, and that people should forget that idea about the godlike!staffer, because no matter what we decide, our feelings are behind it. We know we try to be as objective as we can, and for doing so we try to think how will all of you will feel, but it's very sad some people can't do the same with us.

Music & Songs / Music & Songs: Category Status
« on: October 08, 2007, 07:54:52 PM »
Incomplete applications update: [link]

Music & Songs / Music & Songs: Category Status
« on: August 21, 2007, 09:43:48 AM »
Complete applications update: [link]

Music & Songs / Question: Remixed songs
« on: August 20, 2007, 03:58:21 PM »
Sorry for the wait!

Remixes and versions have always been approved as separate subjects: if you're approved to build a fanlisting for a certain song, that doesn't automatically include all its variations.

So the answer to your question would be that, yes, you need to apply for both :x

Music & Songs / Music & Songs: Category Status
« on: July 03, 2007, 08:33:31 PM »
Incomplete applications update: [link]

Music & Songs / is this approvable?
« on: June 30, 2007, 08:09:50 PM »
As I can see, it appears in the series and in an official soundtrack, so there would be no problem, go ahead! :doh:

Music & Songs / Music & Songs: Category Status
« on: May 16, 2007, 03:15:39 PM »
Complete Applications update: [link]

Music & Songs / Music & Songs: Category Status
« on: April 03, 2007, 01:44:46 PM »
Complete (and small -- c'mon people, show more love for those awesome songs out there! T_T) applications update: [link]

News and Announcements / New Senior Staffer!
« on: February 27, 2007, 06:15:01 AM »
I'm sooo late >_< But congrats, Mura! :lol:

Music & Songs / Music & Songs: Category Status
« on: February 26, 2007, 08:20:31 PM »
(Another of my) incomplete applications update: [link]

I need to go and get some sleep now =_=

Music & Songs / Music & Songs: Category Status
« on: January 14, 2007, 09:15:44 AM »
Incomplete applications update: [link]

Music & Songs / Music & Songs: Category Status
« on: November 26, 2006, 11:05:42 AM »
Complete Applications update posted: [link]

Music & Songs / Music & Songs: Category Status
« on: October 10, 2006, 07:49:35 PM »
Incomplete applications update (N-Z) posted [link]

Music & Songs / Music & Songs: Category Status
« on: October 05, 2006, 06:05:00 PM »
Incomplete applications update (#-M) posted [link]

Music & Songs / Music & Songs: Category Status
« on: August 17, 2006, 04:47:55 PM »
Incomplete applications update posted [link]

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