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What Are You Writing?

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Another 'what are you' thread; this time, what are you writing? I'm sure there's is a little fic-cer in some of us that likes to come out on occassion mine certainly does, and even then you could simply be writing some homework, a paper, or even some coding for a fanlisting in html or css or just the about section! :wub: It really could be anything.

Me, I just finished writing my nano count for the day.

Dragoneyes and I should start a fic together for a friend of ours... but right now I'm writing down the background for a character of mine (A vampire for vampire the mascarade game)

"Still writing that Rain: chapter 3 *is shot for taking so long*

Neat thread! *thumbs-up!*

Currently writing some reports for work (which are boring), but sneaking in some overdue drabbles I was prompted for a while ago. :help:

An article on comparative metafiction in various adaptations of Sleepy Hollow.  :help:

I'm also trying to write an article for one of my websites. I think university has well and truly drained the creativity out of me.


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