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Messages - Lia

Pages: 1 2
Questions for the Senior Staff / Rejection Problem.
« on: April 22, 2008, 01:42:58 AM »
I was recently rejected for a fanlisting because a finished form for a fanlisting hadn't been processed.  The fanlisting in question was approved to someone else, and I'm wondering if there's a way to have my application included and the applications processed again.  I don't feel that a rejection is fair in this case, because the finished forms weren't processed before the applications were.  I sent a contact form, but I wasn't sure which Senior Staff I should send it to, or if the Senior Staff would get the email at all.

General Questions and Discussion / E-mail problem
« on: October 31, 2007, 11:15:39 PM »
[quote name='Kylara' post='218017' date='Oct 31 2007, 12:59 PM']What password?  TAFL doesn't have a password, so if you're trying to reset it from something and aren't getting it, it's quite possibly your e-mail account and not TAFL that is having issues.  That or check your spam folders, perhaps both your FLs list and your password are in it :D[/quote]

I think Nijuukyuu meant the board password.  ^_^

I don't come around here much anymore for various reasons, and I tend to be on the fence with any message board lately, not just TAFL.  I stop by to see if anything interesting is going on, but I don't post much because I don't have much to say, and my senior year of college is more important.  To address a few things....

1)  I don't mind not linking TFL fanlistings here.  I'll be happy to link an adoption thread on the TFL boards in an adoption post here, but unless the fanlisting is for a manga/anime version of a video game, why bother?  This doesn't seem like a big deal.

2)  The code thing bothers me because I'm lazy, but it makes sense, so I don't have anything negative to say about it.  My laziness is not any reason to change anything.  ^_^

3)  Staffers work hard.  I may not agree with all of them, and I've been relatively verbal about this in the past, but TAFL is essentially an unpaid job.  Once I removed the stick from my bum (because I just stopped caring about drama and internet things, for the most part), it became much easier to suck it up and deal.  I think "suck it up and deal" has become my mantra over the past year (or so)...  e.e

4)  Seriously, the upcoming/pending is fine.  No need to mess with it.  It keeps me in check, and though I take good care of my fanlistings and (generally) build them in a timely manner (because, honestly, RL does sometimes get in the way of 'teh intarweb'), I have classes to attend, schoolwork to finish and a job to do.  Fanlistings take priority after that, and that's how it should be (at least for me, I can't speak for anyone else).

5)  Not everything will be a democracy.  The internet is not a democracy, nor are message boards.  Back to my previous mantra, I think that "suck it up and deal" is the way to go (for me, at least).  I'm not so concerned about a message board or the internet as a whole being a democracy when certain countries that are "supposed" to be a democracy don't seem to have a very good handle on that.  But politics are a different story, and I'd rather not discuss it.  So.... let's not make TAFL be about politics, ok?  Politics never make for pleasant bedfellows, and TAFL should be like a nice, snuggly duvet in the middle of winter, right?

6)  As for bias, I'm going to put a different spin on this.  Let's say that you go for a job interview, and you do your best.  You think you did fantastic.  You clearly think you're the right person for the job.  But... there are other applicants.  Maybe a few, maybe a lot.  It's the HR manager's job to find the best person for the job.  This may or may not be you.  Did you not get the job because the HR person thinks "you suck" or "doesn't like you"?  No.  It's because there was someone better for the job, and the HR manager did his/her job by selecting that person.  It's nothing personal, and I'd like to think that staffers wouldn't stoop low enough to reject someone for a fanlisting because of something personal.  I'm sure that would never happen.

And, in conclusion, maybe I'm the last person anyone would think would be defending TAFL, because I'm pretty vocal when something bothers me.  It's ok to be disappointed to not get a fanlisting, or upset that you think your fanlisting has gone on troubles unfairly, but a little maturity goes a long way.  I'm not saying anything negative about anyone here (staffer or not), but the world doesn't end if you can't run a fanlisting.  Make a shrine, join the approved one, make tons of codes and donate them to the approved one... find something else to make you happy.  I've donated codes to several fanlistings that I desperately wanted, and it made me feel a lot better.  There are always good alternatives if you take the time to look for them.

All in all, this just seems pretty trivial to me.  I'm not going to trivialize anyone's concerns (because I feel that's rude, and any concerns have a right to be addressed in some way), but I felt this would be a good time to speak my mind.  Let's leave the politics to the politicians, and keep TAFL as friendly of an environment as possible.  I believe that everyone will be happier in the long run.

Technical Support / Form Troubles.
« on: May 28, 2007, 03:19:25 PM »
[quote name='Jonathan' post='203259' date='May 28 2007, 01:01 PM']If you can post a list of the forms you've sent in that you're wondering about, what category it was sent to, when it was sent and what email it was sent with, we'll look in to it and let you know what we find!  :unsure:[/quote]

Okay, here are the forms I've sent lately that haven't been processed, and I haven't gotten a response from the staffers on the forums:

Finished: Series: NieA_7 (NieA Under 7) - sent about a week ago (for the second time, the first one was sent in late April)
Awards: 250: Death Note: Amane Misa - sent May 14
Application: Items/Locations: Naruto: Kirigakure - sent May 24

All forms were sent from chlorophyllbunny @

I don't remember the other ones, but I think there were a few contact forms in there.  Either they were received and the staffer didn't answer, or the internet ate them.  There were three other applications that disappeared, but it was so long ago I don't really remember what they were. ^^;  Thanks!

Technical Support / Form Troubles.
« on: May 26, 2007, 11:47:24 PM »
I've had a problem recently with my forms going through.  It seems about half the time they don't, as I've applied for at least three fanlistings and the applications were never processed.  In the past month (give or take), I've sent in both finished forms and contact forms that were never answered.  So even though I get a confirmation that the form was sent, not all of the forms are actually getting through.  I don't know if something's wrong with my connection or the server, but I don't know how to fix this.

Hot Topics / Wishlist Fanlistings
« on: May 22, 2007, 01:48:18 AM »
I should really update mine on my collective, but I haven't gotten around to finishing that much overdue revamp yet.  It'll happen sooner or later, but... my top wishlisters are...

Series: Peacemaker Kurogane (I still haven't gotten over the rejection for this... it's my favorite series of all time...)
Character: Bleach - Yamada Hanatarou (though he's very well taken care of, so I'll probably never get him)
Relationship: Naruto - Haku & Zabuza (I missed the last time this was up for adoption, but I don't know how o.O)

Those three will probably never change, as they haven't for at least a year, two years in the case of PMK.

Awards / Did you get my form?
« on: May 14, 2007, 10:42:14 PM »
Email: chlorophyllbunny(@)
Subject of Fanlisting: Death Note: Amane Misa
Type of Award: 250

Email: chlorophyllbunny(@)
Subject of Fanlisting: Sensitive Pornograph
Type of Award: 250

I wasn't sure if you haven't processed this portion of the awards, but I've had troubles with forms going through as of late, so I thought I'd check on them just in case.  Thanks.

Questions for the Senior Staff / Fanlistings on trouble for "codes"?
« on: January 26, 2007, 04:23:15 PM »
I looked at one of the recent troubles updates, and couldn't figure out what "codes" meant. I went and checked some of the sites to see if there weren't any codes, but that didn't seem to be a problem. Exactly what does this mean? I've never seen it before, so it must be a new thing.

[quote name='Danielle' post='189400' date='Jan 26 2007, 01:06 PM']Done, Lia. :rolleyes:[/quote]

Thanks! :P

[quote name='Elle' post='187175' date='Jan 10 2007, 03:20 AM']I decided my board name is confusing, since no one ever actually calls me this. :3 Can I get mine changed to Lia please? Thanks![/quote]

Maybe this got looked over, but my username wasn't changed. Can I get it changed to Lia, please? Thanks.

I decided my board name is confusing, since no one ever actually calls me this. :3 Can I get mine changed to Lia please? Thanks!

General Questions and Discussion / questions
« on: May 08, 2006, 12:32:22 AM »
[quote name='Mitzrael' post='152068' date='May 7 2006, 09:54 PM']T.T it's already scarring me just thinking about go and check about 1400+ members just in Enth3 fls ^^;;[/quote]

Yeah. x.x I've got about 3,000 right now. *so putting off checking* The easy way, though, is just to send an email and have everyone reply to it. But... ahem. Mailbox flood? Yes. :P

General Questions and Discussion / questions
« on: May 07, 2006, 08:36:33 PM »
I've always kept the member no matter what. It is their responsibility to update their information and keep things current, but unless they tell you they want to be removed, I just leave it be. As long as your site is listed at tafl, they'll be able to find it. :P

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / Enthusiast Security Fix Available - Nov 2008
« on: April 29, 2006, 12:46:42 PM »
Thanks for posting how to fix it. My joined forms seem fine after the upgrade. :/

Questions for the Senior Staff / Seiyuu fanlistings
« on: April 29, 2006, 01:53:23 AM »
I'm trying to decide if it's okay to post about these here or not, because they were all once approved at tafl, but made the network switch. They're very closely related to anime, so it seems like it would make sense to be able to post about them. I recently revamped/moved some of my seiyuu fanlistings and was going to post in the 'moved' section, but I figured I should at least ask first. It just seems like a grey area because of the close connection to anime, so they're more than just a little relevant. ^^;

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