I'm sorry, but THIS is a little ridiculous. I'm going to be one of those "mean" staffers here and tell you that I'm disappointed that you couldn't make a stand for yourself and use your real name, because your fear is unfounded and I probably would have respected you all the more. But it's you're right to remain anonymous, and I acknowledge that completely.
Like Rose said, TAFL isn't a democracy. Posts about rules are closed down because they've been discussed TO DEATH. You need to have some kind of standard and authority when it comes to fanlisting networks, trust me. There's no way to make everyone completely happy. I'm not really sure what you're getting at here, either. Because are you thinking that we need to start opening up discussion polls for every little rule change? I can tell you from personal experience that we do discuss the rules, and we always try to find compromise that's fair. It needs to be this way, otherwise the entire network would be chaotic. I'm very sorry if this comes across as belittling, but most people have no idea what goes into running a network like this and how much time and effort it takes to keep it going.
One thing that really irks me about this post is that it kinda of rings of self-entitlement to me. From my personal point of view, the limit on the number of fanlistings you can have pending/upcoming is perfectly reasonable because it cuts back on the amount of collectors and it gives others more opportunities to apply for and run the different fanlistings. And I'm sure part of the rule has to do with quality, as well. How good of a job can you do on 10, 20, 30 upcoming fanlistings each month?
The reason why this is an anonymous post is our last argument - bias. Very few of the Staff are also active members of the boards, and the ones who are often punish/scold/warn us about every rule. This type of environment almost puts Staff up in a type of "God" role and makes us feel like if we say one thing that a Staffer could yell at us for, suddenly all of our applications will start getting rejected. This type of fear isn't normal and it is not that way on TFL. Is it too much to ask to have Staffers who will talk to everyone and not make us feel like we're the scum of the earth because we got a little angry about a rejection or ungrateful about something else? The elite feeling of the boards just makes them scary, and if we wanted to be scared, we wouldn't go here in the first place.
We know this seems like a long and unreasonable rant, but if we posted everything one by one, we'd have to keep going back to the public place where we're posting because we're afraid of getting our IPs traced and getting banned/yelled at/rejected for fanlistings and that would be troublesome to say the least. Although the "we" only refers to the people helping write this, we're sure that every other member has to agree with at least one of our points. This is why we'd like to allow other members the chance to post their opinions. The information for this account is:
username: speak_your_mind
password: anonymous
1) Staffers step in when they feel like other members of the community are being harassed about getting an approval over someone else. It always hurts to have to reject someone, and that never changes, but we don't tend to take those types of posts as being personal attacks. But when you make snide little comments about others getting the approval and you being "the bigger fan," YOU are undermining the community we have. You can attack us all you want, but you have to remember that first and foremost this is a board to talk about ANIME FANLISTINGS. There are countless other communities that you can join to talk about things that are off-topic.
2) This is hugely offensive to me, not only as a staffer, but also as a human being. I would never "punish" someone like that for speaking their minds, and I can tell you that NO ONE on staff would. If a fanlisting is given to a different owner, it's not because of my personal "vendettas," but because the owner has 1) less fanlistings related to that subject 2) they can code HTML 3) they've demonstrated that they run fanlistings well and have stayed off Troubles and 4) because they have a better application. You completely contradict yourself on this point because you say that we don't update enough and that most of us aren't regulars on the board, and yet we have all the time in the world to trace your IPs and compile a list of people titled "PEOPLE WE SHALL NEVER DARE TO APPROVE AGAIN"? Has this EVER happened to anyone? Do you have any proof that any staffer has ever done this?
There is a double standard when it comes to Staffers. We don't ever win. I could argue with you until I'm blue in the face and it wouldn't make a difference, would it? I hope if nothing else this thread will at least get the point across that Staffers are human beings and that we have feelings, too. We don't run around with sporks trying to make sure everyone is a miserable as they can be. A pretty good portion of the staff is in college or graduate school, and so we try to spend as much time as we can on the boards, but the board and fanlistings can never be our first obligation or concern in our lives. And I certainly hope they're not the primary concern in yours, either.