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Messages - Shari

Pages: 1
Adoption Center / Two Music, Two Series
« on: November 17, 2015, 10:26:58 PM »

Well, it's been a long time coming.

Music of:



The meaty stuff:

  • You have two weeks after approval to breathe new life to the fanlisting.

  • Keep the members and affiliates, please, and inform them of the move.

  • You may keep the buttons with credit, but these fanlistings deserve a new look. A temporary layout or premade template will do as long as all the basic fanlisting requirements are up—a way to join, members list, etc.

  •'>E-mail with your name, URL, and anything you might want to add—a story, an essay, funny links, book/anime/manga recommendations, the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year.

If there are no applications for any by December 31st, GMT+8, they will be closed. (I know I've said that before with at least two of the fanlistings, but for sure, this time. :whistle: )

Hot Topics / What Are You Resisting?
« on: September 12, 2012, 01:44:19 PM »
^ The tip, indeed. It's making an awful lot of sense to me by the minute...

Maybe I'll give it a month or two... :x

Hot Topics / What Are You Resisting?
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:20:46 AM »
I just needed to shout out to the whole anime fanlisting world that my number one wishlister has just been removed from network. *points at icon*
I wouldn't resist if not for my hope that its owner will come back and re-apply. I'd really hate to lose the members since obscure/old fandoms have very little love nowadays. Not to mention the history...

Ahhh... Wh-why are there no tips here for resisting...? :help:

Adoption Center / Two Naruto-related
« on: August 30, 2012, 03:03:45 AM »
Both gone. This topic may now be closed. Thanks, everyone.

Hot Topics / Latest Rejections
« on: April 04, 2010, 01:52:36 AM »
/glomps Marie  :hug:

I was devastated for a moment, but Marie's rejection email is so nice that I immediately felt okay. At least I can be rest assured and satisfied that Shizuo's fanlisting will be in very good hands. I hadn't even realized how popular he is. (At the back of my mind: Oh, Shizuo. Why must you be so popular? I wish you weren't so I wouldn't have to have competition. I also wish Marie wasn't so nice so I wouldn't feel bad if I accidentally throw a vending machine her way, lol. Kiddin', Marie.)

That said...

*runs away and cries my heart out*

Oh, congratulations to whoever got the approval email. I'm sure you'll do your greatest and be an excellent owner. Best of luck, and pre-member here. :(

Hot Topics / Troubled Fanlistings Watch
« on: February 27, 2010, 05:56:12 AM »
[quote name='roxyryoko' post='274101' date='Feb 27 2010, 06:35 PM']My favorite character was removed!! O_O[/quote]
I feel yah. I think I'm gonna weep.

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / Fanlisting Survey!
« on: February 19, 2009, 12:44:31 PM »
Trying my hand at this :shrugs:

1. Your favourite fanlisting that you own.
Got approved for it recently so it's not listed yet at the network -- Yu Yu Hakusho: Music of.

2. The #1 fanlisting you would like to own.
I'd be hard-pressed to choose between Yu Yu Hakusho series and Botan & Kurama/Shuuichi Minamino/Youko Kurama. Both are kill-and-die-fors.

3. The first fanlisting you joined.
Naruto: Akamaru. Joined fanlistings in alphabetical order, hah!

4. The last fanlisting you joined.
Bubble Wrap. I love de-stressing using those! :rofl:

5. Your oldest fanlisting.
Serena Southerlyn from Law & Order. Going to turn 1 year old soon.

6. The last fanlisting you completed.
Ranger Manoso from the Stephanie Plum series. That is, if you consider the lack of graphics (even codes!) "completion."

7. Your biggest fanlisting.
Hentai, with 1382 approved fans.

8. Your smallest fanlisting.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Music of, 1 listed fan (me!) so far because I haven't yet received the members list from the previous owner. :sweatdrop:

9. Layout you are most proud of.
Being that I'm not really very good when it comes to graphics, there's really none. But I kinda like Urameshi Yusuke & Yukimura Keiko because I defied every law of standards I know just to build it (and it still came out pretty blah).

10. Your favourite part of the building process (ie: codes, layout etc).
Filling up the about page! It's always an enjoyable experience re-learning everything about the subject and sharing the info with other fans.

11. Favourite fanlisting title.
Armed and Dangerous, because Ranger Manoso is both, and more.

12. Fanlisting you really need to re-vamp.
All. Probably. But I'd settle for adding textual content.

13. Fanlisting with the most countries represented.
Hentai again, considering that I saw countries I didn't even know existed. Haha.

Pages: 1