The AnimeFanlistings Network Message Board

Adoption FAQs

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Since there is always quite a few adoptions coming and going around the board, here are some helpful hints for those who may be new to adoptions or just need some refreshers:

When Posting

1. List the fanlisting(s) you are posting for adoption, including the series name, subject, and link to the current one.

2. Give your guidelines as to how these people should contact you, what they should include in the application, and how long the fanlisting will be available for adoption.

3. If possible, try to give at least a few days before adopting any out (unless it's urgent).  This gives more people a fair chance of hearing about the adoption and a chance to apply.

4. Let the adoptee know if the fanlisting is crosslisted at the TFL.Org.  A simple mistake like that could lead to a troubles e-mail (which no one really wants).

To Applicants

1. Please make sure you read all the rules that the owner writes before asking any questions.

2. Understand that adoptions are not usually on first come, first serve basis.  The owner will typically look at all applicants and decide on the one he/she feels is most qualified.

3. Make sure that you have time to create the fanlisting that you apply to adopt.  Do not apply if you are too busy to create the fanlisting.  If you have any concerns with time restraints, feel free to ask the owner beforehand if it's ok.

4. When you get approved, make sure you give credit to the original owner.  After all, they were kind enough to let you adopt it.

Other Common Topics

I use phpFanbase/Enthusiast,  How do I get the database file?

The best way to do it is the following:
1. Sign into your cPanel
2. Click the icon for "MySQL Databases"
3. Scroll to the bottom and click "phpMyAdmin"
4. Select the database on the side menu that your fanlisting is connected to.
5. Click the table for your fanlisting
6. Click "Export" on the top of the right frame
7. Scroll to the bottom and click the button "GO"
8. You will get the "phpMyAdmin SQL Dump". You can just copy and paste this to a text file, and send it to the person like that.

If you are a hostee, ask your host to get the file for you.  You can also get it via "Backup" in your cPanel.  However, not everyone has a gzip program and not everyone uses the same fanlisting program.  I suggest the above method over going though Backup.

Ok, I have the file.  How do I put it into the database?

1. Make sure that you are running on the same program.
2. Before setting up your tables, it would be best to see what the original owner named the table and use the same name for yourself.  That way you don't have to edit anything in the drop file.

Now to import the data:

1. Sign into your cPanel
2. Click the icon for "MySQL Databases"
3. Scroll to the bottom and click "phpMyAdmin"
4. Select the database on the side menu that your fanlisting is connected to.
5. Click the table for your fanlisting
6. Click "SQL" on the top of the right frame.
7. Depending on how the owner sent it to you (either a txt file or gzip file), select the correct compression method.
8. Click "Browse" and indicate the location of the file.
9. Click "Go"
10. If it worked, you should get a "Success" message.

Some common errors:

1. Providing that you already have set up the table, the only part of the member list you need is the line starting with "INSERT INTO".  Anything before that should already be set up in your database.

2. The data is set up differently between phpFanbase and Enthusiast.  Make sure that you have a batch members list for Fanbase or use the "convert fanbase to enthusiast", found at Angela's site.

In finishing

1. Current owners need to make sure that they send in the update form to the TAFL/TFL.  Make sure that you check with the new owner the name and e-mail adress they commonly go with for their fanlistings (if they are current owners of other fanlistings).

2. Update forms will only be sent to the new owner.  Either keep up to date with updates at the TFL or TAFL or ask the new owner to notify you of when he/she gets the update form so you can take your fanlisting down.

3. If you opt to close down the fanlisting before it is updated, have some note on the original index page indicating that you sent an update form on such and such a date, and that it has a new owner.  This may save you a troubles e-mail.

4. The old owner or new owner should e-mail all current members (and affiliates, if applicable) to notify them of the move.  It's only common courtesy.

5. If you ever decide that you don't want to fanlisting, check back with the original owner first.  He/She may be willing to take it back.  In general, most of the original owners get first dibs.

I think I covered the most common FAQs.  If there are any other, feel free to post so I can add them to the first post.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2005, 07:29:37 AM by Firefly »

Offline Ash

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Thanks Firefly! ^^ This should come in handy.

Offline grainsofrain

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[font=\"arial\"][color=\"gray\"]Mods should pin this up xP. I'll probably use this for future reference if Plan A doesn't work for me :b.[/color][/font]

Offline Syaokura

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I like this FAQ. It's very useful. =3
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I added a few edits, concerning making sure to link back to the original owner and adopting out adopted fanlistings.


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This will come in handy for some people. :D

Offline Hinaru

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Very helpful. I'll definitely need it when I adopt a fanlisting or put one on adopt. ^^ Thank you for writing this all up, Firefly. xD
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