The AnimeFanlistings Network Message Board

Application Cut-Off Dates

Marie · 2 · 4489

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This procedure is now in place again as of May 14, 2011.

This is not new information, but is more of a reminder for people. As has been said in previous threads, the Application cut-off date for Characters N-Z is the 15th of each month. What that means is you have until the 15th of the month to submit an application if you want it to be included in the current round. For example, those who wish their applications to be processed in May need to have their applications submitted by May 15th. Anything sent in after the 15th will be held for the following round. Please remember: You are still only allowed to have 3 pending applications at any point in time, regardless of what round they will be included in.

In regards to subjects recently removed from the Network:
  • Fanlistings which were removed less than a month from the cut-off deadline are automatically held for the next round. If the fanlisting for Uzumaki Naruto (just an example! >>:flower:) was removed on June 3, he would not be processed until the July round, so potential applicants would have until July 15 to submit applications. (This is because June 3 is less than one month from June 15, so his applications would automatically be held until July 15.)
  • If a popular subject is to be included in a current round and applicants submit forms after the cut-off date, those applications will not be included in the approval decision. They are automatically disregarded, and applicants will be notified as such.
Basically, from the time a fanlisting is removed from the Network, you have at least one month to apply for it. If you don't get the application in within that time frame, well. That's unfortunate, but 4 weeks is plenty of time to apply. From this point on, NO exceptions will be made to this practice. It is also HIGHLY recommended that you check if I've received your application via the appropriate thread.

Basically, from the time a fanlisting is removed from the Network, you have a month (if not longer) to apply for it. From this point on, NO exceptions will be made to this practice. It is also HIGHLY recommended that you check if I've received your application via the appropriate thread.

For characters from recently-released series or newly-introduced characters from on-going series:
  • Characters will only be approved after 4 chapters or episodes have passed since their first appearance. This as to give a fair chance to everyone and enough time for character establishment.
  • Please note the above rule may have exceptions, to be determined on a case-by-case basis. For example, if a character appears only in shadow for a brief time in a chapter, and three chapters later, he/she/it still has not received any development, then an application for that character may be declined even though 4 chapters have passed.
  • Obviously this only applies to on-going series and not movies or single OVAs.
  • Note that the application cut-off deadline still applies.
For "crosslisting" fanlistings from TFL to TAFL, please read this policy announcement[/url].

If you have any further questions, please let me know via Contact form!
« Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 04:48:52 PM by Jackie »
Marie; Senior Staffer - Characters N-Z
A love pirate? I am no love pirate. What do they mean by that?

get fighted & pirates & royal rebellion

Offline Jackie

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The above procedures are now in place again as of May 14, 2011.

Also added clarifications regarding new characters or characters from new series.

If you have any questions, please send me a contact form. Thank you!
Jackie - Senior Staffer - Characters 0-M & N-Z - Movies/OVAs - General
The Fluffy Squirrel