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TAFL Survey!

Marie · 109 · 18023

Offline Marie

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So, we have a lot of fresh, new faces around these parts and we have a lot of older faces returning to us! With that in mind, it felt like TAFL could use a good "get to know you" activity - we've always been a pretty close community, but I figured, what the heck? Why not try and encourage that even more! :wub:

And so, you have a survey! Please, please, please keep your answers TAFL specific and follow the guidelines - 3 limit means 3 limit! >>; This is meant to encourage members of this community to get to know each other. If you find someone you have a lot in common with, go and get to know them better - this is just a jumping-off point! :wub: A friending meme without the actual "friending" being done here, LOL. Does that make sense?

This is meant to be a fun and active post, so have at it! :wub:


01. Your name
Does not have to be your real name guys! :wub:

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?
If so, give me a link! I'm lazy and don't want to search. :/

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Try and pick people still involved in the community, if you can!

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Try and pick people still involved in the community, if you can!

07. What's your favorite category?

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Applications or approvals? Building vs. pimping?

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Rejections? Pending applications? Wishlisters you never knew you had?

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Doesn't have to be on your Wishlist, but should be relative to TAFL!

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Definitely doesn't have to be one you made!

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?

14. What is your favorite forum?

15. What's your favorite avatar?

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Please note: questions may will not be answered, but it's fun to see what everyone's thinking, right?

17. Did you know...?
Insert random fact about your fanlistings!

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
Something crazy? Something nerdy? Something that would never be allowed? Something that has potential?

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Example! You associate TAFL with fanlistings! OR You associate Trouble Checkers with Ghostbusters it's the green!

21. Have you been through the adoption process?
Was it successful? Was it hard? What did you adopt out?

... and feel free to think of more questions! :heart:
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 11:32:42 AM by Marie »
Marie; Senior Staffer - Characters N-Z
A love pirate? I am no love pirate. What do they mean by that?

get fighted & pirates & royal rebellion

Offline Saya

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01. Your name
My realname? Ana... but I'm mostly known as Saya

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
I think 71 right now

03. Do you have an FL collective?

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Errr.... I already owned a tafl fl when tafl moved away from tfl... and besides... tafl has nice people around

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
.....WHY ONLY 3??? well.... mitzrael, myka, marie

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)

Again only 3? well... Wendy, Yamila, Sarah

07. What’s your favorite category?
Adult and Relationships (I own most my fl there)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Adult and Relationships

09. What’s your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Actually I love all the stuff, even being rejected when the rejection mail is written well

10. What’s your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I think I'm mostly paranoid when there is pending, but I don't dislike it so...I think there is nothing I hate

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
  • characters?
12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
No that's an evil question, there are so many I love... so I can't decide... but defenetly is by someone I really love how they design

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check for news and the new pimps

14. What is your favorite forum?
meh... the fanlisting chitichat

15. What’s your favorite avatar?
.............they are all so original...

16. What’s something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
....actualy.... °_° I have never wondered about it.... I do... wonder how many deferent people are here and well it's not really a question... but I really like the fact that there are so many deferent people here and all together!

17. Did you know…?
That my nickname is not from any manga - even if there are lattely lot of sayas and that we sayas will take over the world
\"People can live a hundred years without really living for a minute.\"
- Logan

Offline Nekoi Echizen

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01. Your name
Gabriella (to long and very easy to be misspronunced)
02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
45 FL (counting 1 upcoming)! ^^

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Of course! ^^v

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Saya! 8D *squeez*

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
My muse is usually Yamila who check my graphics and give me good advices!X3 The list is too long!XD

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
D: Urgh, hard to pick a choice! Actually Yamila, Shaza and Mitz!

07. What’s your favorite category?
*check her FL* I suppose 0-M and N-Z?XD

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
*check again* I suppose, again, 0-M and N-Z?XD

09. What’s your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Approvals and have nice rejections.

10. What’s your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
the period between the application and the approval/rejection (because I get very anxious)

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Hiruma of course and TTGL releated: serie, Yoko, Kittan, KaminaYoko, etc..

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
To hard to choice but Shaza's one leave me speechless! :heart:

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
check the hot topics!X3

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot Topics!XD

15. What’s your favorite avatar?
Usually Yoko and Yoko/Kamina releated! :3

16. What’s something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Actually I have nothing in mind, but I'll pimp just in case I will! :wub:

17. Did you know…?
That I love to do always my best for any graphic that I do?:3
[font=\'times new roman\']Bye bye![/font]

Adopting out all of my fanlistings, contact if you\'re interested.
[font=\'trebuchet ms\']TAFL[/ur

Offline Marie

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01. Your name
Marie - though there are many that call me Taichou which is awesome.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
31! :wub: Who knew? Not I.

03. Do you have an FL collective?
I most certaintly do! It's at one .44 Caliber [LOVELETTER], and yes, it is fully loaded.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
The lovely Jenna, of, got me into fanlistings. :wub: She offered Luffy's fanlisting to me when TAFL was still part of TFL, and I accepted without even knowing what a fanlisting was, LOL. TAFL split about a year after I really got into them, and here we are. If you want to blame anyone for Marie being where she is today, I point you in Jenna's direction. :heart:

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Rose, because she runs this madhouse and puts up with all my shenanigans, Jackie because she's just so darn professional, and Saya, because she just has such a positive, can-do attitude! :wub:

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
This is a tough one, because everyone really inspires me here - but I have to say Janice, Mitz, and Estee are my big three! But seriously, everyone is just so impressive!

07. What's your favorite category?
I am totally biased and want to say Characters, but it's Characters N-Z. Like, half of my fandoms are in that section, LOL.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Again, Characters N-Z because of the pirates :wub: But Rels. is a very close second!

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Writing applications, definitely! Though I'm sure the rest of the staff wishes I would learn how to cut that shit down, lol But yeah, writing about why you love a subject has always been my favorite part of the whole process.

10. What’s your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Writing rejections. :) Definitely the hardest part of it all - for me, it's even harder than receiving them yourself. Pending apps. can be really stressful too, but orz. I just need to learn patience, I think. xD;

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Ichigo's bankai. Take that any way you want.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Argh, such a hard choice! But Jani's Claire fanlisting continues to inspire me and is one of my favorite designs by her. Similarly, Dale's recent pirate conversion really blew me away too, I will admit.

13. What's the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check my category forums, LOL. /loser

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot Topics! in Fanlisting Chit-Chat~

15. What's your favorite avatar?
The teachings of Kubology will always crack my shit up, so Wife's recent Halloween icon had me rolling. It was short-lived, so I'll have to laugh at Renji in the meantime. But he's used to that anyway.

16. What's something you've always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I always wondered why people were so scared to talk to staffers, actually. Do we really give off this "RAWR! I'M GONNA EAT YOU!" feeling? Cause I swear, only one two a few actually would. :/

17. Did you know...?
That Monkey D. Luffy is going to be handed down in my family from generation to generation? Cause he is. No, really.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 02:23:47 PM by Marie »
Marie; Senior Staffer - Characters N-Z
A love pirate? I am no love pirate. What do they mean by that?

get fighted & pirates & royal rebellion

Offline Tess

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01. Your name
Tess! It's not my real name, but I'm not comfortable giving it out just yet. I know, I know, the opposite of what this survey is for. :heart:

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
Four! I was constantly applying over at TFL, that by the time I did get my first fanlisting here, I was a bit more cautious with my trigger finger.

03. Do you have an FL collective?

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I was always aware of TAFL and it's existence, but I didn't actually starting applying until late 2007, early 2008, but didn't get approved until mid-2008.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Chrizta, Kibou and Ren hands down.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Airi, Chrizta (NO, I don't have a hard-on for her!) and Kayleigh!

07. What’s your favorite category?
Adult! (OK, Relationships...which could be a bit Adult.)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-M (completely coincidental)

09. What’s your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Building! You just put so much love into a fanlisting, and you show it off, not because you think it's particularly amazing, but because your heart and soul lies in that fanlisting...most definitely.

10. What’s your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Link buttons, though I admit working with animation is more exciting than working with, say, real-life photography.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Sesshoumaru methinks!

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
O-M-G, I could look at this all day.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Look at the active threads.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Off-Topic Chit-Chat...I know, something completely un-fanlisting related.

15. What’s your favorite avatar?
Everybody's but mine? :wub:

16. What’s something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Why a good number of people use "sweat drops" (I was told that, excuse my ignorance!) ( ; ) on their smilies? I know it's a sign of nervousness, or something, so is everybody nervous when they speak to people all the time? (This isn't meant to be mean, just a general question. I tried asking a friend, but she was too busy laughing, that bimbo. :wub:)

17. Did you know…?
My first "anime" was Sailor Moon, but I don't remember anything about it? Trufax, dolls!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 02:28:29 PM by Tess »

Offline Espo

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01. Your name
I'm known online as Espo. Real name? What real name? /shifty Haha, okay, a fair few actually know it these days.

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
15 current with 2 upcoming. One of which I just noticed I submitted a finished form for but it hasn't seemed to have gone through, lol. /goes to redo

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yup! Holding On is my dear collective.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Meli; I think I found fanlistings through her and their existance as well when she talked about them in her blog way back when.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
I-I have to chose? Umm. Mila-san, Crystal and Aya inspire me a lot. But I get inspired by lodes of people.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
P-Probably the same as the above? I'm so bad at this. ;;

07. What’s your favorite category?
According to my owned, it's probably the characters catagory, but I equally like songs and relationships as well. Music, OTPs and amazing characters make the world go round. True story.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters N-Z with five, apparantly. Next is Characters A-M and Relationships.

09. What’s your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I fairly much enjoy everything, but I must admit that the best part is always when I finish a listing and I really like it - the layouts, the codes, the about section. It's a great feeling. :wub:

10. What’s your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Probably image hunting for layouts or waiting for inspiration to strike. I had a block for a long time but recently broke out of it, so I just have to hope it doesn't come back again! :wub: Also, on the factor that 'this is the way life goes', that I have lodes of free time before an approval but as soon as an approval comes, I have no time to do any designing. Ahahaha. It's always frustrating when I want to do something but real life stops me.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
My Favourite Series:
  • Favourite Characters. That sounds absolutely ridiculous and you'd end up with millions if it did exist :heart:. But thinking about it, it would be nice to have a fanlisting for all the things I liked in one place.
12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I've seen so many fanlistings lately that they all seem to blend into one. But I like simple layouts but also sometimes complicated ones. Anything that's pretty and nice.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Board index and look at those teeny tiny boxes on the right hand side for the last time there was a post in that forum since I usually jump around them. I also check the time for it since I remember, somehow, the last time I was around. Yeah I have no life. OTL.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hmm, possibly Hot Topics or Brand New Fanlistings (all the shinyness~) or Off-Topic Chit Chat.

15. What’s your favorite avatar?
I like various ones. Lol

16. What’s something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
How fanlistings appeal to lots of different people from lots of different places and backgrounds and ages, and so on. :/ It's nice that it's so universal.

17. Did you know…?
I have run my fanlistings manually since starting: that being round about the end of 2004. I have er... several times... tried to coax enthusiast to work, but it eludes me. Manual actually doesn't bother me that much though. :wub:
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 03:07:21 PM by Espo »
fractured | keyofdestiny | florete | collective

plugging: [url="http://brave.f

Offline Marie

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[quote name='Espo' post='270046' date='Nov 4 2009, 03:04 PM']17. Did you know…?
I have run my fanlistings manually since starting: that being round about the end of 2004. I have er... several times... tried to coax enthusiast to work, but it eludes me. Manual actually doesn't bother me that much though. :heart:[/quote]
You are ridiculously brave, my dear. 15 updated manually - I could barely handle 5 before I needed to switch, LOL. *applauds*
Marie; Senior Staffer - Characters N-Z
A love pirate? I am no love pirate. What do they mean by that?

get fighted & pirates & royal rebellion

Offline Estefania

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Yay, survey~

01. Your name
Estefania is actually my real name (well, Estefanía, actually) =P

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
26! Not bad.

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yep, and it's called ilovelamp because I'm a sad dork and Anchorman is awesomesauce

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I got into TFL first and built an anime-related FL at some point (Meitantei Conan) and then the network split and all.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most?
Oh man, idk. Probably Marie BECAUSE SHE OWNS LUFFY AND THAT IS AMAZING, Janice and Kibou =)

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs?
LOTS! But if I can only choose three... Sarah, Annie and Mitchii~

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters! Because I freakin' love characters, heh.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Incidentally, characters =3 0-M in particular (with 10) because that's where Fullmetal Alchemist is lol.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Haha the approval is pretty awesome. Also, designing the thing.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Coding! jkdfg;jds And to regret not applying for a FL when it was open for apps =/

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Manga-only Fullmetal Alchemist! Also, the Roy-tachi ❤

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Oh mannnn, so many awesome layouts not done by me out there! PASS! =(

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
View new posts~

14. What is your favorite forum?
Fanlistings chit-chat, probably.

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Mine! LMAO.

16. What's something you've always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Why are some FLs that aren't new or have a new URL sometimes linked from the updates blog and others aren't? Like, when they resolve their troubles and stuff? /LOL RANDOM QUESTION

17. Did you know...?
I don't own any female character FL and I'm terribly ashamed of that! =/
« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 05:42:39 AM by Estefania »
[color="#b4b4b4"][font="Georgia"]if we become unable to talk about our ideals, the evolution of humans will come to an end.[/font][/color]

[color="#1F6488"]❝[font="Georgia"]mixed metaphor organisation [color="#f3c629"]☆[/

Offline dragoneyes

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01. Your name
dragoneyes in nickname as Lorella in real life

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
Half of my fanlistings more or less so...uhmmm 20-something?

03. Do you have an FL collective?

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
*points at a random Saya roaming around*

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
...Saya because she's my main personality X°°°D, and at the beginning Yamila too, but not recently *trying to find her own style*

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Hakka (she gained my unquestioned love after seeing Deadpool's fl layout...coff coff...), Mitzrael-san and Wendy :wub:

07. What's your favorite category?
Both the characters categories.

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-m

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Making the layouts and writing the applications.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Checking the coding over and over again because something is bound not to work properly every time =="

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Kickassing anime/manga girls

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Too many to be listed XD

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Cheking updates in the Fanlisting Management section

14. What is your favorite forum?
Fanlisting Chit-Chat

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Awww...again too many @_@
ETA: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Right now Marie-san's avatar!!! *dies laughing*

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
uhmmm...usually my questions get answered pretty quickly by my personal evil inspirer (aka: Saya) so...uhmmm...XD none for now?

17. Did you know...?
...that I don't really know which one was my first anime? I was too young to remember it properly.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 03:44:37 PM by dragoneyes »
[color=\"#006400\"]~This dragon wish you the best luck[/color]

[color=\"#800080\"]~ You're welcome to look inside my soul[/color]

~ [color=\"darkred\"]I love my family ♥ *squizes twin sister, sister and co-neuron*[/color]

Fan of me?

Offline Sarah

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01. Your name

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Er, currently in the making, I guess.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
Ah, I actually wish I remembered that, LOL. I do remember though that the first few fanlistings I joined were Arina Tanemura related. <33

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Rose, cause yeah, she runs this whole mess here :) And Marie, cause she's so dedicated and takes her job so seriously and serves as my handbook :P and will be cheating and say my RabuRabu TC Team cause each and every one of them is amazing and inspiring. :wub:

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Kippy, Rainie and Mitchii, for me too! But man, there are so many talented people here, 3 is wayyyy too little T___T

07. What's your favorite category?
:heart: :heart: :heart: x 478347 or well, Relationships, for various reasons ;)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Raburabu with 6! /clings to her OTPs

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Making the layout. It can be quite a pain too lalala, but I generally enjoy it the most (compared to making codes or coding, ew) To a certain degree I enjoy writing Apps too, only because it lets me spazz and go on and on about how much I love certain things and whatnot. :wub: /shot  

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Coding, cause it almost never works properly and is just annoying. Even though I've never had downright freaky coding experiences like another certain someone did. (cough)HowlTaichou(cough) I also don't like writing my occasional Rejection letters either. :(

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Sasuke's hair? Clothes? Eyes? Anything, really? Yeaaaaaaah, not sure. ETA; LOL, Marie just told me someone actually applied for Sasuke's boxers before - why haven't I thought of that yet? Oh, if only.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
LOL, way too many. Wayyy way too many. <3

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check if a certain someone changed my avatar again. No, really.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Off-Topic probably, or the Fanlisting Hot Topics.

15. What's your favorite avatar?
I actually really miss the times we had this Pretty-boy!theme going on and Chip and me were doing Massu and Tegoshi from NEWS, LOL. But then again, there's always the chance someone might overread the "pretty" part and do Takuya of UVER. Who was that again...? /runs

But currently, I really like Tess' icon! Hitsu! <3

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
LOL, I'm not really sure about that one, but I laugh at Marie's  answer here cause I'm fairly sure she's the only one of us staffers that gives off those, "ZOMG! I'M GONNA EAT YOU." vibes. Seriously.  

17. Did you know...?
That I have the most amazing idea ever for the next TAFL-ish event? Ahaha, no really. ;) /goes plotting
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 04:06:02 PM by Sarah »
[color="#FF0000"]♥[/color] ~ [color="#fbacbc"]S[/color]arah [color="#000000"] | [/color] [color="#5face2"]sky[/color][color="#828282"][/color]

love  [color="#000000"] is endless [/color]

Offline Hakka

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01. Your name
Alessandra, but lately I'm called mostly Foy. XD

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
Ehrm... 4...  :wub:

03. Do you have an FL collective?

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I was a newbie at TFL when TAFL came to life: I just went on and registered here as well. And applied for a subject open for apps.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Here at TAFL... I really know few owners, can't really choose. :P

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Estefania, Mitzrael and Shaza (alphabetical order!). But half the community is proudly the owner of stunning fanlistings.

07. What's your favorite category?

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Hmmm, actually in two, 2 in Fanworks and 2 in Series.

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Making codes!  ;)

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Making layouts, actually. Because I'm such a pain... *Saya knows...*

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Nothing comes to my mind. Perhaps I'd be for Sasuke hairs or wardrobe!  :heart:

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
Can't choose! Naruto series is the first that comes to my mind.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check the Hot topics forum

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot topics, because I'm too lazy to check the updates...  :(

15. What's your favorite avatar?
I always love Mitzrael's Uchiha ones.

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Why owners decide to close or let the fanlistings die instead of adopting them out. *spotted an old fanlisting of hers closed down during the latest check*

17. Did you know...?
... the fanlistings I own are mostly kill-fors and wishlister, so I'll never let one go easily?  :heart:

[quote name='dragoneyes' post='270049' date='Nov 4 2009, 09:40 PM']06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Hakka (she gained my unquestioned love after seeing Deadpool's fl layout...coff coff...), Mitzrael-san and Wendy ;)[/quote]
Marry me, then?  :heart: I offer a Deadpool plushie!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 04:40:59 PM by Marie »
\"Give Sasuke back! He doesn\'t belong to you!\" - but to me...

Scorpion in disguise - Beware of the sting!

~¤~~¤~~¤~~¤~ ~¤~ ~¤~ ~¤~ ~¤~ ~¤~ ~¤~


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[quote name='Hakka' post='270051' date='Nov 4 2009, 10:30 PM'][quote name='dragoneyes' post='270049' date='Nov 4 2009, 09:40 PM']06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Hakka (she gained my unquestioned love after seeing Deadpool's fl layout...coff coff...), Mitzrael-san and Wendy :heart:[/quote]
Marry me, then?  :wub: I offer a Deadpool plushie!
:heart: *glomps and kidnaps*
[color=\"#006400\"]~This dragon wish you the best luck[/color]

[color=\"#800080\"]~ You're welcome to look inside my soul[/color]

~ [color=\"darkred\"]I love my family ♥ *squizes twin sister, sister and co-neuron*[/color]

Fan of me?

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[quote name='Marie' post='270047' date='Nov 4 2009, 08:09 PM'][quote name='Espo' post='270046' date='Nov 4 2009, 03:04 PM']17. Did you know…?
I have run my fanlistings manually since starting: that being round about the end of 2004. I have er... several times... tried to coax enthusiast to work, but it eludes me. Manual actually doesn't bother me that much though. :heart:[/quote]
You are ridiculously brave, my dear. 15 updated manually - I could barely handle 5 before I needed to switch, LOL. *applauds*

Thank you! :wub: It's not actually that bad to me since I'm so used to doing it.

Ahahaha and that's not even counting the other 20 or so from tfl.  :heart: I am, decidedly, crazy. Or lazy. Take your pick. That and at one time I did own almost 90 fanlistings...
fractured | keyofdestiny | florete | collective

plugging: [url="http://brave.f

Offline Rain

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01. Your name
Stefanie but all of my friends and family call me Steffi

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings

03. Do you have an FL collective?

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
As for me, I can't remember how I discovered these cute buttons to show that you are fan of. It must have been a website I stumbled upon back in 2005. I loved the idea behind these buttons and so I started joining them. I had a (very crappy xD) blog at this time, but since all of my friends had, it was cool and I started to add these tiny 50x50 buttons to an extra section to show what I love. I joined not obsessive as I do now, I only joined the subjects I loved the most.
Back in October 2007, I moved my blog and with that, I went through my joined fanlistings to see if the fanlistings are still active. Most of them has moved or were dead links, and so I went through and updated the links. When I was looking for the new fanlisting dedicated to the character of Kunzite (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon) I was shocked because there was no current fanlisting. It took me 5 minutes until I wrote my first application. I haven't any experience with an own domain or running a fanlisting but I just couldn't resist. Kunzite is my most favourite anime / manga character and I was thrilled to maybe run his approved fanlisting. After sending my application, I continued to update the dead links of my joined fanlistings... And when I saw that the relationship between Sailor Venus / Aino Minako & Kunzite didn't have a fanlisting anymore too I sent in a second application  :heart:. And this was also the first fanlisting I was approved for. It took over a month to get a reply for my application I sent in for Kunzite (I didn't knew anything about the updates xD) but when I was approved, it was an amazing feeling =D. And the rest is history xD.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
All fanlisting owners doing a great job, so I can't pick only three xD

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Jo  :wub: , Nekoi Echizen and uhm... dunno xD

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters 0-M & Characters N-Z

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters N-Z (too many pokemon out there xD)

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
It's always great to receive an approval xD. I also love making the layout

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Pending applications X___X

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Erhm... maybe the transformation of the Sailor Senhsi? Or Chiaki / Maron from KKJ^^. I am very happy with my wishlisters I got, so I'm not sure^^.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
There are a lot layouts I adore, so I can't pick my favourite^^

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Checking for new postes

14. What is your favorite forum?
Hot Topics

15. What's your favorite avatar?
All avatars are cool <3

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Who invented fanlistings?

17. Did you know...?
... that I mainly own male characters (apart from pokemon) and I don't know why?
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 05:55:51 PM by Rain »

Offline Jackie

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01. Your name

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
33 unique fanlistings (6 of which are only listed at TAFL because there are manga versions of video games...)

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yup, over here, though I need to rename it and give it a new layout someday.

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I was browsing websites and saw some fanlistings.  I checked out TFL (back when it was .net), but I admittedly wasn't too interested in them at first.  Eventually, for reasons that I don't remember, I decided to apply for some FLs.  My first fanlistings were for Witch Hunter Robin and Berserk, back when TAFL was still a part of TFL - actually, I think Danielle hadn't even joined TFL's staff yet.  :wub:

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Lots of people, particularly TAFL staffers and ex-staffers! :heart:  And my fellow TAFL senior staffers, of course :heart:

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Janicechu, Sarahchu, Annikins~

07. What's your favorite category?
Probably the Characters categories, with no particular preference for either

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-M with 13 unique fanlistings~!

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
I like writing applications when I have a lot to say.  But getting approved is honestly my favorite part <3 (lol, I'm so shallow).  I also like making layouts if I'm feeling inspired - I enjoy it a lot less if I have layout block.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Rejections - both getting them and sending them out. :(  Also, making codes if I don't have any good images to use. :wub:  (When I have a lot of great images, I love making them. <3)

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
This is a toughie.  I'm not a fan of character group fanlistings, so I don't think I'd apply for those, and there honestly aren't too many relationships with more than 3 characters that I'd want to apply for.  The only "version" of a character I think I'd want to apply for is hollow Ichigo from Bleach because he's fun, crazy, and a badass. ;)

lol, Marie, you perv... Ichigo's bankai really IS super hot though~

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I admire lots of people's layouts, so I couldn't choose just one.  Maybe one per person, lol, but that would take too long to list.  My favorite layout from my fanlistings is Haruka x Michiru.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check the staffer forums, then Adoptions, then Fanlistings Chit-Chat. ;)

14. What is your favorite forum?
Fanlistings Chit-Chat~

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Marie's '09 Halloween icon.  YOU WILL BE MISSED, WONDERFUL ICON ;;

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I don't understand people who seem to despise fanlistings and TAFL, yet they still apply for fanlistings here anyway.  :heart:

17. Did you know...?
Not including Pokemon or Mokona (who are all kind of genderless, though you could argue Pikachu and Pochama are boys) or any of the crosslisted video game characters, only one of my character fanlistings is for a male.  The rest (all 11 of them) are for females.  (Though, to be fair, I applied for and was rejected for three of my top 5 male characters, so it's not all my fault.  I do love female characters a lot more though...)

Also, I used to have an actual written fanlisting will, but that got punted once my "beneficiaries" started cutting back on or dropping out of fanlistings.  Now I have a semi-sorta-mental will for some of them :P

[quote name='Estefania']16. What's something you've always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Why are some FLs that aren't new or have a new URL sometimes linked from the updates blog and others aren't? Like, when they resolve their troubles and stuff? /LOL RANDOM QUESTION[/quote]
The F/U/C staffer and Troubles staffer for larger categories are usually different, so they don't have access to each other's forms.  If a fanlisting is on troubles for a dead link and the problem is resolved, the Troubles staffer may update the link in the database, then list the new URL under "Removed from Troubles/Problems Resolved" instead of having the F/U/C staffer do it. <3
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 06:56:21 PM by Jackie »
Jackie - Senior Staffer - Characters 0-M & N-Z - Movies/OVAs - General
The Fluffy Squirrel