Recently I have been given two great approvals and I am still speechless at the approval of one of them (still).
Soaring HighDragonball Z/Kai Series Fanlisting
This fanlisting I'm still amazed I got the approval (thank you so much staffers) because of I'm speechless still. I was not really expecting to get approved for the DBZ/Kai fanlisting because honestly I believed so many people would apply for it. I adore the series and I was like, "Hey, it is worth a shot!" None the less, I was VERY surprised to see this approval in my inbox.
Unfortunately, the layout and I were met with an "inspiration block" and I wanted to try to do something that FIT this series until my brain can come up with a better layout. However, I'm still on this "inspiration block" and I could not do anything fancy like I want do this wonderful series - so I took to something simple.
None the less...affiliates, members, and constructive feedback accepted!
Ai wa EnergyHikari/Dawn & Satoshi/Ash Fanlisting
I've tried to resist applying for Pokémon fanlistings and relationship fanlistings in general. I own too many.

However, when this fanlisting was removed from the network I could not help myself. I adore this relationship (also known as Pearlshipping) so much! This was my first *big* wishlister approval at TAFL since Tenshinhan (though I like to think all of my fanlistings as wishlist approvals haha). I felt slightly guilty applying for the Pearlshipping fanlisting cause I already own the Haruka/May & Satoshi/Ash fanlisting (which I love that subject just after Pearlshipping in Pokémon) but I caved in...
This layout was made before my "inspiration block" but most of the codes suck (IMO). None the less, I think you all can tell how much I adore this relationship by this layout!
Like always, affilaites, members, and constructive feedback are accepted free of charge!