With changing interest and being busy and such I have decided to put some of my fanlistings up for adoption in hopes of finding them new happy homes. I don't have a set deadline on applications but I'll start picking new owners before the
15th 22nd of September so if you see something you like please,
please send in an application ASAP.
You can see all the fanlisting I have up for adoption here:
http://fan.ashke.net/adopt.phpIf interested in any of the fanlistings please send me an email with your name, url and a reason why you would like to adopt it. If I pick you as the new onwer please make sure to get the fanlisting up in two weeks. You may use the fanlisting codes I made as long as you give credit. I would like it if you made your own layout for the fanlisting though.
Email me at: kokuyo AT gmail [dot] com