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Topics - Mayumi

Pages: 1 2
Adoption Center / Just the One.
« on: April 14, 2012, 04:30:33 AM »
With the wonderful approvals I've gotten and trying to revamp some of them bit by bit as "Spring Cleaning", I've decided to adopt out my Death Note: What's Up People?! (2nd Opening Theme)* fanlisting. I'm sure there are wonderful owners out there can take care of this fanlisting better than me.

01. You must be a true fan of the subject. No collectors!
02. Credit me and the previous owners (if they are any.)
03. Use a script like Listing Admin, Enthusiast or Bellabuffs. If you're adding them by hand, that's fine as well.
04. Please email the members and affiliates about the move.
05. Have the fanlist finished in 2-3 weeks. If you need time, please let me know. Not at the last minute either.

Get it? Got it? Good. =)

* = Can't Contact Previous Owner

If you're interested in this fanlist, please send an email to mayumi at with your name, email url and reason why you want the fanlist/you're a fan. I'll be accepting apps from now to April 25th. If I don't get any apps, it'll be closed. So get your apps in and no resisting!  :spork: :furious: :whip:

Moved and Adopted Fanlistings / Stellar Loussier (Gundam Seed Destiny)
« on: February 07, 2012, 05:42:18 AM »
First of all, I'd like to thank Liz for letting adopt her fanlisting. :) I honestly thought I was getting a rejection. After watching Gundam Seed Destiny on YTV (in Canada before they removed Bionix) a few years back, I knew Stellar instantly became one of my favorite characters. Such a free spirited person, but deep inside, she wasn't free spirited as I thought she was. As I listen to her character song, I can still feel her pain. Moving on, I had a huge layout block, but I pushed through it ;D So I hope you guys like it~ Without further ado, I present to you:


Gundam Seed/Gundam Seed Destiny related affiliates are welcome. :) xoxo

FL Collectives and Existing Fanlistings / Final Embrace
« on: December 23, 2011, 12:33:32 AM »
I know I haven't been active here. But now I've decided to change and be more active. As some of you know (and some haven't), I had a anime fanlisting collective but decided to close it. But now, I've reopened one. So, here I am promoting my new collective; Final Embrace - The Last Romance Network. I hope you all love the layout, it features Milla Maxwell from the latest Tales game; Tales of Xillia. Just to let you know, if you're looking at dead links in my owned page, do not worry. All of my fanlistings are currently having makeovers. ;P If you're interested in affiliating with me, feel free to leave a message. So once again, my newly anime fanlisting collective;

[size="4"][font="Georgia"]Final Embrace - The Last Romance Network[/font][/size]

Questions for the Senior Staff / Email Change
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:24:12 PM »
I just wanted to ask and make sure if you've gotten a contact form requesting to change my email. I couldn't reply to my old email since my domain expired and I've never gotten it.

Old Email: mayumi(at)
New Email: mayumi(at)

Thanks and Happy Holidays. ^_^

Edit: Got the email. Thank you~

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