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Topics - Marilyn

Pages: 1
General Questions and Discussion / Cancelled & ReOpened Fanlistings
« on: February 18, 2008, 01:21:11 AM »

I just discovered that the Samurai Champloo fanlisting I joined is no longer TAFL approved. It looks like it was shut down due to not being updated, and a new one has opened. The old one has over 800 members, and the new one only 27. There has got to be a better way for members to be notified that things like this happen. If the point is to have a list of fans all in one place, now you have 2 lists, and since members don't know that the listing was movied, they'll continually link the old one.

I'm just wondering if this issue has been discussed before. I wouldn't have minded if the new FL owner just took my email from the old listing & sent me an email saying to rejoin because the other one was no longer approved. Are owners allowed to do that? Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are.

General Questions and Discussion / Dead FLs
« on: June 13, 2007, 03:05:28 AM »
This might be a stupid question...but what do you do when a fanlisting disappears? In that, the web domain no longer exists and the link has been removed from TFL/TAFL?

I recently ran my fanlisting collective through a link checker and a few of them are no longer around (I checked to see if the link had moved on TAFL and there was no listing). Do you still leave the buttons up and delete the link - or do you take the buttons down as well?

It's sad because there was no email from the owner saying that they were taking the site down, just poof - it's gone.  X_X I am still sort of new to fanlistings (well it has been over a year, but that's not much) so I was wondering what some of you more experienced people have done when this has happened to you. Thanks in advance for your imput!

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