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Messages - Riley

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Hot Topics / Troubled Fanlistings Watch
« on: October 21, 2009, 11:12:33 PM »
A male character again. :heart:

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / One Wish Granted
« on: August 03, 2009, 12:05:55 AM »
As far as anime fanlistings go, the one I would love to own the most would have to be Xerxes Break from Pandora Hearts. I love him to death~ <3

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / Upcoming Goodies
« on: August 01, 2009, 12:16:28 PM »
I can't wait for the new owner of Takanari & Haine. I hope they go to a great home~ :3

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / Fanlisting Survey!
« on: December 23, 2008, 12:21:55 AM »
1. Your favourite fanlisting that you own.
This is really hard to say... in general it would definitely be Kratos Aurion, but my favorite one at TAFL would be Enma Ai (Jigoku Shoujo) (who isn't up yet! XD)

2. The #1 fanlisting you would like to own.
Kikyou (InuYasha) or Kanzato Ryou (PERSONA -trinity soul-) Hard choicessss...

3. The first fanlisting you joined.
Hmm...honestly, I can't remember. o_o It was a really long time ago...but I assume someone like Sagara Sanosuke (Rurouni Kenshin) or Kikyou (InuYasha).

4. The last fanlisting you joined.
PERSONA -trinity soul-

5. Your oldest fanlisting.
Wow, I barely have any of my original fanlistings anymore. -shame- But I think right now, Makino Ruki (Digimon Tamers) is my oldest.

6. The last fanlisting you completed.
Belze Beaut & Ogura Mayuri (Akuma to Dolce) (which needs more members! 8D;)

7. Your biggest fanlisting.
Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia)

8. Your smallest fanlisting.
Belze Beaut & Ogura Mayuri (Akuma to Dolce)

9. Layout you are most proud of.
Lloyd Irving & Colette Brunel (Tales of Symphonia) I suppose. A lot of my fanlisting layouts are getting old. D:

10. Your favourite part of the building process (ie: codes, layout etc).
Probably making the layout. :3 I enjoy writing about the subject as well, though I don't always write a lot.

11. Favourite fanlisting title.
I suck with titles, but I think I like Venus in the Dark the best.

12. Fanlisting you really need to re-vamp.
Haha, I have a couple that need revamps since they're supposed to be tributes as well... but I guess Darker than BLACK is the next one in line.

13. Fanlisting with the most countries represented.
Wakamatsu Madoka (Full Moon wo Sagashite)

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / First Fanlisting?
« on: November 15, 2008, 11:14:24 PM »
My first fanlisting was actually Yukishiro Tomoe from Rurouni Kenshin, however I wasn't very familiar with webdesign or fanlistings, so I ended up closing it. That's okay though, since she has a very good home with Rosemary. :]

Hot Topics / Never Give Up
« on: April 16, 2008, 09:56:50 AM »
I cannot really see myself giving up any of my fanlistings at the moment, but unless I had some very grave circumstances, I definitely would NEVER give up Tear Grants, Darker than BLACK, Kairi, Layla Hamilton, Makino Ruki... okay I'm pretty much listing all of my fanlistings I own at TAFL.

Just because I have to say, I would also never give up Kratos Aurion and Axel & Roxas over at TFL either.

I know there have been quite a few responses to this already, but I feel the urge to comment to this as well. I agree that everyone should voice their opinions on the subject.

Honestly, I have to say that I agree with Chisa and Rosemary on this one, as well as the rules already set by the network. First of all, as has already been said, TFL has a lot more categories and subjects than TAFL, so it is only natural that they have a larger number than here. I also think that having the ability to apply for 20 is insane, who can actually have that many on upcoming? That is more fanlistings than I actually own. I know fanlistings are fun and I enjoy them a lot, but why would you have to apply for that many at a time if you were only applying for subjects you really like? I just do not think that anyone can have that many on upcoming and take care of them well enough in the four week period given to complete them. I know I can barely handle 2-3 on upcoming, and I try to only have one application at a time. I know that sometimes it is hard because a bunch of subjects really dear to you seem to get removed all at once and some categories may be slow on the updates because the staffers have lives other than TAFL, but still. Having the limit increased will only inspire more collectors rather than fans. Plus, if you were allowed to have more, one or two people could easily overtake a new series before others even hear about it or whatever else. It seems to be that increasing the limit would only make things more unfair.

Secondly, the whole code thing is just getting ridiculous. I know that some subjects have really long names, but is it REALLY that big of a deal not to be able to have "fan" on a code for a series or song? I know that when one of my fanlistings was approved at TFL, but not over here, and the person who owned the TAFL one used game images, it annoyed me. I knew people would mistake it for the game fanlisting when it really wasn't. It would be the same thing if someone thought the subject was something you owned when it really wasn't. Like it has been said, it really does not take that long to get rid of codes that do not qualify under the rules. It has been in place for awhile now, and I just do not see the point in complaining about something that really should not matter if you are deticated enough to the subject.

As for the relationships, I know there are a few relationships that seem perfect for more than three people...such as the InuYasha gumi or even the Pokemon one...but expanding the relationship more than three people seems to defeat the point. In my opinion, the more people you add, the less you are focusing on one relationship and more you are focusing on a group of entangled relationships. I think the individual relationship fanlistings for the two or even three people inside the large group of people cover what one fanlisting for a group of four+ would anyway. But that is just my opinion.

The Off Topic Chitchat thing... I know it seems unfair it closed over an arguement, but feelings were hurt and people were being attacked. As said by others, just start a new thread if you have something in particular to talk about that would involve others in discussion instead of a place where people can say random things.

Lastly, the atmosphere amongst the staffers isn't any different here than at TFL. I think it is unfair to criticize the staffers here just because they are doing their job by upholding the rules established, especially when TFL does the same thing. They aren't doing anything because they don't "like" a person, they are doing it because it is what they do as part of the job of being a staffer. I am not a staffer myself, but I am sure it must be a tough job, especially with the application process.

Overall, I can understand that some people may be upset, but those are the rules set down. People agree with them and people who are not staffers can see why they are logical and allow them to be in place. Otherwise, people wouldn't apply for fanlistings, right? It seems fanlistings have turned into really serious things in the past few years, when they are supposed to be something for fun. Arguing over small details like this ruins the spirit of owning fanlistings.

Also, I don't mean to offend anyone by anything I have said, I am simply stating my opinion like everyone else here.

Hot Topics / Wishlist Fanlistings
« on: August 09, 2007, 10:10:48 AM »
Although I've killed off my fanlisting collective and stuff, I still have a few more fanlistings I'd love to have someday, though they already have great owners. ^^

1. Kikyou (InuYasha)
2. Sagara Sanosuke (Rurouni Kenshin)
3. Arima Souichirou & Miyazawa Yukino (Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou)

Hot Topics / Wishlist Fanlistings
« on: April 16, 2007, 09:48:55 PM »
Merged mine back into the collective...and edited the format a bit. :]

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