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Messages - Tess

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Fanlistings Chit-Chat / One Wish Granted
« on: November 23, 2009, 10:22:47 PM »
Hitsugaya Toshiro, without thought, question or pause. Words cannot express how much I'd die if I ever got the opportunity to apply (not mentioning approved...not mentioning it)...he's so amazing to me, I could go on forever and ever.

(It is not relevant that I like short men, asian dudes and blonde hair, NOT RELEVANT AT ALL.)

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / Webdesign Survey!
« on: November 22, 2009, 07:11:37 PM »
This is a really great idea, Sarah! :) We can learn off each other, and it's really neat to see what people do, how long they've been doing it, etc.! :lol:

00. How long have you been designing sites?
June 23rd, 2003! Haha, yes, I remember! (6 and a half years!)

01. What was your first website? ohmy.gif
Sexy Men - it's a portal for now, though I have plans; it's a free domain, too, so I don't feel bad about abandoning it. :x

02. Wanna show us one of your earliest layouts?
These are some examples; as you can see, I was more graphically-inclined in the past.

03. ..and one of your latest layouts!
And some more! Simple, I have found, it my middle name.

04. Do you think you have some sort of "style"? If yes, details pls! wub.gif
I prefer centre layouts, because I read on a article that that's the first place one looks, is the middle of the screen. I also go for validity over style, so sometimes people are like, "...that's not as great as the last one!" I like simple designs; it can't be helped that some of my layouts aren't up to par in the graphic department (of course, that's not to say one can't use graphics in simple designs, not at all!).

05. Any webtrends you really like?
I've always been rather backward, aha! I do love the graphic-heavy trend (rollover images, table layouts), I've just never personally been able to do it. I can't, it's not in my blood! :lol:

06. Others you dislike?
I dislike the tiny text, for obvious reasons; I wear glasses, so if I'm squinting WITH THEM ON, the design is partially ruined for me. Sure, I can increase my text size, but I shouldn't have to, really.

07. Some of the elements you generally like using/seeing in layouts!
I enjoy the heck out of vectors and manga colouring! I think each person on this board is talented, but it takes a great eye to do what these particular people do; absolutely gorgeous (I may or may not be looking at Sarah and Carolyn)! (Also, valid layouts make me love you, and huge text is the best thing EVAR.)

08. Your favorite color to work with?
White, because it goes with anything. Red is great, also, but I love when I'm able to work with blue, orange, green and brown, ALL IN THE SAME LAYOUT. Talent, folks!

09. Something you need to improve on?
Erm...probably, I think, colouring. I did pick up the knack from colouring challenges, but I'd like to work on that. (...And graphics.) (Side note: I want a manga colouring challenge site! :wub: I think it would be awesome if I had someone telling me what not to do/what I did incorrectly when I submit my entry and I lose horribly. Just throwin' out there; there might be one because I'm half blind.)

10. When it comes down to it... do you prefer making the layout or coding it?
I'm a programming whore, what do you think? :(

11. Name us some of your inspirations when designing!
This may sound a little weird, but...riding in a car. I see these sights, and the roads and trees and flowers, and I get this free feeling inside my chest, AND HELLO INSPIRATION! Maybe not so weird, but it works for me.

12. How long does it usually take you to design a layout?
It depends on the simple factor. For instance, Lirin's layout took insanely FOREVER, but I did Shinigami (this includes blending two images together, along with adjusting the navigation) in a snap.

13. What browser and screen resolution do you use?
Computers hate me, so I'm constantly switching. I was on a 1280 by 800 laptop until it broke down, and I went to a 1400 by 900 computer; however, I've always designed for 800 by 600 and below.

14. Have you ever thought of going into the Webdesign branch job-wise?
Yes, I have! It's been my dream; I will be going in for web development, of course.

15. Other graphics you enjoy making? (i.E. icons, wallpapers etc)
I like making icons, but I suck major...back-end wise, which is tragic, because I enjoy it so much! On the flip side, I make awesome-tastic wallpapers, because I'm not constricted by resolution/size (layout/icon), but I dread making them.

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / TAFL Survey!
« on: November 13, 2009, 04:00:43 PM »
[quote name='Shalott' post='270546' date='Nov 13 2009, 03:11 AM']I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU SHOULD *EVER* HAVE TO CLICK "BACK" TO NAVIGATE A SITE. I will absolutely not visit any site that cannot easily navigate from one page to any other page of my choosing. The "back forward home" links don't count as navigation - I don't really want to have to return to your index page every time I need to access the menu.

Mean? Maybe. Really, though - why go out of your way to make it hard for visitors to spend time on your site?

*wheezes* MAJOR, MAJOR PEEVE. /rant[/quote]
[quote name='Katze' post='270561' date='Nov 13 2009, 09:25 AM']Yesssssssssss. *SEETHES* Especially since FORWARD DOESN'T HELP UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY HAVE SOMEWHERE TO GO FORWARD *TO*, BECAUSE YOU'VE ALREADY CLICKED BACK (and thus you'll probably end up on the page you just left :|)

Really. Guys. There's nothing wrong with having an extra little bit of navigation on pages. If it's an aesthetic thing, make the links pretty.  Or. IDK. SOMETHING.

...Sorry guys, I mean no offense;  it just bothers me to no end DDDDDX It doesn't bother me as much if it's a list of articles or something to that effect, because yeah, it would just look bizarre to have your list of 20 articles linked on every single article page, but general fl business (join/codes/fans/whatever), quicklinks on the pages is the way to go.  It sucks because there are so many otherwise awesome sites that are ruined for me because of it XD;[/quote]
[quote name='Sarah' post='270564' date='Nov 13 2009, 09:58 AM']LOL, this is actually really interesting, cause I think half of my sites fall under that. *ponders* I would have never thought someone would be bothered by clicking "Fanlisting" once more to go back to the rest of the fanlisting pages aka join, members etc - I've never had a problem with it myself, so I just assumed neither did anyone else, aha. I can understand about being annoyed when one constantly has to go back to the index (maybe even without a link back there- that really drives me nuts sometimes >>; ) but yeah.. I guess I'm just not really picky with navigations, as long as it's clearly visible and I can find what I'm looking for.  :rofl: I don't really mind 1,2 "extra" clicks, haha.

*shall try and take this into consideration for the next fl* :sweatdrop:[/quote]
OK, I admit it, the "BACK", "FORWARD", "HOME" links do annoy me, and even if I did do that for my collective, I ran out of icon ideas, and three icons looked stupid. Just sayin'. I think I also fall under the category of having this type of navigation, though out of my four fanlistings, only one uses the "About", "Fanlisting", "Site", etc., and like Sarah, it doesn't bother me to click that consistently. That, and most of the time I have a sub-navigation if the fanlisting is split into sections, so the visitor can access important pages easily.

WHAT DOES BOTHER ME is having to turn on JavaScript on a particular site to activate navigation images, and sometimes I can't even find them/the links are dead for whatever reason; I do like being able to access any navigation easily without getting confused, so I do understand the irritation. That, and when there is no "home" link, because sometimes I'm too lazy to try and take out, say, "join.php" out of the address bar. ...Yeah, most of that's from laziness.

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / TAFL Survey!
« on: November 09, 2009, 01:53:48 PM »
[quote name='Yamila' post='270337' date='Nov 9 2009, 10:56 AM']20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
o_o eh... never thought about this (I don't tend to put people in groups...) but if I think of it, probably the ranks in Naruto (only that there are like 5/6 Sannin instead of 3 XD)
But like Marie, I also tend to associate people with characters xDDD Saya = Yuuko, Nekoi = Yoko, Wen = Neil, Marie = Ichigo, Mitzie = Kaname, Masao = Alle and so on xDDDD inb4 Mila = Graham[/quote]
I do unconsciously think of different members as characters! :blink: Marie is definitely Ichigo (I sometimes can't watch him without thinking "...Marie"), Estefania as Roy and Jackie as Rukia? :wub:

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Adoptions, definitely! There's sometimes less (but not always!) applying on other people's part, and for me, the rejection doesn't sting as much? Or maybe my emotions are shot...

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
IDK if the threads I have in mind are here and I'm blind, but threads like these! TFL (sorry for the reference!) has various threads in the TC forum about favourite music, favourite movies, favourite (fictional) characters, etc., and they are really fun. Now that I think of it, there are threads like those here, but I just like answering questions.

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
Sometimes various forms of ninjas come to mind on this one. No idea which ninjas, just ninjas. (Though the Senior Staff give up this kingly vibe, so I automatically think Zeus! Hades! Various Kings of England! I wanted to write a story based off the SS and their almighty power...)

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / TAFL Survey!
« on: November 07, 2009, 03:11:52 PM »
[quote name='Mitzrael' post='270106' date='Nov 5 2009, 07:20 PM'][quote name='Tess' post='270101' date='Nov 5 2009, 02:47 PM']From conversations with others, I think a number of people forget the staffers don't spend their entire lives staffing; it's an automatic (and incorrect) assumption for people to think that staffers handle situations like that all the time, and there's sometimes a general fear that staffers won't like us commoners. :wub: That's my two cents, anyway![/quote]That's an interesting way to see it indeed, but seriously we're not that scary :help: sure we have to put on a neutral tone most of the time when staffing and that I can think of there's no other tone beside 'formal' to do so x: I guess it can be off-putting but in order to not fall in bias or 'favor' friends/known members it must be used.

Anyway, it doesn't mean we don't have our own problems and lives like everybody else :blush: but, as I'm sure you've seen yourself we're just as any other person around, even if we carry additional responsibilities, and have fun at this :yahoo: community! :hug:
Despite the fact that I said I was petrified, I still enjoy TAFL and the staff here! I've worked with you and Rileth with the Songs category, and you both were/are so nice, it's stunning how much patience you have! Not saying we're all a handful, but I'm sure an angry/annoying fanlisting owner has made an appearance or two (...I may or may not be one of them? :)...).

No, I understand completely that you all have lives, and I love seeing you outside TAFL (that sounds bad), because even *I* sometimes forget, and I'm very much the believer in leave-fanlistings-at-the-computer stuff. As you said, everybody is just the same, if not a bit different!

[quote name='Courtney' post='270211' date='Nov 7 2009, 01:55 PM']17. Did you know...?
1~ That i hate all of my layouts? Don't know why, i seem to like them enough before coding, but after...
2~ That i mostly apply for EVIL characters? Evil is much cool in my mind. (No, seriously. I think i have 2 good fanlistings?)  :help:[/quote]
For 1, I understand this completely! It's so nifty in PSP/Photoshop/GIMP, but after it's coded and up, the dazzle has sizzled away. (Or maybe that's me.) As for number two, well...:heart: Evil = good, good = bad!

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / TAFL Survey!
« on: November 05, 2009, 02:47:36 PM »
[quote name='Marie' post='270044' date='Nov 4 2009, 01:59 PM']16. What's something you've always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I always wondered why people were so scared to talk to staffers, actually. Do we really give off this "RAWR! I'M GONNA EAT YOU!" feeling? Cause I swear, only one two a few actually would. :heart:[/quote]
I, personally, am quite petrified of the staffers (I'm shy, OK?), but I think maybe it's the tone? By that I mean, normally staffers/senior staffers recommend their staffers (+ themselves) use a professional tone of voice when staffing, to give it that neutral ground. I don't know if I'm explaining that right, but for instance someone sends me an approval e-mail (even if they are automated, but pretend they're not):

Yo! You got the [insert subject here] fanlisting! DUUUUDE, you're so lucky. The drill: build it, have fun, make a ton of codes and BE ON TIME. If you don't the whip will be out and ready. Chow, babycakes! ;D
I mean, I'd be a little put off if I received that, and would have a hard time taking it seriously. :heart: From conversations with others, I think a number of people forget the staffers don't spend their entire lives staffing; it's an automatic (and incorrect) assumption for people to think that staffers handle situations like that all the time, and there's sometimes a general fear that staffers won't like us commoners. :wub: That's my two cents, anyway!

[quote name='Sarah' post='270050' date='Nov 4 2009, 03:57 PM']15. What's your favorite avatar?
I actually really miss the times we had this Pretty-boy!theme going on and Chip and me were doing Massu and Tegoshi from NEWS, LOL. But then again, there's always the chance someone might overread the "pretty" part and do Takuya of UVER. Who was that again...? /runs

But currently, I really like Tess' icon! Hitsu! <3[/quote]
Heee, thanks, sweetness (it was me, right? :wub:)! I'm normally pretty terrible at icons, but it's hard to mess up Hitsu. :heart:

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / TAFL Survey!
« on: November 04, 2009, 02:16:26 PM »
01. Your name
Tess! It's not my real name, but I'm not comfortable giving it out just yet. I know, I know, the opposite of what this survey is for. :heart:

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
Four! I was constantly applying over at TFL, that by the time I did get my first fanlisting here, I was a bit more cautious with my trigger finger.

03. Do you have an FL collective?

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I was always aware of TAFL and it's existence, but I didn't actually starting applying until late 2007, early 2008, but didn't get approved until mid-2008.

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
Chrizta, Kibou and Ren hands down.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
Airi, Chrizta (NO, I don't have a hard-on for her!) and Kayleigh!

07. What’s your favorite category?
Adult! (OK, Relationships...which could be a bit Adult.)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
Characters 0-M (completely coincidental)

09. What’s your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Building! You just put so much love into a fanlisting, and you show it off, not because you think it's particularly amazing, but because your heart and soul lies in that fanlisting...most definitely.

10. What’s your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Link buttons, though I admit working with animation is more exciting than working with, say, real-life photography.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Sesshoumaru methinks!

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
O-M-G, I could look at this all day.

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Look at the active threads.

14. What is your favorite forum?
Off-Topic Chit-Chat...I know, something completely un-fanlisting related.

15. What’s your favorite avatar?
Everybody's but mine? :wub:

16. What’s something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
Why a good number of people use "sweat drops" (I was told that, excuse my ignorance!) ( ; ) on their smilies? I know it's a sign of nervousness, or something, so is everybody nervous when they speak to people all the time? (This isn't meant to be mean, just a general question. I tried asking a friend, but she was too busy laughing, that bimbo. :wub:)

17. Did you know…?
My first "anime" was Sailor Moon, but I don't remember anything about it? Trufax, dolls!

Questions for the Senior Staff / About Fanstuff
« on: September 08, 2009, 07:01:53 PM »
Apologies if this has been asked before - I looked back several pages, but I could've missed it!

I was browsing through Fanstuff more fanlistings to join, and was severely confused by the markup. Call me a TFL Baby, but when I tried to find Yaoi (in Fanfiction or FanArt form, it didn't matter to me), I assumed there would be "Genres" (like in the Adult category) or it would be listed under "General", but instead I found the fanlisting under Fanfiction, after browsing for long moments confused. I'm not 100% knowledgeable about Anime/Manga, but I do know quite a lot, and I was still so confused, I felt like a newbie or something browsing the category! :heart:

I'm wondering - asking, if you will - why this markup was chosen, and if in the future at some point a less confusing category structure will be used? I know it's not a necessity, and I did end up finding everything, but if it was confusing to me, somebody who has been with fanlistings (much less TFL/TAFL) for several years, I can't imagine how it would be someone who hasn't been in the fanlisting community for very long. ^_^

ETA: (since I can't reply directly) No, no - I was asking why it wasn't listed under it's own category (e.g. Genres, General, etc.), as it took me a while to actually find the fanlisting. What I was asking was: why are the fanlistings listed the way they are?

Thanks for answering, Jackie and Mitzrael! B) My question (or something) was answered. :yahoo:

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