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Messages - Mura

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Questions for the Senior Staff / About the button-code rule
« on: April 02, 2007, 03:17:13 AM »
That depends on the subject that the fanlisting is for. For instance, if it's for a character, yes. If it's for a relationship and it shows all the characters in the relationship, yes. If it's for a character group or a relationship but it doesn't show all the characters, or if it's for a series, episode, etc, no.

[quote name='Anonymous' post='197205' date='Mar 29 2007, 07:23 AM']Question number 1.

One of my fanlists was placed in the troubles because it was a combined fanlisting for more than one characters without any option of choosing who/which are your favourites. I'm trying to code a system that lets you choose your favorites but what would be most easy thing is to remove the single character names from TAFL's approved fl's list and list the fanlist under the name of the group in which these characters are.  Here's an example from TFL:

21 Jump Street
Hanson, Tom
Penhall, Doug
  • Jump Street Gang
  • thing is the one I'm after. I haven't seen any groups listed like this at TAFL. The second way to get my list out of troubles would be transferring the list into the category "Relationships", though it won't fit there so well, IMHO. (Though it's a relationship of somekind...)
  • [/quote]

    I'm sorry, but if you wanted to make a fanlisting for a group of characters, you should have applied for the group, not for the individual characters. Once a fanlisting for a particular subject is approved it is for THAT particular subject, and the staff is not going to simply change it to be something else. If at this point you realize that you do not want to run three individual fanlistings, the only thing you can do is close the three of them and apply for the group. We are not going to merge three approved fanlistings into a character group or into a relationship fanlisting, specially not as a quick and easy way out of troubles.

    That said, TAFL only approves very specific groups of characters. Please see
our rules for more information.

[quote name='Anonymous' post='197205' date='Mar 29 2007, 07:23 AM']Question number 2.

I have noticed the huge growth in the popularity of yaoi. "In the good ol' times" I joined fanlisting in the category Relationships just to show my support of two male character's friendship but now I've become a bit suspicious. Feels like most of the male/male relationship fanlistings are made for the yaoi relationship of those two, though "... if you like them as friends or as a couple..." is always mentioned in the rules/about of the fanlisting (as well in the rules/about of any male/female relationship fanlistings too).

So, Rivalries category has only rivalries listed in it but Relationships have friendships AND couples/threesomes/whatever. It would be great if friendship listings could be  listed in their own category and couples in their ow because it feels little crazy that the fanlist's owner is (for example) a yaoi fangirl, 99 % of the members are yaoi fangirls and there's this 1 % who joined the list to support the friendship, not the yaoi couple. To the majority those fanlistings still look like "oh wow, look how many fans SasuNaru has!", though there might be few fans of their friendship in the list too, unwillingly raising the number of SasuNaruists.

I have a female/male fanlisting of my own, and I made it thinking that it would be a fanlisting for their romantic relationship. I know that some people may not support their romantic relationship but would like to support their frienship or them being colleagues. This is impossible now. I wouldn't mind if someone would make a friendship fanlisting of those two characters because my listing is (though I accept all fans and continue to do so) for their romantic relationship.

Summary: different categories for non-romantic and romantic relationships?[/quote]

Back when TAFL was part of TFL, relationship FLs could be for either the platonic or romantic aspect of a relationship. TFL decided a long time ago  that fanlistings would cover all aspects of a relationship, and we inherited that particularity. I really don't foresee us deciding to revert to the way it used to be at this point in time.

Fanlistings at TAFL (and TFL) HAVE to cover all aspects of a relationship, so if you want your fanlisting listed here, it can't be just the couple's romantic relationship. However you are certainly free to focus on either the romantic or platonic aspect, whichever you preffer, in the layout or in the about section (if you have one), as long as you make it clear that you accept all fans; just as slash fans are perfectly free to make a layout focusing on the pontentially romantic aspect of their relationship of choice. :)

Downtime and Host Trouble / Domain downtime, troubles, and this forum
« on: March 24, 2007, 03:07:20 PM »
We've noticed that a lot of members of this community simply make a post in this forum when their domains/sites are down, yet they never actually contact the staff (be it category staffers or the Senior Staff) about their problems. Please note that posting in this forum is NOT a substitute for properly contacting the staff about downtime; this means that your fanlistings can still be troubled regardless of whether you have posted here.

Characters N-Z / Applying for game characters
« on: March 10, 2007, 08:00:11 PM »
If you are planning to apply for a character from an anime/manga adaptation of a game, please remember to use the comments field to supply more information that will help the applications staffer verify that the character is approvable at TAFL.

As I'm sure you are all aware, it would be pretty difficult for a staffer to be familiar with each and every anime/manga series ever created, which is why supplying links to pages with more information is always appreciated by the staff, as it enables us to process your application faster, but it is particularly important when applying for characters from these types of series. Very often, the websites that provide information for these series either won't provide information specific to the anime/manga adaptation, or they don't separate the information that pertains to it (meaning, they will have a character list, but it won't specify if the character is in both the game and the anime/manga, or just in one).

If the staffer is not familiar with the series and is unable to verify that the character is approvable, your application can not be approved. The staffer will usually email you back asking for more information, but it would make things a lot easier for everyone involved if you include the necessary information from the start.

Examples of things that can help us verify if the character is approvable are:
- Websites with information specific to the anime/manga version of the series (in this case, a list of characters that appear in it)
- Images that "prove" that the character is in the anime/manga (scans of pages of the manga, or screencaps from the anime)

Questions for the Senior Staff / The new rules
« on: March 07, 2007, 10:36:16 PM »
No, using fanart won't mean your fanlisting will be placed in troubles. What the rule means is that the layout has to clearly convey what you are approved for... in other words, if you are approved for a particular character or relationship, the layout (if you choose to use a graphic layout of course) should reflect that it is for THAT character or THAT relationship. It also means that if you are approved for the anime version of Reno but not the game version, your layouts should use images from the anime and NOT the game version. It also means that if you are approved for the Utena movie, your layout should use movie art, and NOT art from the manga or the TV anime series.

As long as the subject is clear, we aren't going to monitor whether you use official art or fanart. That said, please remember that it is very very very impolite to use fanart without express permission from the artist... and this a particularly touchy subject for japanese fanartists. I know plenty of cases where artists have closed their sites or restricted the IPs that can access them because of western fans taking art without permission.

/steps of soapbox

News and Announcements / New Senior Staffer!
« on: February 24, 2007, 06:22:56 PM »
[quote name='Dimmie' post='193246' date='Feb 24 2007, 05:20 PM']I'm yoi'd by your bigi, sensei.  :hug:  :hug:[/quote]

*snaps fingers and flings off jersey*


*stops with the fandom in-jokes*

News and Announcements / New Senior Staffer!
« on: February 24, 2007, 05:23:42 PM »
[quote name='Mizu' post='193235' date='Feb 24 2007, 04:21 PM']Congratulations, Boobitari Perestroika Homuncula sensei~!!![/quote]

Thank you, loyal minion Muzivitch!  :hug:

News and Announcements / New Senior Staffer!
« on: February 24, 2007, 05:12:23 PM »
Thanks, everyone!  :hug:

News and Announcements / New Senior Staffer!
« on: September 15, 2006, 02:18:58 PM »
Already did it over AIM, but [color=\"#993399\"]CONGRATS, SHELL!![/color] This is wonderful.  :hyper:

General Questions and Discussion / Just a question
« on: August 06, 2006, 02:01:23 PM »
Approvals are NOT decided on a first come, first serve basis, nor are they decided solely on who is a "better" designer.

A lot of factors come into play when the staff decides who to approve when there are multiple applicants, but I would say that in general, the most important ones tend to be how applicants take care of their fanlistings (whether they're often in troubles), how many fanlistings they own in the fandom, how many fanlistings they have upcoming and how many applications they've submited (basically, the more applications you have in, the less likely you are to be approved for any specific subject).

As far as webdesign goes, the importance varies depending on each staffer. In my own case, I CAN tell you that it's a factor that comes into play only after the ones mentioned above. Also, to me "good web design" does not mean having big pretty graphics or using a lot of brushes; to me good webdesign means a site is accesible, cross-browser compatible and easy to navigate and read.

Another thing that is very important is whether the person filled in the application correctly (for instance, including the series a subject is from).

As far as comments go, they don't make or break an application, in fact I only look at comments after I've weighed all the factors mentioned above. If there are multiple applicants and all other factors are equal, yes, I'm more likely to pick someone that took the time to say "thank you for reading" or to briefly explain why they like the subject (I used to write long comments, until I realized that staffers have to go through a lot of apps and that brief and to the point is better in most cases), or to provide links to sites with more information on the subject (not necesarily fansites though; but places with actual information in order to judge whether a subject is approvable). :hug:

General Questions and Discussion / questions
« on: June 29, 2006, 09:33:34 AM »
I actually find it very off-putting when I go to visit a brand new fanlisting, and I see "0 members". Generally my line of thinking is that the owner can't be that big a fan if they don't join themselves... until now it never occurred to me that some people thought you weren't supposed to.  :/

General Questions and Discussion / questions
« on: June 23, 2006, 09:06:23 AM »
From the Board Guidelines:

2) Individual posts solely promoting non-TAFL fanlistings are inappropriate and will be deleted (with possible warning of posters if it becomes a blatant disregard to the rule). If you are promoting all your fanlistings in one post which individually lists all your fanlistings (including non-TAFL fanlistings), that is allowed.

So no, it's not allowed. Sorry about that.  :D

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / PHPfanbase security fix
« on: May 01, 2006, 09:07:47 PM »
There's a new security fix available for users of PHPfanbase. See the post at TFL and the announcement at CodeGrrl for more information. :/

This fixes issues that had not been found (and therefore were not dealt with) in the fix that was posted late last year.

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / Enthusiast Security Fix Available - Nov 2008
« on: April 29, 2006, 12:37:32 PM »
Thanks for the heads up, Jackie.  :/

*will go through tutorial after lunch*

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / CodeGrrl PHP scripts vulnerability
« on: November 18, 2005, 06:40:29 PM »
[quote name='Daisy' date='Nov 18 2005, 02:39 PM']Thank you so much for posting this information before anything drastic could've happened!  I would love to switch to Enthusiast but it's confusing to me for some reason and I love my Fanbase!  *hugs it*  I've replaced all my protection.php files.  Thank you again!

Hmm... the CodeGrrl staff say that there are additional security flaws that they haven't fixed. So  the edited script won't necesarily be enough. Just so you know.

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