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Messages - Hanii

Pages: 1
Off-Topic Chit-Chat / What are you playing?
« on: September 24, 2010, 08:31:10 PM »
GYAAA. Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. :33333333 I'm practically giddy with excitement. :whistle:

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / Love at first sight manga/anime ~
« on: August 02, 2010, 01:38:36 AM »
...Negima!. o_o I won a free disk of it at a con back in April, and never really got around to watching it, but I downloaded it and put it on my iPod to watch at work. To my surprise, it was AMAZING. o________o I haven't totally finished it yet, but I'm almost done and I've become a HUGE fangirl. Last weekend, I even bought a matching pencil case, sharpener and pencils from Borders. o________________O

Hot Topics / Latest Rejections
« on: June 22, 2010, 12:43:46 PM »
The wonderful (...and sexy >_<) Hatori Sohma. But Marie's email was so lovely that it made me tear up and grin as if I had been approved. :heart: It only inspires me more to make him, eventually, a lovely shrine. I think all Furuba fans would agree he deserves one. ^__^

BEST of luck to the new owner!!! If you need anything at all, feel free to shout me an email. :3 <33333 Congratulations!!!!!!!!!

Hot Topics / Latest Rejections
« on: April 19, 2010, 04:59:56 PM »
[quote name='Tess' post='275979' date='Apr 19 2010, 09:47 AM']Aw, Tohru, but Inggrid's e-mail was really, really sweet, and left me smiling! I can't wait to see the new fanlisting! :flower: :bounce:[/quote]
Same here! :wtf: And same with Rin too. :hyper: Minus the whole new fanlisting thing with her. XD But oh well! Applying for both only inspired me to get back to work on my fansites for them. :wub:

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / Online Trading Card Games
« on: April 09, 2010, 08:27:19 PM »
[quote name='Chibi-chan' post='275685' date='Apr 9 2010, 06:15 PM']Also, re: card management script: I'm using a script called Card Manager, which is very neat. You do have to upload all the cards each time through FTP though, but I don't mind as I'm used to that. You can make as many sections as you like, which is why I prefer that over Marfisa's script.[/quote]
Yea, Card Manager is epic win. :birthday: I didn't find it confusing at all, but some did. However, once you get the hang of it, it's totally easy to use and crazy handy, especially when you master something. :birthday:

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / Online Trading Card Games
« on: April 08, 2010, 12:04:10 AM »
Holy crap. If you guys made one, I'd totally help in any way that I could. o_o I would 100% join one if it had pretty cards, which I'm sure it would created by you three. XD I still have a ton of scripts gathered that I used when I ran mine, too, if you need any (like crossword, wordsearch, etc.). :rofl:

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / Online Trading Card Games
« on: April 07, 2010, 11:48:04 AM »
I used to own a Harry Potter TCG last year and it was a lot of fun, but ended up not worth it with the member activity. XD However, I love TCGs! I'll probably end up joining one once summer gets here. :rofl:

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / What Are You Reading - Manga Version
« on: March 11, 2010, 11:40:06 AM »
Just finished Ouran vol 5. Moving on to Pita-ten next/tonight! :frustrated:

[quote name='Shalott' post='274416' date='Mar 11 2010, 02:14 AM']Done and done. :frustrated:[/quote]
Thank you so much. :lmao:

Hi! I really hate to bother you guys with something like this, but could I get my display and user name changed to Hanii? Thank you so much. :frustrated:

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / Last movie you watched?
« on: January 16, 2010, 06:45:25 PM »
The Game Plan!!! :winkiss: It starred one of my favorite wrestlers back in the day, the Rock (Dwayne Johnson!). It was truly touching and I recommend it to anyone that enjoys a cliche heartwarming film. :3

It also had a great ballet scene (I love dance/ballet), which was lovely even with the Rock's bulging muscles. XD It'll make you laugh, cry and learn a little about football if you're like me...and know nothing. XDDD

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / Do You Have a LiveJournal?
« on: January 14, 2010, 10:06:47 PM »
I just completely redid everything graphically (aside from my profile that massively needs redone o_o), but here's my LJ. Like most everyone's these days, just comment on the F/O post and I'll add you. :wub:

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / What Are You Reading - Manga Version
« on: January 14, 2010, 09:26:43 PM »
Finishing up Fruits Basket, then reading volume 2 of Night School, finishing Wish and finally reading Death Note! :hug:

(I rarely just read one manga at a time :wub:)

Off-Topic Chit-Chat / What Are You Reading - Manga Version
« on: December 29, 2009, 01:13:23 AM »
Currently alternating between Wish and Fruits Basket. :rolleyes: Once I finish Wish (only four volumes :rolleyes:), I'm moving on to Kamichama Karin Chu! :rofl:

Fanlistings Chit-Chat / TAFL Survey!
« on: December 13, 2009, 12:24:59 AM »
01. Your name
Hannah :)

02. Total number of TAFL fanlistings
Just one, and got a TAFL adoption today. :)

03. Do you have an FL collective?
Yes! :wave: It's here!

04. Who/What got you into TAFL?
I just decided it was about time I join here instead of casually stalking the boards as a guest. XD

05. Which fanlisting owners inspire you the most? (Limit 3!)
I'm sorry, but, as a new person, there aren't too many I know. D: I'm sure this will change soon.

06. Which fanlisting owners blow you away with their designs? (Limit 3!)
*points to #5* D:

07. What's your favorite category?
Characters (both). :)

08. Which category do you have the most fanlistings in?
I only have one in Characters, but I'm sure I'll probably end up with more in this category than the others. XD I've always been more a character oriented person I suppose. -_-

09. What's your favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Building/staring at endless photos of the subject. o_o Especially when it's someone/something yummy.

10. What's your least favorite part of the fanlisting process?
Gosh, pending! XD It's so nerve-wracking. haha That's why I usually make myself forget when I apply for things.

11. If you could apply for anything, no rules attached, what would it be?
Hmm...I'd say Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket right now. But totally no rules attached, I'd say the little drawings in Fruits Basket. XD The ones with speech bubbles with different figures representing each character. They constantly make me giggle.

12. Favorite fanlisting layout?
I really like the one for Sohma Hatori. :3

13. What’s the first thing you do when you sign on the boards?
Check the newly posted threads? XD

14. What is your favorite forum?
I don't know...I like it all. XD

15. What's your favorite avatar?
Eeer...? I'll come back to this later? :D

16. What's something you’ve always wondered about TAFL &/or fanlistings?
I always wondered why TAFL graphics are sooo vastly different than that of other networks, in a great way. They're always more truly thought out and I've found them to be such a totally different and unique style. It's really neat. n_n

17. Did you know...?
That I waste away a lot of hours where I should be working on the fanlisting staring at images relating to the fanlisting? o_o

18. Which do you prefer: applying for adoptions or applying at the Network?
Adoptions. :) They're more personal and, usually, more fun. :whistle:

19. If you could make any one thread at TAFL, what would it be?
I'd post a totally random thread that was about something like...Japanese Cuisine or like..."What's your favorite flavor onigiri?" XD

20. You associate (member/group) with (subject) ?
I associate...TAFL Developers with the one color of my wall. :)

21. Have you been through the adoption process?
Ooh yes. I've actually never really had a bad adoption on my end or on someone elses end. I've been rejected, of course, but rejections are nothing. ;) I just think adoptions are fun, in the end.

(Sorry I couldn't answer all of them. D: I'll probably come back and answer them after I've been here longer. :))

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