Question number 1.One of my fanlists was placed in the troubles because it was a combined fanlisting for more than one characters without any option of choosing who/which are your favourites. I'm trying to code a system that lets you choose your favorites but what would be most easy thing is to remove the single character names from TAFL's approved fl's list and list the fanlist under the name of the group in which these characters are. Here's an example from TFL:
21 Jump Street
Hanson, Tom
Penhall, Doug
- thing is the one I'm after. I haven't seen any groups listed like this at TAFL. The second way to get my list out of troubles would be transferring the list into the category "Relationships", though it won't fit there so well, IMHO. (Though it's a relationship of somekind...)
Question number 2.I have noticed the huge growth in the popularity of yaoi. "In the good ol' times" I joined fanlisting in the category Relationships just to show my support of two male character's friendship but now I've become a bit suspicious. Feels like most of the male/male relationship fanlistings are made for the yaoi relationship of those two, though "... if you like them as friends or as a couple..." is always mentioned in the rules/about of the fanlisting (as well in the rules/about of any male/female relationship fanlistings too).
So, Rivalries category has only rivalries listed in it but Relationships have friendships AND couples/threesomes/whatever. It would be great if friendship listings could be listed in their own category and couples in their ow because it feels little crazy that the fanlist's owner is (for example) a yaoi fangirl, 99 % of the members are yaoi fangirls and there's this 1 % who joined the list to support the friendship, not the yaoi couple. To the majority those fanlistings still look like "oh wow, look how many fans SasuNaru has!", though there might be few fans of their friendship in the list too, unwillingly raising the number of SasuNaruists.
I have a female/male fanlisting of my own, and I made it thinking that it would be a fanlisting for their romantic relationship. I know that some people may not support their romantic relationship but would like to support their frienship or them being colleagues. This is impossible now. I wouldn't mind if someone would make a friendship fanlisting of those two characters because my listing is (though I accept all fans and continue to do so) for their romantic relationship.
different categories for non-romantic and romantic relationships?