TFL member
Ekaterina has made an updated fork of Enthusiast that is compatible with PHP 7+. The fork is at Github:
Zipped file of current updated Enthusiast <<
Quoting the upgrade instructions from the Github page:
- Back up all your current Enthusiast configurations, files, and databases first.
- Take note of your database information in all your config.php files.
- Download an archive of this repository. Extract the archive.
- Replace your current enthusiast/ files with the public/enthusiast/ files from this repository.
- In every fanlisting folder, paste the config.sample.php file. Edit your database information and listing ID variable accordingly, and save it as config.php to overwrite your old one.
Clarification for #5: For each of your individual fanlistings, use the
config.sample.php file from the
public/samplefl/ folder.
Since Ekaterina does not post at TAFL, please post questions on
TFL's message forums.