I also have two TFL fanlistings looking for new homes - Please see http://board.thefanlistings.org/index.php?/topic/1864-feta-cheese-stuffed-animals-1-tafl/'>this post if interested.
Fanlisting has been adopted out!
Hey everyone,
I have decided to put this fanlistings up for adoption. If I cannot find a new owner for them by the end of the month, it will be closed.
Same rules as always: Keep all members and affiliates (if still active), make your own layout and content, keep codes with credit, I get fist dibs if you don't want it anymore.
Fanlisting up for adoption:
Yuugiou Duel Monsters / Yu-Gi-Oh! series (Anime/Manga series)
If you're interested in adopting it, please email me at rain@iceflowers.org (Adoption: Subject) with your name, email, URL and a short reason why you would like to adopt the fanlisting. Once I get a good application, the fanlisting will be gone!
Thanks for your interest!