Please be aware that we have recently updated our Board Rules/Guidelines so that they are more specific about promoting and posting links to Adult fanlistings. Please read the new rule over carefully and make note of it for your future posts.
The following is the new rule that has been added:
9) Posts or threads promoting fanlistings listed in the Adult category should be clearly marked.
The Anime Fanlistings Network is not responsible for the content or images found on any fanlistings its board members may link to.
If you post a link to an Adult fanlisting that contains explicit/graphic content or images you must add 'NSFW' to the title and include the following disclaimer in your post:
WARNING: This fanlisting contains graphic images that are not appropriate for persons under the age of 18 and may not be appropriate for your workplace. By clicking on this link you affirm that you are old enough to view this site and responsible for the content you view on it.