I'm so so so ecstatic to present this because it's one of my most favorite OTPs of all time in manga/anime. :hyper: Thank you Genevieve for making one of my fanlisting wishes come true! :wub: Anthy and Utena mean so much to me and their relationship in this series is phenomenal. I've loved this pairing since I was a young pre-teen. With all the time moving to a new state, getting the fanlisting up has been a slow process. I've only now finished the codes so the about section will come up later this week, but it's very joinable! I kept the name of the fanlisting because it suited the pair so much. :wub:
Effloresco - Anthy Himemiya & Utena Tenjou[/size]
Affiliates are very welcome! I'll take any Utena related fanlistings/websites.
Feel free to join my other Utena related fanlistings!