An error in several GodeGrrl PHP scripts has been found that can potentially let a malicious web user read any file on your website, upload their own files, or otherwise cause mischief and mayhem. The vulnerable scripts are:
PHPCurrently version 2.0 and prior
PHPQuotes version 1.0 and prior
PHPCalendar version 1.0 and prior
PHPClique version 1.0 and prior
PHPFanBase version 2.1 and priorInput passed to the "siteurl" parameter in "protection.php" isn't properly verified, before it is used to include files. This can be exploited to include arbitrary files from external and local resources.
If you have the ability to edit the php.ini file (PHP configuration file) on your webserver, set the "register_globals" variable to "off".*
If you do not have the ability to edit the configuration file, consider using an alternate script system until a new version is provided that fixes the vulnerability.
OR, if you are an uber PHP guru, you can edit protection.php yourself to make sure the siteurl variable has not been tainted.
References:*NOTE: I do not know if setting "register_globals" to "off" will break any of the scripts.
EDIT: That will teach me to multi-task while trying to process someone else's code. I incorrectly diagnosed the problem from the security advisories above. Text of post changed to reflect actual threat. Thread opened for discussion and sharing of suggestions of how to ensure the siteurl variable is not tainted.